Your idea of a mage

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nearo.4935


You made them too weak

You made them too hard

All those diffrent spells that you have to remeber to switch between instead of making them all at a single push of a button is Insane stupid makes people think you made it like that just so u can say look we’ve inovated the wizard and made them all brand new.your idea failed in playability.

Ive been playing a mage and only a mage in all mmorpg’s since dura europes on bbs before people had internet way before wow cameout.there suposed to be harder yes but you’ve took all the fun out of playing them.

My wife is one of those pve girls never even duled anyone in her life except when i made her fight me in other games and she always lost horribly! even after i would log into her account and write down what her spells did and told her when the best times to use them would be,She hasnt even spent her trait points! OR skill points! were same exact lvl she is a ranger cos she loves that pet taking all the damage for her.remember now she dosent do the pvp at all most things are dead before she takes so much damage she dies pushing her 5 buttons and when she does die she can take out a whole army of mobs coming back alive several times and fighting again instead of ressing me like a noraml person would fighting overwhelming odds but she just inst that quick minded and can never find my body even if it’s right on top of me with the res button on her screen she still somehow manages too not see it 80% of the time so we’ve gotten to the point of me losing it and yelling at her questioning why she cant do a simple task like ressing me before she dies again to just letting her die and res herself and finish off the mobs then res me if she manages to live through it all which she does quite often too my astonishment and i cannot do this past 1 on 2 with anymob.

She can beat me 1 on 1 everytime 10 out of 10 .Ive prooven the mechanic’s of your game for the elementalist vs a ranger to be absolutlely flawed.this just has no other explanation or ranger’s are too overpowerd and elementalist are too underpowerd and that’s why im losing agasnt someone who’s never been good at pvp in any mmorpg’s we’ve played together in 8 years.

If you still think im doing something just dont understand this fact.she has spent None of her trait points or skill points. she uses the same 5 spells you log in with at the start of the game..she just smashes buttons litterally

I have spent nearly two weeks reading on strategies/combo’s/cantrips/stacking/land elevation damage always good at pvp, ive never been bad at pvp EVER.i learn the spells and know when to use em and not to use em, i know all my combo’s and she 3-6 hit’s me matter how defensive or defesive/heally i make it.glasscannon and it’s 3 hits and im dead if she dosent 1 shot me

I have prooved your game, favor’s the ranger or it’s mechanic’s are just completly flawed.there is no sensible other explanation.

my pc also is way better then her by pushing 60-70 fps

Im not one to post but felt i had to say something about this because it’s game wife has never been good at fighting other people in video games in her life and i have always been an overachiever in that department and this game hands down has something wrong with it.she just stands there! smashing buttons and im running cordinating my rolls with my spells and abilities/cantrips while useing the kitten elevation to up my damage while doing combo’s kitten . something is clearly wrong with your game arenet.i love your idea of siege warfare WvWvW PLEASE FIX THIS GAME dont let it go to waste it could be so awesome

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Ive been playing a mage and only a mage in all mmorpg’s

to be fair, you’ve played a mage in OTHER games, but not this one as there isn’t a mage class in GW2…

All those diffrent spells that you have to remeber to switch between instead of making them all at a single push of a button is Insane stupid makes people think you made it like that just so u can say look we’ve inovated the wizard and made them all brand new.your idea failed in playability.

playability is awesome, Ele is the most fun class to play imo (I can’t bring myself to level all the alts I’ve made cause they’re just SO BORING). And it’s 20 skills, that’s not too much to remember, many are on long cooldowns anyway so fire and forget. And do you really want to be able to push a single button and kill stuff? If so, warrior or ranger sounds like the PvE class for you (no class, save backstab theives, is a “single button” class in PvP, and if a backstab thief’s combo fails he better know how to push more…).

She hasnt even spent her trait points! OR skill points! were same exact lvl…She can beat me 1 on 1 everytime 10 out of 10 .Ive prooven the mechanic’s of your game for the elementalist vs a ranger to be absolutlely flawed.

