sPvP Elementalist Guide
00:41 build
10:16 attunement skills/utilities/elites
23:50 attunment rotations/mightstacking/cooldowns
29:22 overcoming other classes
1:00:58 basics to teamfighting
Thanks for putting that together. I am not a hardcore player, but have done around 400 games, and ALL of them have been with an Engineer. I have recently started to level an Elementalist and my Engineer is now down to 98% of my games played haha.
This actually really helped…but I am still pretty bad.
I can’t even hardly beat the stupid NPCs (Svanir and Chieftan)…they just hit me too dang hard in melee (even with dodging, defensive auras, and heals). It is frustrating, because everything is so easy for me on my Engineer…starting something completely new is tough so far.
Yeah, thx, would love to have an more advanced lee video as well if ur gonna make more in the future Good job!
Thanks guys! and yes i will be making more videos soon when i have time
ty for being based
thank you.. i just rolled an ele and i found him very hard to play… can t deal damage at all i don t die, my foe don t die and the duel goes on for 10 mins.. at least now, i understand what to do
Added your guide to http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Elementalist_-_Dagger/Dagger
If you have a twitch account I could add that too.
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the video, taught me alot!
glad it helped ^^
I will be posting a new video about the ELe soon, so stay posted!
post one plz its been 3 days!
Didn’t think I would learn anything new after playing for 2500+ hours on ele, but I was wrong. nice vid man.
Bad Elementalist
One should also note that it is currently the most OP build available at the moment.
One should also note that it is currently the most OP build available at the moment.
get out of here thief.
Bad Elementalist
This tutorial has a mistake. Fire aura (from earth skill 3 + ring of fire) do not work with Elemental Shielding and will NOT grant you 4 seconds of protection from the trait.
Thanks Thrack. Im now a top tier DD ele after 2 days of playing. Wahoo!
I’m not coming back, not that you care.
This tutorial has a mistake. Fire aura (from earth skill 3 + ring of fire) do not work with Elemental Shielding and will NOT grant you 4 seconds of protection from the trait.
Not true. Please refer to second note in this article http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Shielding
This tutorial has a mistake. Fire aura (from earth skill 3 + ring of fire) do not work with Elemental Shielding and will NOT grant you 4 seconds of protection from the trait.
Leaping thru fire field with earth 3 will grant you fire aura and profs the elemental shielding trait :-)
Thanks Thrack. Im now a top tier DD ele after 2 days of playing. Wahoo!
I’m glad it has helped you elitest>:)
still waiting on vid 2 :/
Thank you for the vid. I’m so used to play staff everywhere that I realized my d/d skill is pretty sub-par when I see you go.