You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ayame Yoshimoto.1860

Ayame Yoshimoto.1860

There are a lot of complaints on here about the elementalist being either too squishy or too weak or all sorts of things. Here are my favorite complaints.

“Waaah, elementalists are too easy to kill.”
For the love of Dwayna, stop gearing and traiting yourself as a glass cannon. Yes, we have the lowest armor class and health pool of the eight professions. If you can’t use your dodge key or basic defensive skills, stop stacking all power and precision.

“Waaah, I don’t do enough damage.”
By the Bear, you’ve got to be pulling this one out of your backside. You have four bars worth of skills, so use them. If you actually use all of your skills together, you’ll find your damage potential is probably higher than other professions. Even if I stick to just one attunement, I kill regular mobs in about the same amount of time as other players in the area that aren’t elementalists.

“Waaah, I have to work to play the game.”
Yes, the elementalist has a learning curve. Yes, we have major profession mechanics that you have to use. You know what? The other professions have their own mechanics as well. The only difference is that ours are proactive and give us much more to work with than other professions. If you really want to play the game without having to put forth any effort, go back to that other inferior MMO with the lazy player base.

“Waaah, my underwater skills suck.”
Yeah, this is the one area we actually need some adjustment. Our underwater skills actually do suck, and it’s something you can prove with hard evidence rather than complaints of what you think. I’ll give you this one.

“Waaah, elementalists need buffs!”
The only buff we need is to our underwater ability. Otherwise, people just need to play smarter. Use all four of your bars and actually take some toughness. Complain less, learn more.

Author –’s The Structure
A Combo-Based Playstyle [Guide]

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Darkeh.4539


Someone give the man a cookie !

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Skoodles.1260


don’t know doing 100 damage to mobs at level 20 while my engi and guardian have been doing 100 since level 2 makes me think our damage is a little low…for pve at least.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

Cool. Your opinion is that elementalists are fine. You are in the minority.
And you probably think they are fine because you haven’t reach rank 20 at least in spvp. Once u get enough experience you will realize that elementalists are worse than other professions at pvp. That’s all there is to it.

Do something for me before you call me an idiot and bad at elementalist, make the best pvp build u can and then go in hotjoin and try to fsu. Once you have done that, make a guardian or a thief, and make any build u want. Go into spvp hotjoin and do the same. Then i hope you understand…

So yeah i think they are underpowered in tons of areas, like they have lowest hp and toughness, mediocre damage unless u spec into doing damage, which will make u die in 5 seconds, as well as fail underwater combat and few (barely) viable trait setups.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


And then you learn to dodge, and then you learn to attunement-swap, and then you learn to burst, and then you realize that the elementalists are still not quite there up with other professions.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


don’t know doing 100 damage to mobs at level 20 while my engi and guardian have been doing 100 since level 2 makes me think our damage is a little low…for pve at least.

Sucks for you, but it ain’t that way for me.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


Cool. Your opinion is that elementalists are fine. You are in the minority.

Nope. The forums are a vocal minority. Popular forum opinion: loleleisweak!

That’s the minority opinion.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Also worth mentioning that most people are not talking about how weak they are, but about how weak their profession is when compared to others.

It’s irrelevant if you can survive once you “learn 2 play”, when you can do it with a lot less effort for other professions.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


I just don’t get this bit.

If you actually use all of your skills together, you’ll find your damage potential is probably higher than other professions.

I mean that’s just not true, i can easily output more damage in less time on other proffesions (with less button presses aswell).

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Nope. The forums are a vocal minority. Popular forum opinion: loleleisweak!

That’s the minority opinion.

The elementalist is rarely seen at organized pvp, and possibly the only profession so far where dungeon pugs sometimes refuse to accept.

That’s not the minority opinion.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ayame Yoshimoto.1860

Ayame Yoshimoto.1860

As said, the forums are the vocal MINORITY. All of the crying that’s going on is actually the minority. How is this? Because, most of the rest of us that see that the ele don’t bother posting about it.

