new to elementalist, comparing vs engineer

new to elementalist, comparing vs engineer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.8630


hello guys , after trying engineer , which i love because of his " hard" play style i ’m actually playing elementalist ( i am trying him ) and i have some questions :

1) is elementalist like engineer ? ( gameplay )
2) wich wearpon should i use ?
3) is elementalist better you think for roaming/pvp ?
4) wich is more fun ? ( elem or engineer )
5) do u have a build for elementalist ?
6) wich would u recomend me ?

new to elementalist, comparing vs engineer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex.8630


and what wearpons foe elem

new to elementalist, comparing vs engineer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


It depends what you want to do.
Pvp or pve.

1)They are similar in the sense that they have a lot of abilities available in one build and access to a mix of dmg, cc and support.

2)It depends on what you want to do and the build you want to use.
Most common for Tempest elementalist in pvp is dagger + focus.

3)Both are doing well atm.

4)Matter of taste I guess.

5)It depends on what you want to do. For pvp, you could use the Tempest auramancer on metabattle to use as a starting point.

6)Try both to see which you prefer.
In Heart of the Mist you have access to all their spells so you can try and pick what you like. Or you could just play both.

new to elementalist, comparing vs engineer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


The way I decided which one worked best for me is to just play them. Give each of them 20+ hours of gameplay and you’ll quickly see which one works for you. Note that engineer has a much better condition oriented style possibility, while ele has much better glass cannon possibility in WvW group fighting (ele aoes on staff are the best in the game). For roaming they are both quite good, ele has much more mobility with Fiery greatsword and dagger offhand, also, if you intend to roam with 1 or 2 ppl, ele will pull ahead. In PvP they are both quite similar, but ele has more team support than engineer, while engi has a bit more damage. But still, try both out and decide, after all knowing each class and how to counter them will make you a MUCH better player, than knowing how to do combos with a single class.