signet build after patch

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I never loved signet build but after this patch in my opinion it become much more viable.
Do you tried it ? With signet of earth now the increase of toughness is quite important so in my opinion it could become a viable build , expecially for pve. What do u think ?
( i am trying it with 20,10,30,10,0)

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


That’s the build I posted in the other thread dealing with condition damage and signets. Works very well imho, tho i haven’t tested extensively post patch. Though it seems like its the only ele build that might have gotten a boost.

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: darkace.8925


I would never run a “signet build”, a build built around signets. I’ve always viewed signets as complimentary pieces to, not foundations of, whatever build you’re shooting for. But do let us know how it works.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


Perhaps you did not read the post in that link good sir. I have tested this build extensively (been using it since I created it after hitting 80 a month or so after pre-launch). What I meant in the above post was that I have yet to test this build seriously in a pvp or wvw situation since today’s debacle – I mean ‘patch.’

This build involves actually using the signets. Not just having them on your bar for kicks. There is synergy built around not only having them, but you are crippling this build if you aren’t using them on your target(s).

I’m not going to explain this here or now, as I shared this build under protest because I see too many people doing cookie cutter builds because they are the flavor of the month. If anyone actually tries it out, let me know what you think or if you have questions, PM me in-game (as I don’t usually get on the forums due to lack of free time and what little I have I prefer to waste in game).

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I’ve definitely been taking a close look at signet builds.

20/10/30/x/x is the full signet auramancer experience, but I call into question the 20/10/30/x/x variants where the last 10 goes into water instead of picking up renewing stamina. I know the build is crying out for condition removal hence the want for 10 in water, but I think renewing stamina (and it’s rare that 10 in arcana picks this up and not elemental attunement) is so important it needs to be taken anyway. And taking the absolutely horrible 15 second attunement time down to an at least somewhat more manageable 13)

In PVE, definitely 10 in arcane. You can flip your 10 arcane over to elemental attunement here if you want.

PVP, 20/10/30/0/10 can run with a focus offhand (magnetic wave condition clear) and a signet of water (PVE too, if you want) for some condition removal. Scepter/focus even, where phoenix has a condition clear component as well.

Melandru runes, geomancer’s freedom, and lemongrass poultry soup food are definitely a consideration as an alternative, or in addition to weapon condition clears.

If you can keep the conditions under control, it’s a lot of additional toughness. Toughness just from being 30 in earth, even more toughness since you’re running signet of earth, and then even more so with scepter rock barrier. Combined with the tons of protection boons from signet use because of fire 20 creating auras, and the earth trait giving auras protection, and being able to use the signet of restoration active while still maintaining the passive…it should be quite beefy. Focus has a lot of defensive tools too, not just the condition clear.

Not to mention additional “tankiness” from relatively short cooldown immobilizes (against melee anyway) and chills (just being hit less by stuff in general) from signet of earth and air.

No burning speed or RTL in scepter/focus of course, but perma swiftness will certainly be available at least. With procing auras which proc both protection and zephyr’s boon every time you pop a signet along with the aura on focus (too bad scepter doesn’t have an aura, probably won’t matter here) combined with the 5 arcane trait giving fury on attune swap…you’ll be loaded with swiftness/fury/protection. Hopefully vigor too.

(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Rather than going the signet aura-build, you can play around with a signet-arcana build (x/x/30/x/30) that uses signets to heal, uses the arcane energy to greatly increase endurance (dodging), and evasive arcana to get even more spells pumping out. In the other thread linked, I mentioned that it is fun to run a set of runes that have “ability x happens when you use a healing spell” as you should be popping your healing signet ASAP. I will say this is really fun to use in that, by using Rune of the adventurer, every heal gives you +75% endurace, and other signets give +25%. If you go all-out and get sigil of energy, then I think you could endless spam signets and evades. How you choose to get damage out of that build is your choice.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


I prefer condition damage(obviously) as the build I linked has a very nice supply and variety of them which makes condition removal difficult (burn, bleed, vuln, immob, chill, blind, and poison on attunement swap if you run the pvp version). Elementalists are underrated in their ability to stack conditions quickly and often no matter what weapon set you choose. Also frees up your character to stack more defensive stats and the like since your main source of damage is condition based. In PvE I use Carrion helm/gloves/shoulders/boots and rabid everything else(think my scepter is carrion too?). I have more armor than a heavy class (3200 in earth with rock barrier up) albeit MUCH less hp, but what good is hp when you take 30-50% of your max hp in damage in one hit?

I also prefer the 10 points in Water as it gives some much needed HP and healing, which goes well with the toughness, as any damage taken can be quickly healed, and the water trait inflicts extra vulnerability for every signet you use on a target (3 stacks per signet not sure the duration). And the 2 seconds on attunement swap isn’t such a big deal once you get used to it, not to mention the boons gained from EA only last a few seconds (3 or 4 sec I think).