Wow, that sounds like a problem, I take down rangers quite easily (as D/D, I’ve found it harder as staff cause getting into a ranged-spam-fest with a ranger is a bad idea. Even so, magnetic shield ftw). Rangers are not really a huge problem class for us. And you’ve proven nothing about game mechanics, just that you haven’t figured out how to beat rangers yet. Keep practicing (honestly, keep practicing, i’m not trolling here).

I have spent nearly two weeks reading on strategies/combo’s/cantrips/stacking/land elevation damage always good at pvp, ive never been bad at pvp EVER.

But you self-admit that you can’t even beat your wife’s ranger with NO trait/skill points spent and her just mashing the keyboard. Call me crazy, but it sounds like you’re not very good at PvP in this game (this game requires most active combat, e.g., dodge-rolling, active CC, etc., it plays somewhat differently than a lot of other MMO’s so being good in them does not necessarily translate to this game). I’ve you’ve been good in other games, then you have potential, try to learn more strategies/combo’s and be sure to master the art of condition clearing, healing when needed, recognizing their big attacks and dodging them, etc.

I have prooved your game, favor’s the ranger or it’s mechanic’s are just completly flawed.there is no sensible other explanation.

Rangers are one of the weaker classes in the game PvP wise, you hardly EVER see them in tPvP. They’re not necessarily weak, per se, but they’re in the bottom half for sure. Wait till you come up against that skilled glass-cannon (backstab or PW, take your pick) thief, or a good mesmer or engineer. Best of luck…

PLEASE FIX THIS GAME dont let it go to waste it could be so awesome

This game’s PvP needs tweaks, to be sure, but not of the kind you seem to be espousing in your post.

If you provided more info regarding how you approach combat against your wife’s ranger, we could help more. For example, are you using staff or D/D. If using D/D (or S/D), I find that the best strategy for taking out a ranger is to get on top of them quickly and stay there. Use RTL or magnetic grasp to get close and unleash hell (the RTL into updraft into Burning speed/ring/fire grab combo works great here). If possible, stack bleeds in earth or burns in fire as rangers don’t have a lot of condition clears when compared to some other classes. If they get poison on you, remember to use cleansing wave in water (or a utility skill to clear them, e.g., cleansing fire) asap. DODGE ROLL!!

I don’t play staff as much in PvP, so I don’t have as much experience there, but I imagine the fight would be won/lost on who uses LOS to their advantage more effectively. If you can get them to burn/bleed (#3 fire, #2/5 earth, although landing #2 isn’t easy) you can use pillars/trees to negate their damage while theirs whittles away. Magnetic Shield (Earth #3) is going to be your best friend, save it for when they use a big dmg attack and reflect it back at them. That’s all I got

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


Honestly I didn’t read your post, all I am going to say is that an Elementalist is not a mage nor a conjurer, nor any other archtype. It is it’s own thing.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xriah.5743


You’re either unbelievably bad at elementalist, or your exaggerating.

No one with half a brain should lose to a bad player who has no traits. The Ele is hard to master, but he’s engaging, enjoyable, and powerful for those of us that put in the time and effort to master him. ANet is not going to dumb down the mechanics of the Ele so you and the others with the same complaints can compete. Time to roll another class.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


Lol, i still find it funny how ppl say elementalist is not a mage, elementalist is indeed a mage, even in gw1 it has been a mage and in gw2 description it is also a mage, but because it sucks in gw2 it suddenly is not a mage, Shurr thang bros!

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Lol, i still find it funny how ppl say elementalist is not a mage, elementalist is indeed a mage, even in gw1 it has been a mage and in gw2 description it is also a mage, but because it sucks in gw2 it suddenly is not a mage, Shurr thang bros!

It still falls within the “mage archetype” as we’re using the elements of fire/wind/water, etc. to do damage, but we’re not necessarily a “mage” in the traditional sense of being locked into ranged combat and having indisputable top damage while being indisputably squishy. And we don’t “suck in gw2,” we’re pretty good actually even if we aren’t top dog. Fixing the plethora of class bugs would go a long way to making us a fairly powerful class imo.

