how to fight ranger 1v1?
focus offhand is really strong against projectiles and will destroy completely any bearbow. That said, if D/D, the goal is to force them playing defensively by closing the gap immediately with rtl. I recommend using air 5 right away to trigger the potential shared anguish trait. Earth dagger 2 gives you a low cooldown projectile defense skill as well, use it intelligently. Protection is your best friend, swap in earth if you’re forced into eating a full rapid fire. Then, burst them down with the usual fire burst, dodge longbow 4, and get out of entangle asap. If the ranger is competent and knows how to melee, dodge path of scars ( axe 4) or maul ( gs2).
Close the gap and pressure them hard. But that’s not all; environment is the key. On open field a ranger is very strong and will probably beat you. And let’s be honest here: He is SUPPOSED to. If he couldn’t even kill someone in his favorable environment with all odds in his favor, no one would play this class. So don’t pick a fight in the open field, it’s that simple. You can disengage and you have more mobility than he does. Try to bring the fight to some place with obstacles, things that break line of sight you can run behind if he triggers his signet and you need to avoid damage. Outplay him there.
When a ranger attacks me in spvp (so he gets the first shot off), I immediately turn around and run away. Then I try to find a moment when he is not careful and get close to him. He will lose most likely. The problem in wvw is that there are fewer things that break the line of sight.
Choose ER over SoR. Grab some additional AF. Around 2.8k. DnD spec. Decent damage output is a must. Celestial with some knights and kav will do the trick. LF is a must including stability.
The question is how do you fight two? Well unless they are dumb and standing together most will melt.
Fighting 3? You have better chances fighting 2 thieves at one go.
Power rangers live on their long bow. Their damage immediately becomes mediocre the moment you can close the gap. If you are on an even ground with the ranger, use armor of earth + ride the lightning. Then dodge in Air Attunement to blind them, and use skill number 2 (in Air) to apply a long duration weakness on them. Keep your 300-400 range and attack with Lightning Whip; also move around the ranger to make his projectiles glance. If they use Rapid Fire on you, pop Shocking Aura to interrupt the attack, unless the ranger covers it with Signet of the Wild or Rampage As One. Good for you, you will be likely have a Protection buff on to negate some of the damage. You will most likely force the ranger to swap to a melee weapon at this point.
If he blocks with a greatsword, swap to earth, use Magnetic Grasp to apply an unblockable immobilization. Then Ring of Earth to apply cripple so that he cannot get away with his leap skill. Immediately swap to Fire and apply burning with Ring of Fire -> Fire Grab. At this point, if he pops his Signet of Stone, congratulations to you! he’s almost dead. Calmly use Drake’s Breath to apply your sweet 10 seconds of burning, and proceed your might stacking routine -> Lightning Whip.
The cunning kind of rangers will actually micromanage their pets extremely well. They use pet CC to cover their Rapid fire burst, as well as force you waste your dodge and prepare it for Entangle. They also use greatsword 4 and 5 offensively to stun and daze you. You should never be within their 130 range for that.
Skills you should dodge: Entangle, Maul, Long bow #4.
Last tip: save your Lightning Flash + a CC for a ranger on a higher ground. They will most likely not cover their opening attack with stability and eat the interruption.
P.S.: Don’t forget to apply chill. It slows the weapon swap cool down and the CC potency of the ranger. Good rangers swap weapons; bad don’t and are easy to kill.
P.P.S.: In roaming, there is no way you can win 1v1 as a D/D ele. The reason is the long bow ranger can just stealth themselves and run away easily ZzzzZZ…
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
Focus offhand destroys rangers, otherwise you will have to outplay them with D/D or other builds.
As a d/d ele, instead of moving around the ranger its best to move trough them at close range to give him/her some trouble aiming at you. Think you need the melee assist turned off in your options menu for that to work.
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
use focus or staff ( earth 4 make them quite bad ) . with freshair s/f it is not difficult to kill them in 1 vs 1 .
So, in sPvP the OP should switch chars?
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Focus is the answer. It strips our ranged advantage and forces us to shuffle up close, where 95% of rangers you’ll encounter in WvW will crumble. Ranger greatsword I find to be especially bad in this setting, so just keep an eye out for Maul once you close the gap. Sword/Dagger users are going to be a lot harder for you because of their poison uptime and evades; mainhand dagger for ele is very easy to dodge when you’ve got so many evades at your disposal.
I find I struggle most with S/F eles because the damage is a lot harder to get away from and they have silly good defense with focus.
Save an emergency cleanse for Entangle.
This is more roaming wvw but could apply to pvp. I’m seeing some good rangers take even 2v1s…
Crazy ranged damage with LB then the ones that know how to melee….
With Daggers or any weapons? I personally have no problem dealing with LB rangers when using a staff. The bad ones will often kill themselves on earth 3.
walk up to ranger and press 1
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards
rangers are a pain to deal with open field 1v1. The trick is to close the gap and inflict chill/cripple or knockbacks. You can mitigate alot of the longbow damage by trying to get behind them.
Bad Elementalist