I’m just happy to hear that the qq fest, however warranted, is dying down a little and ele’s are talking about new builds. Besides, bunker ele was overrated, this build was slaughtering them hands down (yes I saw a bunker ele and thought “free kill!”).

As a final note, I might add that this also will mitigate the advantage given to thieves and warriors on boon stealing/hate (assuming you’re not using GoEH or Elemental Attunement). That gives only protection/fury/swiftness which isn’t much to steal and only reduces protection’s effect by 6% with boon hate factored in.

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


ChaosTerrogath, I really like how your build sounds. Do you have any videos of you playing it (I am not expecting daphoenix skills or you never to die)? I would love to see how your signets play out. The vulnerability trait seems like it could be very useful. Do you have any serious issues with conditions yourself? I have thought about maybe using cleansing fire for the stun-break + cleanse, but the long cooldown is kind-of a bummer.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


I suppose this means I should finally install some sort of video capture software on my new PC so I can provide you guys with a video to back this up. I had one on the old PC but haven’t bothered installing any on this one. I’m at work currently, but when I get home, I will install and make a few vids. Once they are uploaded, I will post the links here. The build is far from ‘OP,’ but it definitely holds its own 1v1 and depending on the players, can do well in 2v1 situation.

As far as your questions are concerned, usually I don’t have too many issues with conditions, as the water signet passively cleanses, and I can always switch to water attune for an emergency cleanse + heal if need be. Also, mind you I don’t currently run this build in tpvp, especially post patch, because every match I did last night was vs a full thief team (with the exception of the occasional mesmer mixed in). Apparently you can lose a match due to kills even if your team holds 2+ points for the entire match, but that’s another post for another time in another thread.

However, this build works well everywhere else, I run WvW, sPvP, and PvE with this and do better than most of my teammates in many cases (and I am up to lvl 26 fractals). I have at least half the survival ability of a bunker without having to throw away my damage, more if I use focus and sacrifice some mobility.

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i tried signet build. 20 in fire, 10 air, 30 earth , 10 water , ether renew and 3 signet. Signet had a great improvement and i found it very viable for pve . I use D/D but when i know i have to defend myself too much i switch to scepter focus ( for example in ac for spider queen) . Today i made already 4 dung and it seems to me a very good build

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


i tried signet build. 20 in fire, 10 air, 30 earth , 10 water , ether renew and 3 signet. Signet had a great improvement and i found it very viable for pve . I use D/D but when i know i have to defend myself too much i switch to scepter focus ( for example in ac for spider queen) . Today i made already 4 dung and it seems to me a very good build

I’m glad you are enjoying it so far, just remember you’re probably not even playing it optimally yet. Wait until you get used to it and master the build.

This build works with pretty much any weapon set, I just prefer the scepter/dagger combo since it has access to better condition damage out of the 3 sets. For group events, i switch to D/D because the damage is best out of all the weapons and it allows you to easily tag multiple targets repeatedly. I also tend to keep a staff on me, as it’s irreplaceable in many PvE situations and perfect for tower/keep defense in WvW.

However, for sPvP, it’s probably best to stick with S/D or S/F for the range and condition stacking. It also allows you to make full use of the earth and water signets chill and immobilize. Works well in PvE when soloing champions and group events (I soloed the Fire Elemental event in Iron Marches using this build…didn’t even realize it was a group/world event until the big chest and daily chests popped up at the end).

Overall, my strongest suggestion here is to go for condition damage and stack it as high as possible. I think my ele has just under 1600 condition damage and for most mobs Signet of Fire + 2 or 3 auto attacks in earth is pretty much a death sentence. And that is only increased by the (entirely underrated) vulnerability condition, which helps anyone attacking your target do more damage without having to lean on might (not to mention you can drop fire field and pop DT/Phoenix/EQ/CE and stack 12 might on anyone in range while doing crazy damage).

Also, don’t count out Resto Sig just because they nerfed it’s passive healing! It’s still viable and this build keeps the passive healing when you activate it (also procs prot/fury/swift). Though ether renewal is great if you feel you need the extra boost in condition removal and has a low recharge.

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i already used it a lot before but without improvements of sign of earth of tonight i preferred other builds (my favorite wass 30 fire, 20 earth,20 water).
Now that sign of earth gives a serious improve of toughness i think this build is very good, not yesterday .

