cookie cutter only group?

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Salacious.7358


I am curious, after reading all these threads and seeing what people are doing it seems this class can only run DD/S. Nothing else. Most people are going air, Some Are fire….Most Mix (like you should). But when it comes down to it, it’s either:

healer – Bringing back the holy trinity.
DD/S – this month till its nerfed

or nothing.

Where’s the variation?

am I doing it wrong, insta kicked, intsa hated if I choose to deviate? Seems that way. I was yelled at yesterday in a group for running the wrong build. Seems you can only “run a ele the right way or GTFO”

Mind you I am like level 6……

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: RobinInSeoul.4150


The people telling you that you’re doing it wrong are the ones who need to GTFO. Sure, do your research to find out what’s possible, but run what works for you and what’s fun to play. There will always be a tool telling you you’re crap no matter what you do.

“Always be yourself . . . unless you suck.”

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Nobody will be able to tell your spec unless they are very astute anyway. Just perform decently and everything will go smoothly.

I’m yet to encounter a group that complained about speed, just die less than everyone else in your party and it’s all good :P

Welcome to my world –

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raptured.9307


If you’re insta kicked, it MIGHT have to do with the fact that you’re level 6.
Also, you cannot weapon switch from dd to staff in combat.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Baladir.2736


I am curious, after reading all these threads and seeing what people are doing it seems this class can only run DD/S. Nothing else. Most people are going air, Some Are fire….Most Mix (like you should). But when it comes down to it, it’s either:

healer – Bringing back the holy trinity.
DD/S – this month till its nerfed

or nothing.

Where’s the variation?

am I doing it wrong, insta kicked, intsa hated if I choose to deviate? Seems that way. I was yelled at yesterday in a group for running the wrong build. Seems you can only “run a ele the right way or GTFO”

Mind you I am like level 6……

lol at someone having a build to crit at level 6.

The forums are not a place to get a fair sample of what players are running or like to run. It is a place to pick up tips you missed that you would otherwise have to discover by accident or trial and error or never. I have never entered a class forum in any game until after I think I have a solid handle on the class and have studied it, like at level 50 in this game. Then I enter the forums and start learning the class for real.

As for the party you were in, the player either knew what he was talking about (doubtful), was just a loudmouth who liked to hear himself talk, or was a loudmouth who liked others to hear him talk. Any way you cut it, ignore those players.

My recomendations. Build up a friends list of players and look them up to run stuff. Join a guild. You will have a lot of good luck withs PUG in this game. Most players are very good, but you will have to weed out some like you already ran into. Chances are if you requested the group to boot him, they would have.

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lucas of the Desert.2165

Lucas of the Desert.2165

I played my ele since the beta (a human ele back then bit now a sylvari because they weren’t available). I am 80 since more than several months and an advice that i want to share with you is: it doesn’t matter.

Play what you like best. You like the group support and the ability to reflect projectiles? Go Focus or Staff. You dislike being melee? Run Scepter. It really doesn’t matter. Choose the weapon which you like best and then stick to it.

I used to try my luck with D/F in the very first month when eles used to run staff glass cannon. But after a while i figuered that i like scepter more since it’s in my opinion betterin pve. So i became a support S/F user. Right now i’m in the mittle of becoming an S/D since the dmg output increases drastically and it even outnumbers D/D in PvE.

Bottom line: Believe me no competent player will kick you because they see what weapon you are using. They might after they see how you play with it but that’s up to you.

People that want specific profession or weapon sets/ builds used are those that will most likely fail anyway^^

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

What level 6 group content were you doing?

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


I kind of don’t get what the O kitten aying. I have never seen an ele kicked or been kicked myself while on ele for any reason. The vast majority of kicking out side of CoF path 1 is for dying too much or being afk too long.

the problem with cookie cutter ele (admittedly 4 months in still in the category myself with some variations) is that between the healing the might stacks and cleansing when played right its powerful asset to most teams. However, I have never seen a team expect this all this.

The honest truth is unless they ask for your gear and spec the only thing anyone really knows is how often you get downed and what weapon your’e using.

Play what you like and play your best to the best of your ability that is all that is required.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

cookie cutter only group?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Demented Sheep.1642

Demented Sheep.1642

Not really, I had this issue a bit with GW 1 where people were asking you to ping your build all the time but I have yet to be asked about my build in GW2. At most I’ve been asked if I’m using exotic.

You’re saying you got yelled at for the wrong build at level 6? what? you don’t really have a build at level 6 or anything that requires a group anyway. You sure it wan’t due to level?

When discussing a class on forums people tend to be min/maxing so maybe it comes across like you NEED to play that way but you don’t. Its just generally the more effective way to play.

(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)