personal wish for the tempest: weapon swaps
Hmm. . . I’d be temped to agree on this, if you were limited to only two elements per build, but really I think it’d be really hard to balance, because adding just one OH weapon only allows for eight new combinations of abilities to balance (D/W and S/W), while allowing weapon swapping means that they need to allow for a ton of additional possibilities, like being able to swap D/W for S/D or S/F or whatever, allowing you to combo moves between two different main or offhand weapons where you couldn’t before. I imagine this would lead to some combinations being kind of worthless, while others could be significantly stronger.
If they feel up to that, sure, but I understand the problems involved.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I was about to make post about this same thing, so posting in here instead.
This is coming from someone who mainly plays just WvW and some sPvP, so keep that in mind.
If they would give ele weapon swap it would bring us some needed variety between melee and range attacks. Staff currently is not very great weapon to have when someone is on you at melee range so ability to switch would bring us together with other classes who dont wear heavy armour.
How ever just simple giving us weapon swap would give us way too much, so it would have to be somehow toned down.
So how about when we do weapon swap, it would put all our attunements in cooldown so you would have to stick on that attunement till they come from cd.
Cooldown could be same as it is when leaving attunement atm.
Fresh air ofc could reset air attunement like now and it could actually make it worth to equip our new elite for -25% cooldown reduction on next used skill.