challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

I have a theory that the ele can unset all traits and do about as well as having set them.

My theory is that the ele is much more dependent on how i play the game rather than how i set up my character.

I am banking that if i played with no traits set i would not really notice the difference.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


No Ele is definitely fairly dependent on their trait setup IMO.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

No Ele is definitely fairly dependent on their trait setup IMO.

is that your experience or your opinion.

My opinion based on my experience, still pretty nooby, is that i can spec all kinds of ways and as long as i have about 14k+ HP everything feels about as hard as it ever does.

gems, armor and weapons seem to make the most difference. can not say that the traits make or break me in any way.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


how do I say this….you’re probably right that it wouldn’t make a difference for you. For somebody with a GOOD build, it makes a ton of difference. That’s from experience of having a tried a bunch of builds (or spending a bunch of times coming up with the best build for my playstyle) and seeing the vast improvement in results once I got it figured out.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

you might be right.

so try it. forget my opinon or what i said there. just try to get a kill with no traits set.

man that hurts my feelings.
i am only rank 14 and i have only spent hours trying to find combinations i like…
the ele is hard though.
I still am under the impression that a good ele player with a bad build is way better than a competent ele player with a good build.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Evasive Arcana is huge in my build, and the 2 condition removals attuning to water, and I need the Fury uptime from Zephyr’s Boon. So, yeah, someone with a good build is going to be trait reliant. Never mind the Healing Power boost from Water line needed for survivability.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

God… The stacks of might, regeneration, vigor, conditionremoval, areadmgradius and more stuff i would miss
Everytime i get the spvp reset bug and forget to set my traits in spvp again thanks to the great bugs available ingane -_- i really miss out on quite a bit.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


Without my trait i will probably do nothing and die fairly quickly if not instantly

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

warmage how long before you do notice?
The first thing would be swiftness from attuning to air if setup that way.
I have builds where i have 0 arcane.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


How to fix the elementalist trait bug (work around) create a second elementalist for spvp :p. The trait bug affects my friend all the time (he runs the exact same build in pvp and pve) and he notices almost straight away. I think if you weren’t used to having things like unlimited condition removal, or super heals for water dodge then you wouldn’t notice the difference. So if your previous build was something like 20 20 10 10 10 or whatever you would need for 10% damage in fire 10% in air etc etc then you prob wouldn’t notice much. If you use earth shield on 50%, arcane shield on 25%, water dodge, changing elements gives you a buff (10sec protection in earth = very nice) then you would defiantly notice a difference.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

arcane shield trait has no visible signs.

I see it explode once in a while by the damage numbers but i have taken to not using it and dont miss it.
same with earth armor.

glass cannon or defensive most of my tanking and survival comes from my usage of utilities and weapon skills not from traits.
I used evasive arcana as well.
on or off i dont really notice it. combos and all.

but its a good point that people do this involuntarily already.

so no challenge really needed.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


Usually I feel like I am pigeon holed into getting 30 in arcana, not for the traits in fact I could live without them however I can not live without the 60% reduction on attunement cool down, which I think is wrong and needs to be changed.

But mostly my builds focus around something, if you have no focus on a build you’ll be flying spells anywhere without much consideration. For example some people run aura builds, take away their aura trait and that their whole build nullified.

That said, if you took away every trait from every class and made people play then everyone would switch to thief/warrior. Some classes are more trait reliant than others or through my experience of playing all the classes that’s what I’ve felt.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


lol. Without traits I would:

  • take 50% more damage most of the time.
  • only be able to dodge half as often most of the time.
  • be moving much slower most of the time.
  • not be able to get 10+ might stacks.
  • not regenerate an extra 4k health every 10s (more if running with healing gear)
  • not be able to get rid of conditions with ease.
  • not have +20% crit half most of the time.

how do I say this….you’re probably right that it wouldn’t make a difference for you. For somebody with a GOOD build, it makes a ton of difference


challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

lol. Without traits I would:

  • take 50% more damage most of the time.
  • only be able to dodge half as often most of the time.
  • be moving much slower most of the time.
  • not be able to get 10+ might stacks.
  • not regenerate an extra 4k health every 10s (more if running with healing gear)
  • not be able to get rid of conditions with ease.
  • not have +20% crit half most of the time.

how do I say this….you’re probably right that it wouldn’t make a difference for you. For somebody with a GOOD build, it makes a ton of difference


you dont know who i am so what do you know about truth.
without all those things a really good ele would likely still beat most average eles with all those things.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buchfink.8613


you dont know who i am so what do you know about truth.
without all those things a really good ele would likely still beat most average eles with all those things.