You’re either unbelievably bad at elementalist, or your exaggerating.

I thought about posting this same response at first, but figured I’d try the “helpful” route in my response post to see if the original poster was willing to take advice or not.

Edited to add: Now that I see that Nearo is posting this exact same post in every Elementalist thread, however, I’m not so certain he’s looking for advice and is more likely trolling or nearing a “rage quit” moment…

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

(edited by Bsquared.3421)

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Someone else did this and it’s brilliant.
Here is Anet’s own description of the Elementalist profession:

Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.

If you believe your ele fits this definition you are delusional.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.

This fits the Ele pre-BWE3.

But it was very OP, I agree that Anet nerfed our damage too much, but I can imagine how difficult is to balance this class. What I don´t understand however, is why there is still the same bugs (simple things like healing rain duration) still present even after so long, that doesn´t make sense, simply put…

Class can´t be adressed with balancing until it is bugfixed i believe…. Especially not a class like Elementalist (so the nerf was also kinda bad decision imho).

#ELEtism 4ever

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xriah.5743


I thought about posting this same response at first, but figured I’d try the “helpful” route in my response post to see if the original poster was willing to take advice or not.

You are a better man than I.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: ghettogenius.9174


Honestly I feel for the OP and I can relate in many ways too. In past games I have always dabbled with mages – wizards/sorcerors whatever. They are an iconic fantasy role that always been associated with great risk vs reward, slow leveling and tremendous power at endgame in compensation for a fairly weak inherent defenses.

I do feel there is some power lacking in the elementalists spellbook. There’s no big lvl 9 spells that are just money like in D&D for instance. Fantasy mages (yes elementalists are in this category) should strike fear automatically into opponents like they have in past games.

Couldnt kill kitten myself in PvP or WvW with my ele. Do I suck? Maybe. But I can absolutely faceroll PvE content with her. Many people have similar experiences so evidence supports the possibility that something isnt quite right here. Same old MMO dilemma – balancing between PvE and PvP.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


Honestly I didn’t read your post, all I am going to say is that an Elementalist is not a mage nor a conjurer, nor any other archtype. It is it’s own thing.

Spellcaster SUDDENLY is not mage, facepalm. Elemenatlist is elemental mage (spellcaster) in lore. Another thing is that Anet made available for player elementalist class anything (healer, tank, etc), but not mage. And class decription with videos on official site is BIG FAT LIE.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

Conjure Weapons does not = Conjurer? KAY

Use of Spells and elements does not = mage? KAY

Following these Rules, we must be able to apply it to other things…

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Good thing I’ve played GW1 and knew that ANet’s profession descriptions are inaccurate as hell and superior damage won’t be one of the strengths of this profession.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Conjure Weapons does not = Conjurer? KAY

Use of Spells and elements does not = mage? KAY

Following these Rules, we must be able to apply it to other things…

Priests, Shamans, Warlocks/Necros, Druids, Mystics, Guardians/Paladins ( I could go on) all use spells and elements. That does not make any of them a mage. A mage traditionally uses Elemental magic from a distance with squishy cloth armor, CC’s and maybe conjures stuff (that part is not found everywhere, though) and does massive dps to make up for the lack of any defenses or heals aside from a bit of CC.

With your logic, Guardian’s, Necros, and Mesmer’s would all be considered a traditional mage class and they are not in any way a traditional mage class. They are magic users and that’s it, but all very different types of magic users.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moose Rooster.4927

Moose Rooster.4927

I am fine with them all coming from the traditional mage archetype. But to say that something is not what it is simply to justify a reason, that seems lazy.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


Actually none of them use elements, except may be some shaman and druid spells. Because elements are – fire, air, earth, water. Anyway, these classes originate from mage archtype, except guardian/paladin, it’s hybrid of priest and warrior. But if to follow D&D rules, there must be mage and cleric archtypes.
So mages use:
Elemental magic – elementalist
Illusion magic – mystic (mesmer in GW)
Arcane magic – arcanist, wizard etc.
Clerics use:
Holy magic – priests
Death magic – necromancer, warlock
Nature magic – druid
May be someone want to add something. Anyway, the thing is that guy told us – elemental caster is not mage and class, who conjure weapons, is not conjurer. Funny isn’t?

