Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fanta.8049


Ahh forget it . maybe we got some change in march 18 , but not enough to make ele viable again .I think Anet got no ideal for us , gg for they. Try hard or die with high risk .
No hope since the day they update torment ,stupid condition ,stack like bleed, deal dmg every sec like bleed ,and DOUBLE the dmg when moving ….
why not just deal dmg when moving and stack duration only .. ?

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


the patch is not coming on the 18th for balance.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morderger.6298


People don’t realize that the burst from an ele is a huge cost to it. Meaning if it is dodge or misses you are now on 20+ seconds of dealing mediocre damage and are open for being focused. Ele is not running around like thief porting in and out of combat hitting for 3-12k damage. One random dodge or ageis will throw your whole combo off and now you have to keep pressure on with auto attacks that barely break 1k damage.

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Honestly, I wonder how much is it that ele’s need a buff and how much is it that no one in this forum shares or discusses builds. If you look at other forums all the other classes combine collective experience to maximize their collective success.

Here everyone is secretive and wants to keep what they know to themselves. There may be a build out there that’s competitive but only one guys knows it. Or maybe no one knows it, but three guys each have a piece.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


Honestly, I wonder how much is it that ele’s need a buff and how much is it that no one in this forum shares or discusses builds. If you look at other forums all the other classes combine collective experience to maximize their collective success.

Here everyone is secretive and wants to keep what they know to themselves. There may be a build out there that’s competitive but only one guys knows it. Or maybe no one knows it, but three guys each have a piece.

if the whole Elementalist subforum (aside from staff zergers) agree on the few crucial points, isn’t that at least an hint to where the class is atm? Ok then know this is the end of a process, which included in these past months since release an in-depth analysis of most -if not all- the possible acceptable combinations.
Unless the upcoming balance patch includes some hidden true boost to the class, nothing is gonna change, Elementalist will still be non-rewarding to play.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Maybe, but every class has weaknesses that people can comment on. My only point is your collective obsession with secrecy (which does not appear elsewhere) may actually be hurting you.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


Maybe, but every class has weaknesses that people can comment on. My only point is your collective obsession with secrecy (which does not appear elsewhere) may actually be hurting you.

Where did you get the idea that people are hiding their builds? You’ll see builds posted here and there if you look deep enough because it’s usually covered by posts regarding how weak the class is. Or maybe there is no powerful build that can compete against any class to hide.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Honestly, I wonder how much is it that ele’s need a buff and how much is it that no one in this forum shares or discusses builds. If you look at other forums all the other classes combine collective experience to maximize their collective success.

Here everyone is secretive and wants to keep what they know to themselves. There may be a build out there that’s competitive but only one guys knows it. Or maybe no one knows it, but three guys each have a piece.

To be fair build combinations aren’t really all that different. We don’t really give to much spotlight to rehashes. Which is something I do like about the Ele forums.

Mesmer forums are filled with 20/20/30/x/x builds change a trait but keep prismatic understanding maybe change the rune or run a different sigil and give it a fancy name.

If you come here and post a x/x/x/20/30 D/D build you didnt do anything different tbh because a simple understanding of damage will tell you that you didn’t. Ele forums will tell you that you didn’t do much different and your thread will die.

a x/x/20/30 build in full zerker wont do as much damage as a 30/30/x/x zerker, I don’t care what traits you took in the 20 water/30 arcana.

The secretive part of peoples builds is gear. Trait choices are easy to spot and you just figure out a rough estimate of gear watching any youtube video of that person.

There is very little damage reduction difference between 2560 armor and 2620 armor. HP levels are personal preference. So that leaves power and crit chance w/ crit damage. Not much difference between 50 crit damage and 60 crit damage that is going to make you viable or not viable.

Healing power scales decently on ele but if the base is already high why put points toward healing power when you already are putting 50 trait points and 500 stat points not toward offense? The base build has alot to do with what you can do with it but gear can only let you do so much. 0/0/10/30/30 guardian builds are worse then a ele build if you try to make it dps. You must move trait points or take many different traits to make a significant impact on a build on the player end.

In the end 30 air fresh air S/D builds, 20 water, 30 arcana d/d builds don’t have much difference and if you are hung up on the stats you are pinching pennies.

We need meaningful buffs to help with survivability so Ele’s are more comfortable not relying on water and arcana so much. Though water is all about condition removal and any decent build for all classes takes condition management traits.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


The only damage buff ele needs is sustainability across the few weapons they have. Staff needs some help, they are one trick ponies in tpvp that i walk up and down on. EVERYTHING on staff is over telegraphed and most of it, why even dodge? Just strafe and save the dodge for something more important.