Skoodles, if you’re talking about your auto-attack, no profession is auto-attacking for 100 per hit at level 2. Also, we have a lot of conditions that let us not need to hit as hard since we then hit a lot thereafter.

Im Too Godlike, your name says a lot about you to begin with. Reaching X rank in SPvP doesn’t really mean much of anything other than you spend a lot of time playing. It doesn’t reflect your skill. You could play 100 matches a day, get your backside handed to you, and still gain enough glory from being with a bunch of players better than you to have a high rank.

Author –’s The Structure
A Combo-Based Playstyle [Guide]

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Science.4207


I’m going to assume that there are more people who have only played the game after it went live than played in the beta. So it makes little difference which opinion is the majority.

If you played elementalist in beta, it’s impossible to ignore the changes that were made. I was sold on the class during beta, and now it doesn’t even feel the same.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liminality.9743


Despite disagreeing with some points, I do like the fact that you are attempting to defend the class. Here are my issues with your reasoning..

“…easy to kill” : Yes… they are.. there’s really no denying this. Regardless of whether you go glass cannon or super tanky, the fact is, you’re squishier than other classes doing the same thing.

“don’t do enough damage” I sincerely believe this to be true. Many other people have stated that they rerolled to another class after playing elementalist for a while and felt the other classes did either more damage in general or the same damage with less effort. This seems to be more evident in Pvp.

“I have to work to play the game” Elementalists seem to have one of the highest learning curves yet have no advantage over another class. Generally, the more effort a class takes, the better the results when you understand the ins and outs. It doesn’t feel like this, for elementalists. Like I stated previously, other classes put out similar damage without the extra effort.

“…underwater skills suck” Not sure how I feel about this since I’m not very familiar with the underwater skills of the other classes… but I do know something. You stated, “Our underwater skills actually do suck, and it’s something you can prove with hard evidence rather than complaints of what you think. I’ll give you this one.” yet say everything else is fine. What gives you the right to decide which complaint is valid and which isn’t? Please, share with me that “evidence” you have. These are all opinions (from both sides) not necessarily facts.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

As said, the forums are the vocal MINORITY. All of the crying that’s going on is actually the minority. How is this? Because, most of the rest of us that see that the ele don’t bother posting about it.

Skoodles, if you’re talking about your auto-attack, no profession is auto-attacking for 100 per hit at level 2. Also, we have a lot of conditions that let us not need to hit as hard since we then hit a lot thereafter.

Im Too Godlike, your name says a lot about you to begin with. Reaching X rank in SPvP doesn’t really mean much of anything other than you spend a lot of time playing. It doesn’t reflect your skill. You could play 100 matches a day, get your backside handed to you, and still gain enough glory from being with a bunch of players better than you to have a high rank.

Are you ill? I said it represents experience. Ex-per-i-ence.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


Problem is… People are starting to crunch the numbers, report the bugged skills and show real factual information as to why this class has major issues.

l2p is no longer valid here. Sorry.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Skoodles.1260


Spvp there is only 1 build that I have that I can actually kill people and not be killed easily, pve I do such pathetic damage I die to deers and kitten or barely walk away with any HP left.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rassilon.2459


I’m forced to go glass cannon to be even remotely competitive in terms of damage. Consequently that sends my survivability down the drain.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


It’s not whining when it’s true. It’s giving feedback.

If I wear +toughness armor, and spec 30 points into Earth, and a shark still does 80% of my health in damage with each of his attacks, then I don’t see how it cannot be that the Elementalist has issues.

Try dodging something with range and no telegraph. You wouldn’t be able to, even if you knew it was coming.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

(edited by ThiBash.5634)

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


Water does suck. No arguement can ever be made that water combat as a Ele doesn’t suck right now in it’s currant form. XD I don’t care if we have a ton of water CC. Killing something does not equate to CC. Everytime I get on any other class and get in water it’s like ‘Ah.. so this is what it’s like to be able to kill something in water without taking 5 years. Nifty.’