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


i m a staff ele with 30/20/0/0/20 who only run pve and wvw at the moment, and my story s about the same as op.

i was rocking with an archer in Skyrim before i bought this game, so the first profession i chose was a ranger. Two hours into playing ranger i finally realized that its longbow’s second skill, Quick Shots, which is a channelling spell, can be casted while moving!! Then i quickly realized that most of the channelling spells can be casted when moving, unlike other games like Dragon Nest, archer needs to stand still to do Quick Shots. Apparantly i got tired of playing the ranger after a few days due to its simple(but very effective) mechanic.

i then levelled an ele to 80. first day i went to wvw i was wondering around, looking at this and that, trying to figure out whats going on, then i got chased by a ranger. He jumped down from a hill and started to shoot me, where as i was putting down fields. apparantly he downed me. since i was a ranger before, rightaway i can tell that he was only running around firing quick shots and auto-attacking, only using 2-3 buttons.

I have another three real-life friends playing with me, one is a ranger, one is an ele, and one is a engi. my ele friend basically raged out after getting two-hit in pvp; my engi friend went for a guardian; and i was once in dungeon with my ranger friend(actually its my 1st time in dungeon), my ranger friend was able to type conversations in chat box where i was so busy swapping attunements putting down combo fields.

However i do like the mechanic of having attunements switching around. i have guardian, warrior and ranger, i find myself falling asleep when playing those professions. Yes they can do things more effectively, like my hammer warrior—charge into a mob of foes, group stun group knock down group cripple and hammer away—but i get bored(i dont do sPvP at all).

The problem is, we all glassy, but we no cannon. i use to play another foreign mmorpg that has a mage profession that’s almost the same mechanic as we ele have right now. its got three attunements: fire, water, and air. attune to different elements to use different skill sets. what differs is, by sitting in fire attunements, player gains a huge damage and critical chance boost; by sitting in water, player gains spell channeling speed and some armor; by sitting in air, player gain movement speed. its best damage skill is Meteor Shower(its like every mage from different games has this skill), 3 seconds channeling, same AOE as ours, almost the same graphics, but that one, is a serious nuke. That mage profession is the glassiest in that game, could get killed by warrior or thief within 3 seconds, but its got a cannon. in gw2 wvw, if a player gets hit by a ele meteor shower twice, hes either afk-ing, or he s a seige.

edit: horrible grammar.

(edited by WakkaJabba.3910)

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gulch.6291


Ive been playing a mage and only a mage in all mmorpg’s since dura europes on bbs before people had internet way before wow came out

Gotta love it when people feel the need to tell us how long they’ve been playing video games, like it’s going to matter to anyone. LOL!

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Athenodorus.2583


Wait, is the TLDR version of the original post “Oh no my wife beat me at PvP and she sucks so her class must be overpowered”?

Missed opportunity here, man. My wife beats me at PvP all the time. It’s sexy.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xriah.5743


Wait, is the TLDR version of the original post “Oh no my wife beat me at PvP and she sucks so her class must be overpowered”?

Missed opportunity here, man. My wife beats me at PvP all the time. It’s sexy.

“Oohhh Myyy!”
-To be read in the voice of George Takei

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: oflow.2157


elementalist is more like a WoW shaman than a mage.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ooj.1246


other games:

Mage= less hp- high damage


Mage= less hp-less damage

[OSC] Ooj RoxxoR

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


mage = less hp, less armor, more complicated handling, less damage, actually

on the plus side, it’s probably awesome for ADH*doubleclicks daggers somewhere in inventory*D people.

