sPVP patch with some Ele changes?

sPVP patch with some Ele changes?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tife.9605


Back in January, in this thread
one of the Devs said that they’re finally going to give the sPvP Elementalist some love and thought with upgrading/ making some changes to the class which hopefully will finally make it a class that you can actually “play” in spvp rather than “survive if you’re really good and a lot lucky”.

I love playing an Elementalist but the way the class is now in sPvp it really is only about working really really hard to have a chance at surviving the match for more than a second and do some good but not that great of a damage.

Never mind enjoying the game, it’s gritting teeth until they crook Dark Souls style – you can’t make mistakes or you suffer like no other class does – kind of a deal right now.

So, any ideas if they mean it as in – we’re working on it and it will soon happen or do you think it’s more of a “it will happen eventually in the foreseeable future” as in never ever kind of thing?
I tried to find some info about what exactly they are trying to change but I was unable to find anything, so are they like any news on that front?

sPVP patch with some Ele changes?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


The feature build balance preview is where you need to look.


The changes actually announced by devs are rather minimal. Don’t get your hopes up.

sPVP patch with some Ele changes?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


The feature build sometime in March will shake up a /lot/ with its large number of rune and sigil tweaks, though, and it’s very understandable that they don’t want to make many other changes.

Hopefully the wars and thieves with full lyssa craziness every 40s will be gone, and every other power user won’t have their rock dogs at your heels all the time, along with whatever else changes.

I expect we’ll have another three months of waiting after the feature patch before any more changes, since it’s so many changes - though if something as ridiculous as October’s hambows arises I’d hope for a set of small nerfs well before that to stop things from getting horribly frustrating again.