Damage wise, I think some of the weapons have a major trade off of utility over damage.. sort of why we suck in water pretty much, like ANet feels we should take a damage tax if we’ve got utility/cc going for us.

Squishiness wise? Yeah, we’re quite squishy, and I don’t glass cannon spec at all.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


If your topic starts with “You’re doing it wrong seriously” then you’re doing it wrong, seriously. I’m so tired of reading posts where the only defense people can make towards the ele is that everybody except the poster sucks at the game and doesn’t know about dodging.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Byona.8231


“Waaah, elementalists are too easy to kill.”
For the love of Dwayna, stop gearing and traiting yourself as a glass cannon. Yes, we have the lowest armor class and health pool of the eight professions. If you can’t use your dodge key or basic defensive skills, stop stacking all power and precision.

Therefore you are agreeing we have low survivability. You are suggesting dodging to cover it up which is an ability available for every class, even the ones with higher survivability, making it redundant in a balance discussion.

“Waaah, I don’t do enough damage.”
By the Bear, you’ve got to be pulling this one out of your backside. You have four bars worth of skills, so use them. If you actually use all of your skills together, you’ll find your damage potential is probably higher than other professions. Even if I stick to just one attunement, I kill regular mobs in about the same amount of time as other players in the area that aren’t elementalists.

No comment, this is a bunch of lies, if not, then tell everyone around you to l2p, actually just tell them to spam their three buttons harder.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


In before the OP posts a competitive PvP video showing the example.

Oh wait, he like others will invent some excuse as to why his computer cannot record and similar.

P.S. I kill stuff underwater just fine so the OP is wrong. Underwater is meh all round, not just for Elementalists.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neara.4378


Guys, guys, you’ve got it all wrong. The simple solution to every balance problem in this game is not to be a glasscannon.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: CHunterX.4083


As said, the forums are the vocal MINORITY. All of the crying that’s going on is actually the minority. How is this? Because, most of the rest of us that see that the ele don’t bother posting about it.

lol dat logic. I have a friend who was dying to play Elementalist since the second BWE and has dropped it recently for Engineer and Guardian. He’s never posted on the forums and I doubt he ever will. I assure you he’s not the only player who just jumped ship to a different class or simply don’t bother posting on the boards. Just because people don’t vocalize their issues with the class doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I don’t even know what you were going with with that last sentence I quoted, because it’s definitely not English and I stopped reading after that nonsense.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


TS, before u create topic with revelations just play warrior in standart pure dps signet spec. Warrior does more damage and has better survivability (much better), and he uses just 3 buttons with GS-rifle spec. And at 20 lvl warrior get ~90% crit chance and can kill anything at PvE and WWW. I have warrior btw and I know, they must be nerfed. Plus elementalis is only class which stuck in one range. So if u need ranged attack in d/d build you just cant do it. Only thing you can do – crappy autoattack from support (!!!) water attunement with very “long” 600 range.
And 5 cents about complaints:
“Waaah, elementalists are too easy to kill.” – don’t use glass cannon spec (and get damage like support guardian).
“Waaah, I don’t do enough damage.” – use glass cannon spec (coz every ele use at least 3 attunements)
Dissonantly, isn’t?

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zaalg.3217


People that say Ele is fine…probably don’t play an ele. I kinda thought all these complaints were silly, until I made an elementalist. It truly is a lot of work and effort for sub-standard results. I do love the hectic playstyle of stance dancing and comboing abilities. But the payoff just isn’t there. Other classes do more damage with far less effort, while also having greater survivability.

I’ll say in a group setting the elementalist is quite potent as others benefit greatly from your fields. So maybe that’s a reason ANet has decided to have elementalists rather weak going solo. I understand there’s really no reason not to group with other people, so maybe ‘solo potency’ isn’t a major concern of the designers. Hopefully that’s not the case.

By the way..for the love of God buff underwater damage. It is PITIFUL.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loic.4367


So this thing happened to me once. Let me share it.

