help translate sotg elementalist

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


ok sorry for what i asking, but..

here there’s the sotg of march :

at 30.00 they talk about elementalist changes, but i’m not english, so i’m not be able to understand exactly what they say..

if someone with a good hearth can make a little summary for me i would appreciate it very much <3

(i have problem to understand when an english person talk, but i understand (almost) all when i read )

thank you in advantage


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Frozire.4972


Only have one specific build that works. A bit too limited, they are supposed to be a jack of all trades, but not the king of any particular play. Want to get elementals builds opened up, rearrange the traits and buff traits that aren’t being taken right now.

Strong healing spells, healing scaling has been reduced by 50% since beta, no intend to change that further. Will continue to have a lot of burst healing.

Elementalist tornado; self-ress is being fixed.

Have a lot of self-protection. Good place in bunker play, immobilizing enemies, but if he stops he is in trouble. Want something to counter that playstyle, something that increases damage based on boons the target have to give bunkers a natural enemy.

Lead PvP Content Developer @

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dingle.2743


Just browsing the net as my connection’s currently too slow to load the video, I found a reddit thread with some of the changes summarized.

Relevant elementalist stuff:
Scepter Air skill 1 (beam of lightning) will hit additional enemies that stand in the beam

Our heals will become easier to interrupt, somehow. No real information as to how. Probably longer cast times on healing skills.

They want to give more classes a trait line/build that’s focused towards countering builds that use lots of boons, such as bunker elementalists. We’re talking things like “deal additional damage based on enemy boons” or things like the necromancer already has which turn boons into conditions, or mesmer’s boon stealing.

They want to encourage more trait setups for elementalists, but haven’t given any information on what they might do apart from giving other players better option vs. our bunker build.

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i understand, no comment for the moment…

thank you all guys, seriously <3

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


The Arc Lightning (Scepter Air 1) change was prolly in line with the GreatSword 1 skill of mesmers also being changed to hit multiple targets along that laser beam. It will be a good change that doesn’t make it OP, IMO. I mean, how often can you see enemies falling in line to get hit by a laser beam, anyway XD.

I wish there will be more good stuff changes to other eles weapon sets. And yea, the idea of giving anti-boons/anti-bunker traits/abilities to professions are nice counters to the current bunker-heavy meta. It also provides possible builds for classes thus providing diversity, assuming these traits/abilities are not lackluster to the currently favored specs for every class.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”