Survival buffs need to be integrated into the weapon sets and not traits, i like glass cannons and that doesnt include defensive traits. Thief as glass doesn’t have to trait for the excessive evades, stealth, and mobility. We should have some improved ‘standard’ defensive capability. I don’t want brainless defensive mechanics. Extra toughness on Rock Barrier for example, maybe also adding a short duration of protection. Frost Aura granting some extra healing power during its duration to help give your healing a boost when you really need it.

Idk, I could bounce a lot of idea’s out there. But Anet won’t read or care about them.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

This is a pretty good point itself. lol

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

This is a pretty good point itself. lol

Thieves don’t need major nerfs… They are pretty much in the middle of the pack (a little above maybe) when it comes to tpvp.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lawful.5314


Already posted this in another post but w/e.

Elementalist in general needs a big buff, or rework in every single aspect.
Damage, survivability, cooldowns, effects, everything needs an overhaul.
Currently playing elementalist, i feel like this Jack of All trades, but not even novice in all.
You can do basically everything, but that everything is so sub-par and weak, that it doesnt even matter, because it makes no difference.
You would imagine that a class with long cooldowns, high animation, long delay and no mobility, would have some sick damage, but it doesn’t, there is no reward for being a elementalist currently, but thats the PvP aspect of the game.
In PvP we do not even do as much damage with our strongest nukes, as a thief can do with his auto attacks, so yeah.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Can anybody link me a good D/D bunk build ? I’ve been been practicing all day , it’s not that bad but the dmg only comes from 3-4 skills … I need a good build that is able to proc fury or something to use Valkyrie amulet instead of PVT.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


GW2 dev failed to be an e sport game when the game was still new, because it was so badly balanced, all that because dev like to play thief.
Whatever they do now, it’s already too late to make it a popular e sport game, so they wont work hard to make it fair and wil protect their stupid stealth meta.

If i don’t try to win, i can hold 15-30min 1vs1 agaisnt any thief with any build (most of them don’t stand a chance), but i would have no chance to kill him if he doesn’t want to really try because of the stealth+dmg+ insane mobility.

What gw2 really need, not only ele, is to nerf stealth to make it like every decent online game. You take a hit, you lose your stealth, or to add at least a skill to detect stealth to every class or to rangers and those in group with them, to make people want to play with them. That would also force the thief to learn to dodge and play.
For warrior, drop at least half of the regen possibility of the op noob build. Most of warrior can be killed, but if there is one who also know how to dodge, it’s impossible for an ele to outdmg the regen.

As long as every class wont be usefulll in tpvp, gw2 tpvp will be a big fail. Dev should stop to protect the class they are playing and make it a viable game.

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

(edited by Truebanana.5936)

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


That will happen to any class because it is 8 professions and 5 roles. There will always be a best. Top meta is Engineers over Necromancers now go figure right? Engi’s didn’t get any new significant buffs but Necro’s got some nerfs now the Engi fills the role better then the Necro. The engi was always on the heels of Necro for condition pressure.

The warrior or thief was always on the heels of Elementalist after nerfs to Ele and buffs to Warriors and Thief being unique with mobility and stealth access seemingly on demand this knocked the Elementalist out of it’s role.

Ele isn’t terrible it just isn’t better at any role then another class. Your role have certain tasks you MUST be able to do. If you can’t do those tasks better then the Thief, Warrior, Guardian. Why take you if the goal is to win.

This issue of roles sadly won’t be solved until there are new game modes in s/tPvP.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Can anybody link me a good D/D bunk build ? I’ve been been practicing all day , it’s not that bad but the dmg only comes from 3-4 skills … I need a good build that is able to proc fury or something to use Valkyrie amulet instead of PVT.

Too lazy for armor and all that jazz but this is the basic. I changed traits and sigils. Sigil of battle is IMPORTANT if u want damage with a valk set.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: McFribble.2349


People don’t realize that the burst from an ele is a huge cost to it. Meaning if it is dodge or misses you are now on 20+ seconds of dealing mediocre damage and are open for being focused. Ele is not running around like thief porting in and out of combat hitting for 3-12k damage. One random dodge or ageis will throw your whole combo off and now you have to keep pressure on with auto attacks that barely break 1k damage.