I happened to meet up with a friend playing a warrior by accident, while both of us were in the late 50s, I believe. We decided to play together a bit, and so we strolled into a Skritt cave. I’d already been exploring this cave a bit beforehand, and was having a fairly hard time. Skritt enemies are fairly heavy hitting, cluster a bit tight, and have quite a few ranged variants. I was getting by, but would end every fight pretty bloodied.

And so we started going through the cave, and my heart sank as I watched him fight. Enemies I would dance around, bust utilities, my elite, and two or more full attunements on, he walked up to and did nothing but autoattack. He never slowed down, walked in straight lines, rarely used any other skills, and never dropped below 50% health. We departed after trudging through a bunch of veterans guarding a rich vein.

On my walk back to town I encountered two coyotes. When the fight started, they leapt at me simultaneously, and downed me instantly. I died in under five seconds after that and went back to town.

I can’t say with earnest that I never had doubts about the Elementalist, or never considered rerolling. However I stuck with it and ultimately I’m glad for it. But it’s extremely clear to anyone who has played one that the Elementalist is lacking relative to other professions.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


Cool. Your opinion is that elementalists are fine. You are in the minority.

Nope. The forums are a vocal minority. Popular forum opinion: loleleisweak!

That’s the minority opinion.

The forum community is a minority, that does not mean the opinions of those on the forums is not shared by those who do not post on the forums.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: jonas.7692


“don’t do enough damage” I sincerely believe this to be true. Many other people have stated that they rerolled to another class after playing elementalist for a while and felt the other classes did either more damage in general or the same damage with less effort. This seems to be more evident in Pvp.

You don’t have to go that far out. Just engage a Skate of your own level. The self-heals of that mob often outheal any damage we can do without going toe to toe and being hit for ~20 percent of our life. The time it takes for me to evade and shoot is enough for the mob to heal all damage I did between endurance recharges, even with boost t those.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Echo.7634


I have to agree that the issue is with the player and not the class.

I see far to many ele’s running around with a staff and using fire attumenent…and thats it.
They try to facetank everything.
They never dodge.
They never change attunement.
They never use any other weapon. (dual daggers = pwn by the way)
They NEVER use defensive skills. Its’ offense, offense and more offense.
The ALWAYS use fire. Fire Fire ….uhuhuhh, yeah yeah FIRE.

I Will say the glyph of elemental mastery is really extra super good. The secondary effects make it ( for me) almost impossible to pass up.

Skates die easy peasy. Earth damage bleeds STACK. They health bar goes down FAST after about 4 or 5 stacks.

You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zaor.6085


Oh finally, ty Echo. Now guys we all know the ele problems are dodge more and change attunement.

Ty again Echo, and sorry if we are alla noobs.


You're Doing It Wrong. Seriously.

in Elementalist

Posted by: kouhei.4728



Here I’m comparing my Warrior to my Elementist both level 60.

Warrior see pack of mobs, move in with longbow, does 2-3 skills everything is burned to death, 3 sec later I win, no sweat.

Elementist see pack of mobs, goes Fire cast skills, switch Water, cast skills, Switch Earth cast skills, switch Lightning cast skills, wait for Fire to recharge then finish mobs… 1-3 mins later I win, no sweat.


Yeah my Warrior faceroll the mobs, no contest, no fear of dying, much faster, much more efficiently and that with WAY much less skills used.

Only things that goes for Elementist is I find mine more fun to play.

SPvP, well it’s a bit different here. But I won’t start anything on this.

Dungeons….need I said anything, for real? I have been in about 15+ party consisting of Guardians & Warriors exclusively, is all I’m going to say.

Time = Gold, Exp, Loot, ect, ect.

If a class take more time doing something another class can do in much less time then yeah it’s a balance issues and not a player issues.

Especially when are talking of trash mobs that one class faceroll in 2 sec while the other take nearly 20 sec to kill if not more sometime.

And yeah it does depends on the type of mobs and all but overall regardless of the mobs the Warrior always win time wise versus my Elementist.