new pvp and wvw build

new pvp and wvw build

in Elementalist

Posted by: messiah.1908


so this is the new build i am using after the new patch
both in pvp and wvw

so lets examine it

water trait line self explain with pretty much basic for condi cleanse regen and aura which heal
earth trait line can be replace according to enemy group comp. blind, toughness and protection combine with stone hearth when being burst. can be change to cantrip combined with water traited for more stability or DS if enemy condi focus
tempest the usual
so we didnt take much shouts for the heal and cleanse but still got some few with elite and earth warhorn and attunments.

why scepter/warhorn – no one use it. so why not. than the healing combine with scepter in water is very huge. and with arcane brilliance the blast finisher give another 1.4k heal
and you got 2 regen to cleanse more condi.
also scepter focus got nice soft cc and hard cc with air and water and earth. kd, pull and blind.

why not focus like everybody does – the main reason for focus its it immunity with earth and SW from air. with reflect we have we can handle the same and immunity replace by blind aoe. but we got more healing with water skills and shorter cc with swiftness but losing fire shield for might and fire field which can be blast 3 times
scepter also is range so its bit better but on point handle it right so more kite than standing on point

so far this build works great in wvw roaming and group fight as the burning stack is very high and in pvp had few matches so still too early but thief still give a pain unless you manage to SOF him with 6 burning and he is gone or disengage

also you can buff you team with 15 might stacks or more with combo
wildfire + phoenix + DT + AB + aftershock +heat sync
also healing buff with WT +TS + WG +AB + aftershock +sand squall

hope you like it