d/d bruiser tempest concept

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


I’m sick of only seeing bunker tempest, I’m on a mission to bring back a bruiser build but in a form that takes skill, please tell me wither you think my idea is valuable or garbage.

RUNE: Rune of Leader ship: “change +all stats to +vitality

ELITE: Rebound cd reduced from 75 to 60 seconds.


Tempestuous Aria: Add “reduce shout re-charge by 33%” (You can not take regen/vigor trait when aura is used if you take this trait, they are both master traits)
Selecting the following GM trait would mean tempest no longer takes the beefy heal upon using an aura

Lucid Singularity GM trait: near useless, change the trait as follows:

Overloads now change in nature and become the following,

Fire Overload = instant aoe blind 300 radius

Air Overload = instant 2 second block which if hit into, causes a 200 distance launch
( 1 second cc)

Water overload = instant 1 1/2 second evade which sends the user back ~600 units, cures 3 conditions. (think withdraw with either a minor heal or no heal, remember if this trait is selected the tempest no longer heals from being granted auras)

Earth overload = instant 2 second physical damage immune (still vulnerable to conditions and cc)

when taking this trait, overloads now do not increase the attunement cool down time after use, nor do they have an initial cool down upon entering each attunement. but each ability has its own personal cooldown of something around 25 seconds, so in other words the overload ability is only available when entering an attunement but if it has been used it will not be availiable for reuse upon re-entering the attunement unless the 25 second reuse timer has passed.

Now there is one minor problem with a trait like this in mind, while auras would no longer give regen/vigor and also no longer heal the user upon being casted, overloads would potentially give instant auras from the unstable conduit trait and I think this would be an unfair/unrewarding playstyle. IMO Unstable conduit should have all auras not proc with this GM proposal trait in mind unless the opponent attacks into the overload animation as its casted, reduce the duration of all auras from this trait to 3 seconds.

(edited by Grimreaper.5370)

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


that’d be nice for sure

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


I strongly believe that the old d/d playstyle could work if we focused on boon duration builds.


Pretty much a build like this. the only thing that is missing is an amulet that gives 1050 condition damage 1050 toughness 560 vitality 560 concentration.

Bad Elementalist

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Keadron.9570


I wouldn’t mind those changes at all…. but just think of all the tears on the forums this would cause…. oh well that’s pretty much anything involving an ele

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


I strongly believe that the old d/d playstyle could work if we focused on boon duration builds.


Pretty much a build like this. the only thing that is missing is an amulet that gives 1050 condition damage 1050 toughness 560 vitality 560 concentration.

Nah man boon duration isn’t the problem, d/d right now is basically forced to face tank and then just soak up damage with heals. d/d worked well with cele amulet because it allowed it to facetank, thats boring, bring d/d back by giving it options to completely mitigate damage and compensate by lowering the healing potential.

Wouldn’t it be fun to hear things like, “Bro I know this one ele whos actually super legit, hes so skilled man”. No ones going to think a build made to face tank is that skillful, relying on forever lasting boons isn’t a skillful playstyle either.

(edited by Grimreaper.5370)

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


-Burning speed cast time becomes instant but takes the same amount of time it normally would for the blast to land, (so it can be used better for defensive purposes).

burning speed is instacast and i’ve always used it to dodge stuff if i needed to. that’s a problem on your side.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


burning speed is instacast

you can dodge things with it, but it doesn’t have evasion frames until the slide forward hits full speed

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


burning speed is instacast

you can dodge things with it, but it doesn’t have evasion frames until the slide forward hits full speed

Yes sir, and this is what I want fixed, I want either an instant slide forward for immediate evasion frames or I want evasion frames immediately upon casting.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chasind.3128


Well, eles do feel like they’re being pushed back into the ‘support only’ corner once again
No point in trying to defend them because I doubt they’ll ever be as bad as they were before april 15th patch or as good as they were post april 15th- they’ll be lingering supports that bore you to death

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


We can always try though

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


we can only wait. if they keep buffing shatterstone, one day we’ll be able to oneshot everything in the game.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: shinta.8906


we can only wait. if they keep buffing shatterstone, one day we’ll be able to oneshot everything in the game.


d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Changes to unused traits I’d like to see:

-Latent Stamina now grants 50 endurance when the Elementalist enters the water attunement along with applying its typical 3 seconds of vigor in a 240 radius.


My thoughts for that one? Re-read the trait. There is no shame in that, even ESL “tempests” don’t know how to read that trait.

It grants 10 endurance to allies or yourself whenever you apply vigor. There is no ICD; the tooltip is wrong. The trait also applies vigor around you when swapping to water.

Alerie Despins

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


Changes to unused traits I’d like to see:

-Latent Stamina now grants 50 endurance when the Elementalist enters the water attunement along with applying its typical 3 seconds of vigor in a 240 radius.


My thoughts for that one? Re-read the trait. There is no shame in that, even ESL “tempests” don’t know how to read that trait.

It grants 10 endurance to allies or yourself whenever you apply vigor. There is no ICD; the tooltip is wrong. The trait also applies vigor around you when swapping to water.

I’m aware, you are actually the one who initially informed me, but I belive it would be more reliable if vigor was just granted in a form that would immediately give you a dodge you were wanting. That or change this trait into something that maybe gives endurance upon crits so you didnt have to stack vigor over the top, that could also make for a nice trait for glass build

(edited by Grimreaper.5370)

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Changes to unused traits I’d like to see:

-Latent Stamina now grants 50 endurance when the Elementalist enters the water attunement along with applying its typical 3 seconds of vigor in a 240 radius.