Or you could switch Attunements, and keep dishing out hard hits with great utility… Lets not act like Elementalists don’t have cool downs on par with almost every other class in the game, AND have access to four weapon skill bars on the fly. I’m not saying Eles are amazing, but part of the problem I see with a lot of Eles in WvW is that they stick to one attunement and never switch. It is the equivalent of a Warrior who never switches weapons; it makes zero sense.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

When have you seen it hit up to 16k+ on a level 80? I used to run ALL GLASS (full zerker 20/30/10/10) and the most i think i ever got backstabbed for was 12k. I’ve only seen backstabs that high on uplevels. Even then, i’ve firegrabbed uplevels for 20k+ so its not really a huge feat to hit that hard.

I dont disagree that thieves can be frustrating to fight but there is so much misinformation on this forum.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Or you could switch Attunements, and keep dishing out hard hits with great utility… Lets not act like Elementalists don’t have cool downs on par with almost every other class in the game, AND have access to four weapon skill bars on the fly. I’m not saying Eles are amazing, but part of the problem I see with a lot of Eles in WvW is that they stick to one attunement and never switch. It is the equivalent of a Warrior who never switches weapons; it makes zero sense.

The Problem with ele:

1) forced into Water and Arcane trait lines
2) forced into Toughness and Vitality gear
3) Insane cool downs on defensive skills that are WORSE than comparable ones of other classes who also deal better damage, have more health, have more armor and more sustainability.

Some classes have no need to switch. A Hammer warrior for example, Most Thief builds for another example. I could EASILY go whole fights on my other classes without even needing to think about switching weapon – Ele have no choice thanks to the fact they have insane cool downs on weapon skills that mean they are mostly just auto attacking most of the time.

Our attunements will NOT save us. It will simply delay the inevitable against certain builds/classes.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

When have you seen it hit up to 16k+ on a level 80? I used to run ALL GLASS (full zerker 20/30/10/10) and the most i think i ever got backstabbed for was 12k. I’ve only seen backstabs that high on uplevels. Even then, i’ve firegrabbed uplevels for 20k+ so its not really a huge feat to hit that hard.

I dont disagree that thieves can be frustrating to fight but there is so much misinformation on this forum.

I have seen hit hit 16k, because it has on me. This was when i had just over 1,600Toughness and 18k health….

It DOES happen. Most of the time its in the 6-12k range, but it DOES hit that 16k depending on the build.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: McFribble.2349


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

A skill that requires the player to be positioned behind his target, within stealth, and needs to be traited to assure a crit, is hardly in need of a ridiculously long cool down, let alone 30-40 (more than some heavy duty utility skills in this game). I know everyone has been on the thief hate train since this games release, but lets not “fix” something by breaking it. Actively nerfing a skill into uselessness is NOT how one fixes a game, no matter how much YOU dislike it.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

A skill that requires the player to be positioned behind his target, within stealth, and needs to be traited to assure a crit, is hardly in need of a ridiculously long cool down, let alone 30-40 (more than some heavy duty utility skills in this game). I know everyone has been on the thief hate train since this games release, but lets not “fix” something by breaking it. Actively nerfing a skill into uselessness is NOT how one fixes a game, no matter how much YOU dislike it.

Like stealth is hard to get, they can perma stealth with ease in most builds. So that means nothing. Oh so hard to get behind someone when they dont know you are there because you have perma stealthed up to them…Oh wait.

They are on the “hate train” because it has SO many broken mechanics that mean that its an easy class to play:

Stealth: Broken
Burst damage: Broken
Initiative: Broken. Plus a failed experiment by Anet.

Perma Stealth: Broken
Perma Evade: Broken.

when you spend like 90% of your time in stealth. It says a lot
when you spend most of the fighting spamming evades/dodges. It says a lot.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Can anybody link me a good D/D bunk build ? I’ve been been practicing all day , it’s not that bad but the dmg only comes from 3-4 skills … I need a good build that is able to proc fury or something to use Valkyrie amulet instead of PVT.

Too lazy for armor and all that jazz but this is the basic. I changed traits and sigils. Sigil of battle is IMPORTANT if u want damage with a valk set.

Ok thanks I’m gonna try it out . But ele ‘s have no stability besides from armor of earth? I hate fighting warriors when I’m not on my warrior . Stun lock is what kills me everytime.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: McFribble.2349


The Problem with ele:

1) forced into Water and Arcane trait lines
2) forced into Toughness and Vitality gear
3) Insane cool downs on defensive skills that are WORSE than comparable ones of other classes who also deal better damage, have more health, have more armor and more sustainability.