You probably don’t know him either. So you can’t know if he knows you. Maybe he knows the truth – you couldn’t tell.
Both of you are just guessing, but his guess is more educated.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: BioMasterZap.4350


I run a 20/20/10/10/10 build in PvE (I don’t pvp much). My damage and criticals would drop, but I doubt I would notice, even if noticeable, since I don’t pay attention to number too much. I doubt I’d miss the toughness or vitality too much either. However, I would miss the passive regen on water, the condition removal on water, the armor of earth at 50% health, 10% more damage on fire, and the boons on attunement.
And those are the more minor things I’d lose. I would certainly be much weaker without my 20% attunement recharge. Those 10 points make a world a difference for me. Also, my 20% quicker recharge on fire spells would be noticed since I am use to spamming lava font very often =P And Inscription and Quick Glyphs would be a huge loss too, since I run 3 nearly all the time (heal, storm, elemental elite).

Although I will say that I kinda get the general idea of topic. The play style for an ele matters a lot more than traits, or more so attunement swapping over those little boosts. Still, some builds, like Aura, are highly depend on traits. I am sure there are other builds that need traits too. Like dagger build with dodge trait for blast finisher. Probably some earth bleed and fire burn build as well…
And if ele traits ever get tweaked, they will probably only matter more.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wildclaw.6073


you dont know who i am so what do you know about truth.

All I know is that you said " I have builds where i have 0 arcane.", and that is about as big of a warning flag as you can get when talking to an elementalist. There doesn’t exist any good elementalist builds that have 0 points in arcane.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

you dont know who i am so what do you know about truth.

All I know is that you said " I have builds where i have 0 arcane.", and that is about as big of a warning flag as you can get when talking to an elementalist. There doesn’t exist any good elementalist builds that have 0 points in arcane.

so what. I have builds with 30 arcane. 20 arcane. 10 arcane.
point is that you were rude and kitten me off. “QFT”. literally careless man.
being angery makes me a little stupid so…
maybe you are right. ele is a hard class to use. It could easily be that im just not good at it. Hard to judge as very few people play ele in spvp that i see.

However It does make a difference having a good build or bad build for me.
but it feels about the same either way and its hard to tell.
Best i have had is 13 kills in one map…

it feels like an uphill battle all the time.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


I think what wild is getting at is the fact that any good Ele will attunement dance as much as they can to get the most potential out of their class. Most Ele’s including myself feel that arcane is too effective for us to go without (-60% attunemnet c/d), it means we can kick out a lot more skills in X amount of time, I really have trouble working without 30 Arcane, except my bunker build, but I still need 10 points in arcane at the very least.

They need to change the base C/D to 10-12 seconds remove the -60% from arcane and replace it with something else but also offer a trait that will reduce the C/D a little. Ele’s are more or less pigeon holed into Arcane.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Playing without traits would be absolute suicide for just about any class, but especially the elementalist.

Hell, just skipping 10 pts in arcane to get elemental attunement (and reduced cooldown on attunement swaps) would be more than enough to completely neuter ANY elementalist build in PvP. It might work ok in WvW as you could still sit back and drop meteor showers and lava fonts on people’s heads, but in s/t PvP, you’d die fast and often without killing a single soul…

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nearo.4935


You made them too weak

You made them too hard

All those diffrent spells that you have to remeber to switch between instead of making them all at a single push of a button is Insane stupid makes people think you made it like that just so u can say look we’ve inovated the wizard and made them all brand new.your idea failed in playability.

Ive been playing a mage and only a mage in all mmorpg’s since dura europes on bbs before people had internet way before wow cameout.there suposed to be harder yes but you’ve took all the fun out of playing them.