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

(edited by Antiriad.7160)

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Everybody knows what a mage is:

A being that wears cloth, carries 2 knives and fights in melee range.
Like Gandalf or Doctor Strange…oh wait.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taikanaru.5746


Anyone who says elementalists aren’t mages is kittening themselves. Anyways, I’d love to have a wife who “plays better” than me. Even if it means her playing something OP.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


A mage is someone who specializes on magic spells. Yeah, I know, what a shock. Who could ever guess?

An elementalist is a magical profession. They conjure elemental weapons, they summon storms, fireballs and earthquakes, they create magical fields and magical shields.

The elementalist is 100% a mage. It’s not even a hybrid like a Guardian. It’s a pure mage. Just like the Necromancer, just like (most of) the Mesmer. Heh, even Gandalf used a sword.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


The Elementalist is not a mage in the sense it’s not a squishy (one-dimensional) long-range nuker as a mage is in many other games.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Curious, my gf steamrolls people in WvW with S/P condition build.

You’re playing the ele like a wow mage, aka “OLOL I hit randum butonz n stoof goes liek boom! hohoho im such a pr0 MMO player ololol”.
If you wanted ezmode you should have rolled a ranger not an ele.

GW2 just showed you how bad you really are at games that require skill rather than gear.
You can either l2p and become an actually good PvPer or sit with the complaining crowd and blame it on the class, make your choice and queue up.

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


Curious, my gf steamrolls people in WvW with S/P condition build.

You’re playing the ele like a wow mage, aka “OLOL I hit randum butonz n stoof goes liek boom! hohoho im such a pr0 MMO player ololol”.
If you wanted ezmode you should have rolled a ranger not an ele.

GW2 just showed you how bad you really are at games that require skill rather than gear.
You can either l2p and become an actually good PvPer or sit with the complaining crowd and blame it on the class, make your choice and queue up.

I’m not sure who you are replying to (I’m guessing the OP), but was the nerdy hostility really necessary?

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Outside of attunement swap in combination with our low defense (which makes attunement swapping worth and necessary), the elementalist is one of the simplest professions to pick up. Easy to use skills, simple utilities, etc. Granted, attunements and low defense are enough to make the difficulty of our class go sky high, but then pve is easy, and elementalists power builds really are weaker than they should, and the class’ description does appeal to power builds lovers more than anything, so it’s perfectly normal that people don’t get exactly what they expected.

When the game tells you that elementalists are about dealing high damage with a single skill, and then while warriors are going for 4-10k+ damage with their HB at PvE while elementalists much chain 4-8 skills to do as much damage as that, while having bad damage traits, and good players praising its highly defensive water traitline, then surely, it’s not only the player to blame.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dried Donkey.8504

Dried Donkey.8504

A PhD is required to play the Elementalist

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bynaar.8735


The elementalist is 90% learning how to deal with stuff with your current kit. A couple of my friends say it’s really hard to pve as ele. Before I rolled tanky dps starting around lvl 60, I played fire attunement for staff almost exclusively and I did fine. Learn to use your kit in all situations and you’ll do fine. The ele isn’t some glass cannon mage that kills everything. It requires strategy to use your kit effectively against any opponent. My only argument is that we aren’t as efficient brainpower-wise. I can mash keys on the keyboard for my guardian and for most enemies (in pve) I’ll be fine. spvp is another story, but for the most part I’ve had similar results for both ele and guardian (though I haven’t done spvp on guardian since bwe3, so that may be outdated). If you’re getting owned by a ranger, you need to rethink your playstyle and keep practicing. I’ve found the only class I’ve had consistent problems with is thief, but that’s okay since the squishier professions have problems with the thief depending on their builds. This class may require more effort to get the job done, but that doesn’t mean you should not put the effort in.

Also, whenever you come into a new game, don’t assume any class will be how you think it is. I came into this game without any expectation of any class. In fact I came into gw2 thinking that I’d never play ranger or ele because ranger didn’t appeal to me and I’m not a fan of glass-cannon mages, but I ended up falling in love with the ele playstyle. It’s too versatile and engaging for me to really enjoy the other classes.