s/f d/f

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


I heard d/d ele will nerfed next patch. so i want to change s/f or d/f.

I want to know difference between s/f and d/f. plz help me. i played few games with ele

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


Post patch d/d and d/f will be exactly the same as they nerf dagger mainhand and not the offhand. The nerf won’t be too huge and ele will still be viable so don’t panic.

S/f is a burst build played with fresh air and is way harder to pick up than d/d so if you only played a few matches on ele i would not go for s/f.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


Post patch d/d and d/f will be exactly the same as they nerf dagger mainhand and not the offhand. The nerf won’t be too huge and ele will still be viable so don’t panic.

S/f is a burst build played with fresh air and is way harder to pick up than d/d so if you only played a few matches on ele i would not go for s/f.

oh thanks for reply ^^

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

It is entertaining when people say they will nerf Dagger mainhand…. seriously how many of us actually used the LW abuse on a daily basis? The only nerf is that we lose 1 second of burning on Drake’s Breath. That is it!

Then there is a broader change to might, but that is not specific to the ele, so we cannot call that a real nerf. This is the only substantial change of the patch: might builds will have a harder time building offensive power.

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


D/D ele will still be the only truly viable spec for an ele in high-tier pvp. S/F Fresh air will continue to be decent outside of the highest tiers, but is harder to play.

To answer your question: S/F must be played with fresh air (scepter damage is PITIFUL if its not a burst build), which means you are squishy. You have to learn to cycle through your defenses and position yourself well to kill opponents.

D/F is usually a more defensive approach than d/d, and kills people by just burning them to death and using lightning whip. It also lacks mobility. D/F is kind of a strange spec to play in pvp b/c its a melee spec that is pretty easy to kite.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


D/d main have higher dps after the update but a bit less spike dmg mainly LW is what i am talking about (less dmg but higher attk speed). Other then that D/d not getting that big of a changes well at least changes that are aimed only at d/d eles.

Though Scepter is getting a buff and foces is too kind of so S/f may be nice after the update. I still wish they would do something with scepter 1 in water atument but what they are doing to earth 1 and 2 should help over all dps by a lot.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: OreoWolf.9564


S/F and D/F are completely different playstyles.

S/F is basically a burst combo spec which sets up multiple hard hitting abilities to take out other glass builds. S/F is great to counter other light armored players and has insane downstate pressure with phoenix/dragon’s tooth. It is also very unpredictable if played well.

D/F is more sustained damage (in my experience) and can better pressure players. I wouldn’t use D/F without Lightning Rod, as dagger mainhand makes more use out of LR than Fresh Air. D/F isn’t as viable in high-level play because you are forced into close combat and lack the kitting pressure of the scepter.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


D/D ele will still be the only truly viable spec for an ele in high-tier pvp. S/F Fresh air will continue to be decent outside of the highest tiers, but is harder to play.

To answer your question: S/F must be played with fresh air (scepter damage is PITIFUL if its not a burst build), which means you are squishy. You have to learn to cycle through your defenses and position yourself well to kill opponents.

D/F is usually a more defensive approach than d/d, and kills people by just burning them to death and using lightning whip. It also lacks mobility. D/F is kind of a strange spec to play in pvp b/c its a melee spec that is pretty easy to kite.

thanks for reply. you mean s/f is not good at high tier??

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


It is entertaining when people say they will nerf Dagger mainhand…. seriously how many of us actually used the LW abuse on a daily basis? The only nerf is that we lose 1 second of burning on Drake’s Breath. That is it!

Then there is a broader change to might, but that is not specific to the ele, so we cannot call that a real nerf. This is the only substantial change of the patch: might builds will have a harder time building offensive power.

thanks for reply.^^

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


D/d main have higher dps after the update but a bit less spike dmg mainly LW is what i am talking about (less dmg but higher attk speed). Other then that D/d not getting that big of a changes well at least changes that are aimed only at d/d eles.

Though Scepter is getting a buff and foces is too kind of so S/f may be nice after the update. I still wish they would do something with scepter 1 in water atument but what they are doing to earth 1 and 2 should help over all dps by a lot.

oh i saw other article that dd ele got huge nerf. so i was worried. thanks for reply ^^

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


S/F and D/F are completely different playstyles.

S/F is basically a burst combo spec which sets up multiple hard hitting abilities to take out other glass builds. S/F is great to counter other light armored players and has insane downstate pressure with phoenix/dragon’s tooth. It is also very unpredictable if played well.

D/F is more sustained damage (in my experience) and can better pressure players. I wouldn’t use D/F without Lightning Rod, as dagger mainhand makes more use out of LR than Fresh Air. D/F isn’t as viable in high-level play because you are forced into close combat and lack the kitting pressure of the scepter.

thanks for reply^^

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


thanks for reply. you mean s/f is not good at high tier??

You wont see any tryhard teams running a fresh air ele, because you might as well just have a thief and fulfill that role better. Fresh air doesn’t have the mobility of thief, and its defenses are all very long CD, allowing opponents to bait out your defenses, reset, then wreck you.

That said, fresh air is very good against a lot of specs 1v1, and you can still do great as long as you aren’t going against one of the 5 organized teams that exist in the game.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: RushandCash.7835


thanks for reply. you mean s/f is not good at high tier??

You wont see any tryhard teams running a fresh air ele, because you might as well just have a thief and fulfill that role better. Fresh air doesn’t have the mobility of thief, and its defenses are all very long CD, allowing opponents to bait out your defenses, reset, then wreck you.

That said, fresh air is very good against a lot of specs 1v1, and you can still do great as long as you aren’t going against one of the 5 organized teams that exist in the game.

oh thanks lot. i thought if might get nerf i will be hard to damage with dd ele.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: Qeve.5743


D/F isn’t as viable in high-level play because you are forced into close combat and lack the kitting pressure of the scepter.

I just Lol’ed, we have pros here.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: OreoWolf.9564


D/F isn’t as viable in high-level play because you are forced into close combat and lack the kitting pressure of the scepter.

I just Lol’ed, we have pros here.

Where?! I want some autographs on my staff :O.

s/f d/f

in Elementalist

Posted by: CountzuCrytus.7256


D/F isn’t as viable in high-level play because you are forced into close combat and lack the kitting pressure of the scepter.

I just Lol’ed, we have pros here.

Where?! I want some autographs on my staff :O.