Some classes have no need to switch. A Hammer warrior for example, Most Thief builds for another example. I could EASILY go whole fights on my other classes without even needing to think about switching weapon – Ele have no choice thanks to the fact they have insane cool downs on weapon skills that mean they are mostly just auto attacking most of the time.

Our attunements will NOT save us. It will simply delay the inevitable against certain builds/classes.

1. Kind of like how Warriors (the class everyone likes to kitten about) are forced into Defense? But its okay (and even OP) if other classes do it.
2. You aren’t FORCED into any gear. If you think full Zerker Warriors (again, because people LOVE to complain) with no traits or points in Defense are still able to take hits without going down, you are delusional. This is taking into consideration that Warriors actually need to enter zergs to fight, where Eles can safely bomb zergs from the rear lines.
3. You got only ONE thing right on this one; the cool downs are too kitten long. But to think they are WORSE is laughable. Sure, other classes may be able to deal more single target damage by the numbers, but Ele is still king of AoE damage, and can dish it out uninterrupted from a large distance away.

You say some classes don’t need to switch to win in a fight. Well, Eles are no different. In both cases, the players of both classes are idiots for not utilizing the benefits with ZERO tradeoffs for having a second set of weapons skill (4 in the Eles case).

Again, Eles are not an easy class to win with. They may be on the lower end of the class “tier list” due to long cool downs on good defensive skills. They are FAR from useless however, and with the right map positioning and knowing your attunements left and right, Eles can be a powerhouse.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

A skill that requires the player to be positioned behind his target, within stealth, and needs to be traited to assure a crit, is hardly in need of a ridiculously long cool down, let alone 30-40 (more than some heavy duty utility skills in this game). I know everyone has been on the thief hate train since this games release, but lets not “fix” something by breaking it. Actively nerfing a skill into uselessness is NOT how one fixes a game, no matter how much YOU dislike it.

Like stealth is hard to get, they can perma stealth with ease in most builds. So that means nothing. Oh so hard to get behind someone when they dont know you are there because you have perma stealthed up to them…Oh wait.

They are on the “hate train” because it has SO many broken mechanics that mean that its an easy class to play:

Stealth: Broken
Burst damage: Broken
Initiative: Broken. Plus a failed experiment by Anet.

Perma Stealth: Broken
Perma Evade: Broken.

when you spend like 90% of your time in stealth. It says a lot
when you spend most of the fighting spamming evades/dodges. It says a lot.

Thing about perma evade thief builds like with s/d or even s/p for that matter is that they aren’t actively trying to evade anything. They are hoping you spam your big stuff and they get lucky and evade it. If you use a little patience let them blow their initiative then open on them. S/P thieves want you to try and attack them while they evade otherwise you can move out of it. S/D thieves usually auto attack chain then flanking strike to evade in for a much safer CnD.

Evade spam isn’t really a problem imo on thieves its annoying but you just have to throttle back just a little you would do the same to any class.

D/p is well very annoying to fight especially when the person is nothing but backstab damage waiting for you to make a mistake and they get lucky crits.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

A skill that requires the player to be positioned behind his target, within stealth, and needs to be traited to assure a crit, is hardly in need of a ridiculously long cool down, let alone 30-40 (more than some heavy duty utility skills in this game). I know everyone has been on the thief hate train since this games release, but lets not “fix” something by breaking it. Actively nerfing a skill into uselessness is NOT how one fixes a game, no matter how much YOU dislike it.

Like stealth is hard to get, they can perma stealth with ease in most builds. So that means nothing. Oh so hard to get behind someone when they dont know you are there because you have perma stealthed up to them…Oh wait.

They are on the “hate train” because it has SO many broken mechanics that mean that its an easy class to play:

Stealth: Broken
Burst damage: Broken
Initiative: Broken. Plus a failed experiment by Anet.

Perma Stealth: Broken
Perma Evade: Broken.

when you spend like 90% of your time in stealth. It says a lot
when you spend most of the fighting spamming evades/dodges. It says a lot.

Have you ever even played a thief? They do not “get perma stealth easily”. They do not spend 90% of their time in stealth. By nature, for them to backstab you, would require them to get the revealed buff, causing them to go out of stealth for at least four seconds… If they were to spend 90% of their time in stealth, they would need to backstab you once every 40 seconds to ensure that they spend 36 seconds in stealth because stealth is necesary to backstab.

