I have been playing around with the build edditor on the web page and i made a build.
And now i was going back and forth ,switching between having a celestial armor set +celestial acessory set OR zerker armor set +soldiers accessory set.
The weapons i used were rampager scepter with +20% burning and zerker dagger offhand with +20% bleeding (in both cases)
I also used the +150power when in fire attunement trait into consideration.
Now, stats wise this is what i ended up with:
Power+Soldiers give about +600power stats more compared to celestial stats
Celestial set gives +10%crit chance, 521healing power and condi dmg (about 50% more bleeding dmg and 30% more burning dmg, also about 1000health more when using glyph of harmony in water attunement and about +600health more when using a full ether renewal.
Power+soldier set gives a +55armor and about +700max health…those things are very small that i just ignored it, same goes with crit dmg (cele gives more of that tho)
Now when i look at s/d atacks such as flame strike, dragons tooth, ring of fire, stone shards and churning earth, the combined dmg form the condition and regular attacks becomes about 33% better when using celestial gear.
I didn’t use critical chance or critical strike into considiration (tho i asume,even with 600 less power, celestial stats offer more crit chance and dmg than the zerker/soldier set…)
And then i did the same thing but this time on a zerker staff also with +20bleeding and burning sigils. I only did the math with the skills people normaly use for dps
Skills are : All 5 fire staff skills, Air auto attacks, Earth 2 and 5 skills
The Zerker/soldier armor set did better on this one when it comes to normal raw dmg…however once again, the lack of condition dmg from celestial staff made a significant impact on the overall dmg (mainly provided,or lack off trough skills such as flame burst, eruption and shockwave)
In total, using the Zerker/power set will give you about -20% dmg compared when using celestial.
MAJOR NOTE: All those numbers from attacks were treated as if i was attacking a single time, and a single target.
This means that my lava font dealt all ticks on 1 target, my dragons tooth hit 1 target, and also my meteor shower hits 1 target ONCE.
Also note that the runes used in this were rune of strength and that even without the +20% bleeding and burning sigils, the amount of those condition dmg are significantly higher on celestial than without it. (meaning condition modifiers on skills with conditions scale very good with condition dmg on a ele,perhaps even better than power does on power modifiers )
The math here doesn’t show optimal dps, it doesn’t use into consideration the full potential of skills (lava font hits 5 targets, meteor shower hits 3 targets 24 times…) and it doesn’t use a super optimal build.
This “math” shows only how the amount of stats that you get from a full celestial armor/accessory effects the dmg modifiers compared to a full zerker armor with soldiers accessory.
Condition dmg scales extremely well on elementalist burning and bleeding skills compared to how power effects the raw dmg of skills overall.
However the elementalist (mostly on staff) has the potential (with the use of his splash aoe effect on fireballs,bouncing effect on chain lightning, 5 target lava font and 24hits on 3 targets meteor shower) to deal far superior dmg, as well as far better dps than a hybrid or a pure condition elementalist can.
Agree? Disagree? Opinions? Thoughts? Explanations? Feel free to share.