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Chaos, just curious if you have tried ember’s might and if it was effective at all. It says “+5% damage to burning foes,” and I can’t figure out if it counts condition damage or not. If so, that might be even more beneficial than using the Fire II trait just for burning on fire signet. It’s a shame there aren’t any great Fire Adept traits.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


I think I remember reading somewhere that this trait only applies to direct damage skills. If that was wrong please let me know! Because yes, this would be much better if it applied to burning/bleeding/etc. That and it would be nice to see how that stacks up with the 9 stacks of vulnerability you can apply from using 3 signets on a target (and how that’s calculated, cumulative or concurrent?).

However from the tests I’ve conducted, this is not the case. And since my build doesn’t really stack much power or precision, you’re better off with extending or reapplying burning repeatedly to counter cleansing attempts. You have enough power (and precision in pve) to do decent damage to an enemy in water and lightning, not to mention that gets boosted by vuln and burning. The idea here is to stack a bunch of bleeds/burning/etc and then swap between attunements and blow cooldowns while they tick. If your target is not dead by the end of that, switch back to earth/fire and repeat. Mind you, with the pvp version of this build, each attunement swap will give you a 5 second poison on your first attack and you still have access to burning through SoF.

As an interesting side note, I noticed that the synergy in the traits here was already discovered and was called Auramancer (sorry I don’t copy/paste builds from sites or share my builds often so I was unaware until someone mentioned it). So I feel kinda silly for not realizing this was probably already discovered by someone else and shared. However, it seems not many people give eles the credit they deserve for their conditions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in WvW or PvP and someone drops all their CDs on me expecting me to be GC and crumple, only to find out that i still have 50%+ of my hp left and they are getting condition stacked. Usually they try to run/heal/cleanse and die in the process because by then it’s too late.

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signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


Chaos, just curious if you have tried ember’s might and if it was effective at all. It says “+5% damage to burning foes,” and I can’t figure out if it counts condition damage or not. If so, that might be even more beneficial than using the Fire II trait just for burning on fire signet. It’s a shame there aren’t any great Fire Adept traits.

I just realized, not many people take into account that condition damage is affected by might. I’ve seen my condition damage over 2k with might, and it does some lovely damage – not sure how high it maxes out with 25 stacks though. Hence me using Sigil of Battle in pve and due to higher precision due to the mix of rabid gear in pve, I also use the chance on crit burning trait (forget the name) instead of the SoF trait (which also works with FGS which I use occasionally instead of the summon elmental glyph elite. I just prefer the water elemental, because it heals for a very nice amount if you are in range.

Sorry for the long/repeat posts. I’m at work and waiting for database operations to complete so I can finish something so I had the time. lol

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead.
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Don’t walk next to me either, just go the heck away…

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


I’m playing 0/0/30/30/10 D/F signet ele with dwayna runes and soldier amulet, and is seems pretty fair. Good condition removal, lots of cc, decent damage and pretty bulky. The downside is that I only really have the room for one stun breaker, cleansing fire. Although tbh, d/d is probably still better :p

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


i cannot live 50 total arcane + water so meh.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


They need to unlink attunement recharge from Arcane already. This is getting ridiculous.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I think I remember reading somewhere that this trait only applies to direct damage skills. If that was wrong please let me know! Because yes, this would be much better if it applied to burning/bleeding/etc. That and it would be nice to see how that stacks up with the 9 stacks of vulnerability you can apply from using 3 signets on a target (and how that’s calculated, cumulative or concurrent?).

However from the tests I’ve conducted, this is not the case. And since my build doesn’t really stack much power or precision, you’re better off with extending or reapplying burning repeatedly to counter cleansing attempts. You have enough power (and precision in pve) to do decent damage to an enemy in water and lightning, not to mention that gets boosted by vuln and burning. The idea here is to stack a bunch of bleeds/burning/etc and then swap between attunements and blow cooldowns while they tick. If your target is not dead by the end of that, switch back to earth/fire and repeat. Mind you, with the pvp version of this build, each attunement swap will give you a 5 second poison on your first attack and you still have access to burning through SoF.

As an interesting side note, I noticed that the synergy in the traits here was already discovered and was called Auramancer (sorry I don’t copy/paste builds from sites or share my builds often so I was unaware until someone mentioned it). So I feel kinda silly for not realizing this was probably already discovered by someone else and shared. However, it seems not many people give eles the credit they deserve for their conditions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in WvW or PvP and someone drops all their CDs on me expecting me to be GC and crumple, only to find out that i still have 50%+ of my hp left and they are getting condition stacked. Usually they try to run/heal/cleanse and die in the process because by then it’s too late.

Yeah the 20/10/30/x/x auramancer’s been around a while, but of course getting more attention now with recent nerfs + signet passive buff.

As for the true strength of such builds, I’m on the fence still. It’s a shame that fire aura trait is at 20 in fire. If it could be picked up at 10 in fire there’d be no discussion, it’d be a great build. You’d be able to pick up both ele attunement and renewing stamina….or reach far enough into water for healing ripple.