So now you “spam dodges”… I’ll give you a hint: you don’t ever spam dodges. You’re wasting them if you do. When a thief goes in stealth, you cast aoes on top of yourself, keep moving directions so it’s hard for him to hit your back, blind him before he goes into stealth, go invuln, cantrip away, give yourself protection, activate frost armor, plus many more options.

As to the person that says he got crit for 16k… do you have any evidence? The burden of proof is on you. I find it very hard to believe that you got hit for 16k with 1.6k toughness, even if the thief was running the 15% dmg signet + all glass.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Actually, thieves need major nerfs, while eles only need minor buffs.

All they need is a 30-40second cool down on Backstab. The skill hits for WAY to much for it not to have a cool down, well i guess the 4 second delay on being able to use stealth again is a minor cool down. But for a skill that can hit up to 16k+ It needs to be at least 30-40seconds.

A skill that requires the player to be positioned behind his target, within stealth, and needs to be traited to assure a crit, is hardly in need of a ridiculously long cool down, let alone 30-40 (more than some heavy duty utility skills in this game). I know everyone has been on the thief hate train since this games release, but lets not “fix” something by breaking it. Actively nerfing a skill into uselessness is NOT how one fixes a game, no matter how much YOU dislike it.

Like stealth is hard to get, they can perma stealth with ease in most builds. So that means nothing. Oh so hard to get behind someone when they dont know you are there because you have perma stealthed up to them…Oh wait.

They are on the “hate train” because it has SO many broken mechanics that mean that its an easy class to play:

Stealth: Broken
Burst damage: Broken
Initiative: Broken. Plus a failed experiment by Anet.

Perma Stealth: Broken
Perma Evade: Broken.

when you spend like 90% of your time in stealth. It says a lot
when you spend most of the fighting spamming evades/dodges. It says a lot.

Have you ever even played a thief? They do not “get perma stealth easily”. They do not spend 90% of their time in stealth. By nature, for them to backstab you, would require them to get the revealed buff, causing them to go out of stealth for at least four seconds… If they were to spend 90% of their time in stealth, they would need to backstab you once every 40 seconds to ensure that they spend 36 (36/40 = 90%) seconds in stealth because stealth is necesary to backstab.

So now you “spam dodges”… I’ll give you a hint: you don’t ever spam dodges. You’re wasting them if you do. When a thief goes in stealth, you cast aoes on top of yourself, keep moving directions so it’s hard for him to hit your back, blind him before he goes into stealth, go invuln, cantrip away, give yourself protection, activate frost armor, plus many more options.

As to the person that says he got crit for 16k… do you have any evidence? The burden of proof is on you. I find it very hard to believe that you got hit for 16k with 1.6k toughness, even if the thief was running the 15% dmg signet + all glass.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


As to the person that says he got crit for 16k… do you have any evidence? The burden of proof is on you. I find it very hard to believe that you got hit for 16k with 1.6k toughness, even if the thief was running the 15% dmg signet + all glass.

I have no need for proof. I know it happened. That is all that matters to me. Who really cares what people online think…

All i know about him was that he was using 2 Legendary daggers and used Bask Venom.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


ele ’s have no stability besides from armor of earth?

We have three sources of stability:
Armor of Earth, as you know.
Tornado, which is a powerful transform but very situational and locks you out of all other skills.
Rock Solid, a major master (20 point) earth trait, which gives stability to you and nearby allies when you attune to earth. Very useful, but it relies on having earth attunement off cooldown.

Other regularly-used skills that help against stunlocks:
Mist Form, a long-cooldown cantrip that gives complete invulnerability for 3s - though you’re locked out of all skills and conditions still tick.
Arcane Shield, also with a long cooldown, though it doesn’t lock out all your skills like Mist Form. 3 blocks, or 5 seconds, whichever runs out first. Will deal with most stun chains - but against someone with fast attacks (like a thief that knows to autoattack it down, or a MM necro with their pets, or a shortbow ranger) it’s pretty useless.

Oh, and Ash:

I have no need for proof. I know it happened. That is all that matters to me. Who really cares what people online think...

This is your problem. You don’t want to learn facts because you’ve convinced yourself that your ideas are completely true already. It’s like you have some sort of "I suck" religion.
You will never do well if you won’t listen to other people and consider their suggestions/ideas. A pro player who sticks with their build if it gets nerfed to hell... isn’t actually a pro player.

All i know about him was that he was using 2 Legendary daggers

Do you know how much more damage legendary gear does compared to ascended? Or even exotic? Hint: it’s not over 9000.

