Hi, all. During the recent dev video where the latest patch changes were revealed, I noticed—indeed one of devs pointed out—that they had disabled cooldown between attunements to speed up showing us the skills.
Why can’t we do this? I see a lot of harping on the forums about lowering the CD cooldown to de-emphasize arcana. Help me troubleshoot this: What OP scenarios, what game-breaking, meta-changing problems would occur if we could change to any element whenever we wanted, how often we wanted, and with no penalty? Try to consider all weapon sets/combos.
Please keep reading before flipping out.
We already have super-high cooldowns, so switching around isn’t really going to grant us access to any more skills (power) than we have now. If I want to, I can F1, blow it all, F2, blow it all, repeat….It does however open a lot new strategies for us.
On the one hand this change will lower the skill cap (pro and con) by no longer having to factor in attunement CD into getting access to a skill. On the other hand, you won’t find yourself blowing a skill just because you’re about to move on and you won’t see it again for too long a time. You could actually become a much more reactive force. Imagine making decisions exactly when you want to. Burst 4 on your focus, switch to water, realize you’re still getting ganked, back to earth and put up obsidian.
What I see now for negatives:
A) This would make fresh air obsolete.
B) With Arcana no longer reducing CD, it would either have to just increase boon duration, or another buff might be needed.
*C) Some skills would probably have to have their CDs increased (ick, I know), such as water staff 2, air lightning strike (scepter 2), dragon tooth (fire scepter 2), etc. Right now there’s not real reason to camp water for example, so the CD of the attunement itself acts like the real CD, preventing spamming of these kinds of skills. If we had unlim/unhindered switching, I could drop into water every 4 seconds, drop this, and move on.
Obvious modification: We’d have to have internal cooldowns added to all skills, traits, sigils, runes, etc, for weapon swap , elemental swap. A standard 9 seconds would be fine, so that this change doesn’t modify that part of Elementalist play.
Increase the CD of some skills so that they’re not lower than the lowest we can have with max Arcana.
Keep auto attacks the way they are.
Eliminate all attunement cooldown.
Add internal cooldown for any on-swap weapon or attunement buff (equalized to what it is now)
Encourage the swapping play style that was intended, but give more purpose and strategy to that switching.
I’m throwing this out there for some fine-tuning. I will admit that I come at this much more from a PvE perspective; I hope some of your PvP / WvW people can provide some insight.
Please weigh in on this idea and/or demonstrate some OP combos w/ zero attunement cooldown.