My wife is one of those pve girls never even duled anyone in her life except when i made her fight me in other games and she always lost horribly! even after i would log into her account and write down what her spells did and told her when the best times to use them would be,She hasnt even spent her trait points! OR skill points! were same exact lvl she is a ranger cos she loves that pet taking all the damage for her.remember now she dosent do the pvp at all most things are dead before she takes so much damage she dies pushing her 5 buttons and when she does die she can take out a whole army of mobs coming back alive several times and fighting again instead of ressing me like a noraml person would fighting overwhelming odds but she just inst that quick minded and can never find my body even if it’s right on top of me with the res button on her screen she still somehow manages too not see it 80% of the time so we’ve gotten to the point of me losing it and yelling at her questioning why she cant do a simple task like ressing me before she dies again to just letting her die and res herself and finish off the mobs then res me if she manages to live through it all which she does quite often too my astonishment and i cannot do this past 1 on 2 with anymob.

She can beat me 1 on 1 everytime 10 out of 10 .Ive prooven the mechanic’s of your game for the elementalist vs a ranger to be absolutlely flawed.this just has no other explanation or ranger’s are too overpowerd and elementalist are too underpowerd and that’s why im losing agasnt someone who’s never been good at pvp in any mmorpg’s we’ve played together in 8 years.

If you still think im doing something just dont understand this fact.she has spent None of her trait points or skill points. she uses the same 5 spells you log in with at the start of the game..she just smashes buttons litterally

I have spent nearly two weeks reading on strategies/combo’s/cantrips/stacking/land elevation damage always good at pvp, ive never been bad at pvp EVER.i learn the spells and know when to use em and not to use em, i know all my combo’s and she 3-6 hit’s me matter how defensive or defesive/heally i make it.glasscannon and it’s 3 hits and im dead if she dosent 1 shot me

I have prooved your game, favor’s the ranger or it’s mechanic’s are just completly flawed.there is no sensible other explanation.

my pc also is way better then her by pushing 60-70 fps

Im not one to post but felt i had to say something about this because it’s game wife has never been good at fighting other people in video games in her life and i have always been an overachiever in that department and this game hands down has something wrong with it.she just stands there! smashing buttons and im running cordinating my rolls with my spells and abilities/cantrips while useing the kitten elevation to up my damage while doing combo’s kitten . something is clearly wrong with your game arenet.i love your idea of siege warfare WvWvW PLEASE FIX THIS GAME dont let it go to waste it could be so awesome

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Semprenaviguare.2936


sorry I do not speak English well, this is a google translation.

I can not say let s author of about such stupid things about the Elementalist …

you do certainly not the class of the Elementalist to say that.

I can not develloper because my English is limited, and ca be difficult to make myself understood.

i uses this build:

and the difference is huge because c is a build that brings enormously built with a difference of poorly built or build a no build

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


you do certainly not the class of the Elementalist to say that.

“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”

Sorry, I couldn’t resist

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

well no… you dont need to dance fast just because you need to dance.

my goto skill is RTL.
thats a 15 sec cooldown. thats the default atunement cycle time.
If i take a 20% reduction on air spell recycle time that brings it down to 12.
20 points of arcane will make the attunement recharge 12 seconds.

So i want rtl to always be available at CD then i need to have roughly 12 secs on my atunement swap. I dont want anything else in scepter/dagger air that recycles that fast save for attunment bonus run buff but i can deal with that in other ways.

So speccing over 20 in arcane is done because i want the grandmaster trait slot or the run buff from dancing. i guess the 10% on crit at 25 might be buildable too…

I find that i do more DPS if i stay longer in atunments that provide that dps. generally earth.

You need to have arcane 10 either. the bonus for swapping atunments is fine but i generally only use it for the run buff and there are other ways to deal with that.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Albane.8367


The game already randomly unsets all of my traits every other time I login. I normally notice it after the first match I play, when I am trying to figure out how I died.

Traits are very helpful for an elementalist.

challenge!: unset all traits for spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

yeah no i agree. my issue is me.
trading traits makes almost no difference in my combat. But im getting better.

Made rank 17 last night.
Although i think rank is useful for a statement of how much experience i have its not a very good indicator of how good I am.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)