(edited by cheese.4739)

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


This is your problem. You don’t want to learn facts because you’ve convinced yourself that your ideas are completely true already. It’s like you have some sort of “I suck” religion.
You will never do well if you won’t listen to other people and consider their suggestions/ideas. A pro player who sticks with their build if it gets nerfed to hell… isn’t actually a pro player.

All i know about him was that he was using 2 Legendary daggers

Do you know how much more damage legendary gear does compared to ascended? Or even exotic? Hint: it’s not over 9000.

Like i said, i don’t have to prove anything. I couldn’t care less if a bunch of people on the internet don’t believe me. I know what happened. I know the damage i took, was it a fluke? who knows all i do know is that i took 16k damage in ONE hit from Backstab.

Did i say it was, simply stating that i know what he was. The fact he can afford 2 Legendary daggers you can bet the rest of his gear was ascended as well. Shows the thing that Anet said wouldn’t happen – That being Power creep has been in the game pretty much from the start.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


Ash, are you NA or EU?

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Ash, are you NA or EU?

I am on EU

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: katniss.6735


Every patch is adding something new, instead of giving us back what was good and taken away.

We need more vitality, more passive healing from signet, warriors need wayyyyyyyy less healing. Ride the lightning needs a shorter cd, and cleansing fire needs to be a stun-breaker again. All of these great things the ele had were taken away. Being able to use ether renewal in mist form was also taken away because they have no clue how to balance anything with this class.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

One note here about thieves, because I saw someone post something that was factually wrong and I feel an obsessive need to correct that regardless of who it helps, is that backstab doesn’t actually require you to be behind your target. It also hits for full damage from the sides, which makes it vastly easier to land.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anirri.4156


Honestly those who cry about thief being OP need to play one in PVE. PVE thiefs are more kill able then an ELE. i play both both are 80. i DON’T pvp or WvW i DO PVE and raid. And honestly i have an easier time on my ele then thief. they hit the thief’s HP pool and defense. and now they hit the crit rate. I do agree that ele needs a total rework but they also need to find ways to fix classes in pvp and WvW without destroying them in PvE

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morderger.6298


People don’t realize that the burst from an ele is a huge cost to it. Meaning if it is dodge or misses you are now on 20+ seconds of dealing mediocre damage and are open for being focused. Ele is not running around like thief porting in and out of combat hitting for 3-12k damage. One random dodge or ageis will throw your whole combo off and now you have to keep pressure on with auto attacks that barely break 1k damage.

Or you could switch Attunements, and keep dishing out hard hits with great utility… Lets not act like Elementalists don’t have cool downs on par with almost every other class in the game, AND have access to four weapon skill bars on the fly. I’m not saying Eles are amazing, but part of the problem I see with a lot of Eles in WvW is that they stick to one attunement and never switch. It is the equivalent of a Warrior who never switches weapons; it makes zero sense.

Please explain these hard hitting abilities in other attunements that you have available after your burst rotation. You cannot sustain in combat as well as other classes while their autos apply massive condis or damage. While you just burned 3 attunements, where usually the only one open is water, or wait a few seconds for earth or air to pop back up.

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Honestly, I wonder how much is it that ele’s need a buff and how much is it that no one in this forum shares or discusses builds. If you look at other forums all the other classes combine collective experience to maximize their collective success.

That’s because we have in the past, and people continue to complain because they cannot manage to make them work.

It’s not build, gear or stats. It’s about a mindset, and a lot of practice, and most people would rather complain about things than actually trying to make it work.

And if this sounds condescending, I apologize, but I’ve been there too. I’ve complained like the best of them, yelled at the elitists…until I got that click and realized they were right. Ele is about player skill and you need to play well to make them work. You have no gear to fall back on. It’s not funny but it’s true.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


1) One of the higher skill requirement classes.
2) Most squishy class.
3) Wasted points in arcana and boon duration is a must. This leads to there being very few points available. Other classes have no problem crossing 2.5k armor and 3k attack mark, but eles do if you want to build for decent precision and crit damage.

Make 10 second recharge on attunements default, or no recharge at all with all attunement swapping buffs removed(or 10s cooldowns). Similar to engineer kits.

@devs, stop playing warriors and roll some eles, experiment with non arcana builds.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: McFribble.2349


People don’t realize that the burst from an ele is a huge cost to it. Meaning if it is dodge or misses you are now on 20+ seconds of dealing mediocre damage and are open for being focused. Ele is not running around like thief porting in and out of combat hitting for 3-12k damage. One random dodge or ageis will throw your whole combo off and now you have to keep pressure on with auto attacks that barely break 1k damage.

