arcan brilliance

arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


i would rly love to see arcan brilliance getting an instant cast(+usable during other actions)

ofc healsignet would still be better for our dd meta eles so no worrys about them getting op w it, cause the heal itself is terrible for pvp atm (awesome for pve ik..)

just wanted to say dis, was bugging me since they released it

just my ytb channel


arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: jingkangtan.6752


instant cast heals = cant be interupted = no counterplay = “bad game design” according to anet

arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


instant cast heals = cant be interupted = no counterplay = “bad game design” according to anet


signet of resto

healing signet


block heal of guard

mantra heal

heal turret is impossible to interrupt anyway

so idk….

just my ytb channel


arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Acgsev.6931


^you can interrupt all of those except for withdraw. mantra cast is ridiculously easy to interrupt. like, ether renewal easy.

unless you’re complaining about not being able to interrupt the passives of heal/resto sigs, which is just ???

Forget it, Jake. It’s SoloQ.

arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: jingkangtan.6752


healing turret
hard to interupt =/= cannot be interupted

static field that guy

if anything, they will make litany of wrath instant before they do that to arc brilliance

arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


^you can interrupt all of those except for withdraw. mantra cast is ridiculously easy to interrupt. like, ether renewal easy.

unless you’re complaining about not being able to interrupt the passives of heal/resto sigs, which is just ???

u do realise that the passive heals of both signets r incredibly strong

unless u dont pvp, cant blame u then

just my ytb channel


arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


shelter can be interrupted by alot of things which will put your 30 sec heal on cd.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

arcan brilliance

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


shelter can be interrupted by alot of things which will put your 30 sec heal on cd.

mhh ye, not by a lot of things, but sure a lot of stuff, well ye k, my bad..

just my ytb channel
