corruption vs bloodlust sigil
Well condition damage is good if you can hit a lot of people with bleeding and burning, but you cannot go wrong with power as it is much more reliable since it cannot be cleansed, it will always do its full damage it should do when it hits the target.
I’d go with power, if you have no +condition damage, no need to balance it out. It just means you’re not condition focused, get some power on that.
And not to hijack your topic, but I’ve a question about sigils as well. Seeing as I have two that activate on swap and I just found out that only one works (because I didn’t look it up beforehand), what would be a good replacement. Perhaps the +power as well? Currently I have Energy (+50% endurance on swap) and Battle (3 stacks of might on swap).
Oh and lolol at your name TC. :P
(edited by Moderator)
Use the Bloodlust and Battle for tons of Power and damage.
I like bloodlust. Some condition damage is good, but having most of your stats into condition damage isn’t very good either. But if you don’t have any condition damage, then some might be good.
Seems like you’re building more tanky than anything, so why not get more condition damage. If you have about zero condition damage i wouldnt bother with it tho. Take what source of damage you’re specialising in, if you already have lots of crit then power is going to scale far better than going from 0 condi dmg to 250.
Use the Bloodlust and Battle for tons of Power and damage.
- Phreak, 2012
oh and the energy sigil does work for elementalists… unless it bugged. last time i used it was in sPVP around a month or two ago before i took a break and started playing again in the last two weeks.
Has anyone done any kind of hard data testing on this?
Has anyone done any kind of hard data testing on this?
on power vs corruption?
i was just thinking that using the corruption sigil would be better because boosting condition damage from nothing (or almost nothing) to medium would be a better boost then making power go from high to higher.
Condition Damage ignores all armor. Might want to take that into consideration. As well as your play style. Do you like to just stand there or move around alot? If you move alot, I would go with some condition damage. Bleed em/Burn em, etc…
Condition Damage ignores all armor. Might want to take that into consideration. As well as your play style. Do you like to just stand there or move around alot? If you move alot, I would go with some condition damage. Bleed em/Burn em, etc…
i’m always moving (and grooving and shaking and baking).
I’d also go with +conditional damage. You have amply power from all your items, blast finishers on your fire fields, might on weapon switch. As has been said, conditions are not affected by toughness.
Condition damage does ignore armor. However there are many ways to get rid of conditions. So it’s best not to throw all your stats into condition damage, but having some of it is good. It’s kind of up to you to decide how much you’d rather do damage over time, or straight up damage.