Or you could switch Attunements, and keep dishing out
hard hits with great utility… Lets not act like Elementalists don’t have cool downs on par with almost every other class in the game, AND have access to four weapon skill bars on the fly. I’m not saying Eles are amazing, but part of the problem I see with a lot of Eles in WvW is that they stick to one attunement and never switch. It is the equivalent of a Warrior who never switches weapons; it makes zero sense.

Please explain these hard hitting abilities in other attunements that you have available after your burst rotation. You cannot sustain in combat as well as other classes while their autos apply massive condis or damage. While you just burned 3 attunements, where usually the only one open is water, or wait a few seconds for earth or air to pop back up.

Shockwave: Decent damage with a nice bleed, that immobilizes your target
Erruption: Good damage and a 3k (minimum) bleed

Lightening Surge: Good damage and causes blindness
+ a movement and stun skill for heavy escapes

Ice Spike: Decent damage and causes Vulnerability with 5 stacks.

All of it hurts.

This isn’t even taking into consideration that you can activate Arcane skills while knocked down/stunned or without canceling your channels, and if traited, will be used just as often as your weapon skills. This means you’ll always have Arcane Blast available no matter what attunement you currently have.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morderger.6298


People don’t realize that the burst from an ele is a huge cost to it. Meaning if it is dodge or misses you are now on 20+ seconds of dealing mediocre damage and are open for being focused. Ele is not running around like thief porting in and out of combat hitting for 3-12k damage. One random dodge or ageis will throw your whole combo off and now you have to keep pressure on with auto attacks that barely break 1k damage.

Or you could switch Attunements, and keep dishing out
hard hits with great utility… Lets not act like Elementalists don’t have cool downs on par with almost every other class in the game, AND have access to four weapon skill bars on the fly. I’m not saying Eles are amazing, but part of the problem I see with a lot of Eles in WvW is that they stick to one attunement and never switch. It is the equivalent of a Warrior who never switches weapons; it makes zero sense.

Please explain these hard hitting abilities in other attunements that you have available after your burst rotation. You cannot sustain in combat as well as other classes while their autos apply massive condis or damage. While you just burned 3 attunements, where usually the only one open is water, or wait a few seconds for earth or air to pop back up.

Shockwave: Decent damage with a nice bleed, that immobilizes your target
Erruption: Good damage and a 3k (minimum) bleed

Lightening Surge: Good damage and causes blindness
+ a movement and stun skill for heavy escapes

Ice Spike: Decent damage and causes Vulnerability with 5 stacks.

All of it hurts.

This isn’t even taking into consideration that you can activate Arcane skills while knocked down/stunned or without canceling your channels, and if traited, will be used just as often as your weapon skills. This means you’ll always have Arcane Blast available no matter what attunement you currently have.

Shockwave will not hit a moving target. Unreliable.
Erruption will not hit moving target. Unreliable
Lightning surge is decent, but 10sec cooldown. Can not sustain with it.
Gust unreliable unless on top of target.
Ice Spike will not hit a moving target. Unreliable
Arcane skills = 20-30sec cooldown, can not sustain
Fire skills- will not hit moving targets, Fireball is decent damage but if target jumps or side steps, you miss, now have 1 sec cast time again.

but like I said, after your burst rotation an ele is a sitting duck because you had to blow your CC’s in order to land your burst, if it lands.

I believe ele would be in a good spot if other classes were toned down, as they will buffed as the ele was nerfed every patch.

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: McFribble.2349


Shockwave will not hit a moving target. Unreliable.
Erruption will not hit moving target. Unreliable
Lightning surge is decent, but 10sec cooldown. Can not sustain with it.
Gust unreliable unless on top of target.
Ice Spike will not hit a moving target. Unreliable
Arcane skills = 20-30sec cooldown, can not sustain
Fire skills- will not hit moving targets, Fireball is decent damage but if target jumps or side steps, you miss, now have 1 sec cast time again.

but like I said, after your burst rotation an ele is a sitting duck because you had to blow your CC’s in order to land your burst, if it lands.

I believe ele would be in a good spot if other classes were toned down, as they will buffed as the ele was nerfed every patch.

First off, every skill mentioned is plenty reliable. It is up to the Ele to time his attacks peroperly, and they have more than enough supporting skills within those attunementz to help make sure those attacks stick. If your aim is bad or you are terrible at skill shots, it is a player skill issue and nothing more.