My thoughts for that one? Re-read the trait. There is no shame in that, even ESL “tempests” don’t know how to read that trait.

It grants 10 endurance to allies or yourself whenever you apply vigor. There is no ICD; the tooltip is wrong. The trait also applies vigor around you when swapping to water.

I’m aware, you are actually the one who initially informed me, but I belive it would be more reliable if vigor was just granted in a form that would immediately give you a dodge you were wanting. That or change this trait into something that maybe gives endurance upon crits so you didnt have to stack vigor over the top, that could also make for a nice trait for glass build

To be honest, the trait would be nicer if Tempest was not exlusively about auras. We only have 1 quality GM trait, and it works with sustain and aura. It then becomes silly to let go of one very important aura trait that Latent Stamina competes against. Elementalists (Damage Tempest or Sustaint Tempest)always need a core of both Condition Clear and Sustain, which the aura route in Tempest offers; it’s like the classic Evasive Arcana route with Arcane. The solution needs to be within those parameters.

The 3 Tempest GMs offer a sort of defensive option where Elemental Bastion ends up beating every single one, on many levels.

Lucid Singularity would need some serious help. In core, the trait clears and grant immunity to movement imparing effects, this needs to stay. But in addition, here is a few options that may fit the theme and the needs of a more offensive-oriented tempest (while remaining defensive in a way). So here what may fit:

1. Grant one second of super speed at the beginning of the overload, and another second upon completing the overload.
2. Reduce recharge rate of Overloads by 33%.
3. Upon casting an overload, grant a buff that increases the boon duration by 33% for 7 seconds.

Sadly, I don’t think the dev team is competent enough to fix that issue.

Alerie Despins

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Tempestrous Aria needs to reduce the cooldown of shouts by 20% and the weakness needs to be increased to 4 seconds. This way it can compete with invigorating torrents in wvw.

For the grandmaster traits Imbued melodies needs to not require warhorn and should also heal allies when you break a stun, just like the tempest rune.

This would have more people running “Eye of the storm” utility and trait and would synergyize as a nice double heal with tempest runes.

These combinations would make builds focused around shouts instead of auras.

Harmonous conduit should increase damage with each pulse 5% 10% 15% 20% and increasing the damage to 20% for 3s after a successful overload. Probably over the top as far as dps builds are concerned but it needs to compete with other traits.

Lucid singularity should pulse 1s of resistence when overloading an attunement, giving resistance to all allies in the overload range.

Bad Elementalist

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


I really think overloads in general just need a complete overhaul, it doesn’t really make sense to use overloads with anything but a bunker like build due to leaving your self somewhat vulnerable with that long of a channel, sure you can cancel the overload but then you’ve just potentially kicked your self in the kitten due to a very long attunement cd.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


RtL nerf was legendary, it wasn’t needed… just check Daredevil’s mobility.

Attempts at ele specs:

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


RtL nerf was legendary, it wasn’t needed… just check Daredevil’s mobility.

we’re never getting it back lol

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


I have reworked this topic into an idea that I think would bring a bruiser/glass cannon concept into existence.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I’m sick of only seeing bunker tempest, I’m on a mission to bring back a bruiser build but in a form that takes skill, please tell me wither you think my idea is valuable or garbage.

RUNE: Rune of Leader ship: “change +all stats to +vitality

ELITE: Rebound cd reduced from 75 to 60 seconds.


Tempestuous Aria: Add “reduce shout re-charge by 33%” (You can not take regen/vigor trait when aura is used if you take this trait, they are both master traits)

This is what i did think too. But i feel -33% CD reduction would be to much. Classic -20% should be fine.
I did not think about leadership rune but yes i would fit going vit. Basically this will not buff bunker ele but it will buff boon support maybe allowing arcane insted of water.

Changing overloads seems to much and complicated. I fact the following minimal (I focus only on numers and a minimum of traits to ease it) changes might bring more diversity:

Tempestious aria: add -20% shout CD

Rebound: 60 sec CD.

Arcane Sourge: -33% CD not 20% and instead of ferocity give precision.
Bountiful power: 3% not 2% damage per boon.

Fire line:
Burning precision: 3 sec internal CD
One with fire: Give 5 might stacks not 2.
Blinding ashes: 6 sec CD

Well i would be pushed into a hard coice if fire and arcane would be touched like this.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


If you vsed the people ive met wolf I doubt you’d think these changes sounded over the top.

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


-33% might be okay in pvp but its too strong in wvw. Thats an almost 16 second heal for allies plus more heal spam from auras and more boon spam from auras.

20% is good enough. Instead I would increase the might stacks to 3, reduce duration by 20% and increase weakness uptime to 4 seconds.

Bad Elementalist

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


I think id be fine with that too frowny, maybe increase the might diration by 5 seconds or so

d/d bruiser tempest concept

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


I strongly believe that the old d/d playstyle could work if we focused on boon duration builds.


Pretty much a build like this. the only thing that is missing is an amulet that gives 1050 condition damage 1050 toughness 560 vitality 560 concentration.

Nah man boon duration isn’t the problem, d/d right now is basically forced to face tank and then just soak up damage with heals. d/d worked well with cele amulet because it allowed it to facetank, thats boring, bring d/d back by giving it options to completely mitigate damage and compensate by lowering the healing potential.

On point. This is exactly my problem right now when I try to roam with D/D nowadays. Boon duration isn’t good enough to compensate soaking up with damage (Rune of Durability, Arcane Trait, Boon Duration food, Sigil of Concentration). Only time I can go D/D is when I have a decent team. Pretty sure they need to at buff RoTL so we can properly reposition at the very least.