Second, if I clearly stated that TRAITED arcane skills have low CD (16-24 Seconds), and if heavy into Arcane, hit like a wrecking ball with attunement effects. And can ALWAYS be casted no matter what state the Elementalist is in.

The fact of the matter is that you should be timing your skills and attunement swaps acccordingly. If your “burst rotation” involves needlessly swapping attunements to spam every attack you have to offer, you are playing Ele very VERY wrong.

(edited by McFribble.2349)

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morderger.6298


You can play burst or bunker ele. There is no middle ground. which would be sustaining in the fight. Talking about spvp here. You will not do enough damage to pressure people away from you or the point because your skills take to long to cast. Burst staff ele can pressure a point but you cannot stand on it or if someone jumps on you, you are screwed. And you will not sustain enough damage in a 1vs1 as a burst because of slow cast time. No other class has this problem. You have to blow your CC to try and get your Staff damage to land. Any good players will move out of it if not. I’m not saying these skills are not good damage. But when any other class can just hit 1111111 or 222222 or 3333333 or faceroll their keyboard throughout the whole fight and out pressure you there is something wrong.
Anyway I love the Ele class, I don’t think we need anything buffed. It is other classes that need to be toned down. They can do to much with little to no effort, while we have to play in hardcore mode to even compete.

Morderger – Elementalist / Zarnik – Warrior /Zerlurd – Ranger/ Slurd -Necro

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


Honestly those who cry about thief being OP need to play one in PVE. PVE thiefs are more kill able then an ELE. i play both both are 80. i DON’T pvp or WvW i DO PVE and raid. And honestly i have an easier time on my ele then thief. they hit the thief’s HP pool and defense. and now they hit the crit rate. I do agree that ele needs a total rework but they also need to find ways to fix classes in pvp and WvW without destroying them in PvE

That’s a little beside the point… We are talking pvp here. Any class can pve semi-effectively besides maybe ranger…

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tsume.3490


I have seen hit hit 16k, because it has on me. This was when i had just over 1,600Toughness and 18k health….

It DOES happen. Most of the time its in the 6-12k range, but it DOES hit that 16k depending on the build.

Yep, happened to me too. Same health same Thoughness. 16k Crit. I didn’t even stand a chance. I damaged thief and nearly killed him, but he stealth and crit again the very same moment.

Elementalist is FORCED using 30 water and 30 arcana.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: honovi.7893


I have seen hit hit 16k, because it has on me. This was when i had just over 1,600Toughness and 18k health….

It DOES happen. Most of the time its in the 6-12k range, but it DOES hit that 16k depending on the build.

Yep, happened to me too. Same health same Thoughness. 16k Crit. I didn’t even stand a chance. I damaged thief and nearly killed him, but he stealth and crit again the very same moment.

Elementalist is FORCED using 30 water and 30 arcana.

If you werent using 30 in water and arcana you might have killed him. Offense is the best defense.

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zabroccoli.5870


I use 15 in water and 15 in arcana and I do just fine.

I’m not saying it’s a L2P issue and I’m not talking down to anyone here, but, you shouldn’t feel like you’re “pigeonholed” into a x/x/x/30/30 build.

Experiment with your build. That is part of the fun of playing this class.

80 Elementalist – Codex Day – Incinerator
80 Mesmer – Liara Tree Soni – Eternity
Sea of Sorrows

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


When playing longbow and axe/shield war in pvp, killing eles is like killing sparkflies… it really is obscene how fast they melt. Whenever I see an ele I feel inexplicably happy and immediately focus fire them. If by some miracle they get away I feel cheated, since in my mind I’m the winner before even landing an attack. And this is me in tanky pvt armor with utterly ridiculous staying power (500+ heal per sec, shield block, endure pain, zerker stance, massive hp and armor) , still dishing out 7k eviscerates (that also happen to clear 3 conditions). I honestly get anxious when I try and play ele in pvp now, since I KNOW I have a giant target on my back. It’s night and day with focus fire playing ele vs anything else… everyone and their mom always nuke ele, and for good reason: ele can’t survive focus of ANY kind; be it direct damage or condition or both.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Yes Ele needs SERIOUS buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


If you werent using 30 in water and arcana you might have killed him. Offense is the best defense.

I run 0/0/20/20/30. If i had less in Earth and Water i would have been one shot i think. Water and Arcane are simply too important that you can spend many points elsewhere.