As it stands atm, I think the 0/10/30/0/30, which lacks the aura in auramancer. It’s just a mancer I guess. Nonetheless I think it is a better build for now.

(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Auramancer fails due to not being able to get Arcane. Which is no surprise to anyone who plays an Elementalist, but evidently unknown to Anet.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Perhaps you did not read the post in that link good sir. I have tested this build extensively (been using it since I created it after hitting 80 a month or so after pre-launch). What I meant in the above post was that I have yet to test this build seriously in a pvp or wvw situation since today’s debacle – I mean ‘patch.’

This build involves actually using the signets. Not just having them on your bar for kicks. There is synergy built around not only having them, but you are crippling this build if you aren’t using them on your target(s).

I’m not going to explain this here or now, as I shared this build under protest because I see too many people doing cookie cutter builds because they are the flavor of the month. If anyone actually tries it out, let me know what you think or if you have questions, PM me in-game (as I don’t usually get on the forums due to lack of free time and what little I have I prefer to waste in game).

It always amazes me when people come here and try to make a point to say, “I invented a build”

People have been trying to make condi-sig builds since the beginning. Not to burst your bubble, but it’s an old build.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


Perhaps you did not read the post in that link good sir. I have tested this build extensively (been using it since I created it after hitting 80 a month or so after pre-launch). What I meant in the above post was that I have yet to test this build seriously in a pvp or wvw situation since today’s debacle – I mean ‘patch.’

This build involves actually using the signets. Not just having them on your bar for kicks. There is synergy built around not only having them, but you are crippling this build if you aren’t using them on your target(s).

I’m not going to explain this here or now, as I shared this build under protest because I see too many people doing cookie cutter builds because they are the flavor of the month. If anyone actually tries it out, let me know what you think or if you have questions, PM me in-game (as I don’t usually get on the forums due to lack of free time and what little I have I prefer to waste in game).

It always amazes me when people come here and try to make a point to say, “I invented a build”

People have been trying to make condi-sig builds since the beginning. Not to burst your bubble, but it’s an old build.

hey guize I made this thing called a lightbulb

what are you laughing at

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Perhaps you did not read the post in that link good sir. I have tested this build extensively (been using it since I created it after hitting 80 a month or so after pre-launch). What I meant in the above post was that I have yet to test this build seriously in a pvp or wvw situation since today’s debacle – I mean ‘patch.’

This build involves actually using the signets. Not just having them on your bar for kicks. There is synergy built around not only having them, but you are crippling this build if you aren’t using them on your target(s).

I’m not going to explain this here or now, as I shared this build under protest because I see too many people doing cookie cutter builds because they are the flavor of the month. If anyone actually tries it out, let me know what you think or if you have questions, PM me in-game (as I don’t usually get on the forums due to lack of free time and what little I have I prefer to waste in game).

It always amazes me when people come here and try to make a point to say, “I invented a build”

People have been trying to make condi-sig builds since the beginning. Not to burst your bubble, but it’s an old build.

hey guize I made this thing called a lightbulb

what are you laughing at

Are you going to describe how it works? Under “protest” I assume.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


After playing around with a signet build for a bit, its not as enjoyable FOR ME. My biggest annoyance was the long cast-times of the signets, lack of stun-break, and general decreased mobility. I really enjoy mobility, and can’t survive well without it (with my play-style), and my signet build was getting CC’d in group combat like crazy.

A few questions/notes that might be helpful and would help me
-Somehow my signet casts kept getting interrupted. I understand when I decide to dodge-roll it cancels, but I think they were missing also b/c I turned my back to my target. This doesn’t work at all for a d/d build that is always bobbing and weaving around the target if I am right.
- It didn’t seem like the endurance regen on signets (Arcana X – Arcane Energy) were working when I tested out of combat. Does it only proc if the signet hits someone?
-Evasive arcana doesn’t work well at all with signet builds (see the positioning thing)
-S/F really is the best weapon-set for a signet build b/c it already wants to stay at long-medium range.
-Any tips on play-style that make this work for you?

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: ChaosTerragoth.4738


I must apologize to the 2 jokers here who apparently can’t read and embarrassed themselves making fun of something I already admitted was a mistake on my part. I have this other thing called a job that keeps me very busy during the week and when I get free time I like to play the game rather than hawk the forums for people to troll.

I was trying to be helpful, if you wanted to make fun of me for posting a build that you apparently already knew about, you are too late, I already realized this and admitted my mistake several posts before you came through to rag on me for it. It’s inevitable someone else would have come up with it besides myself, and not really frequenting the forums much or AT ALL prior to this patch (check my posting history…) so I’m not really shocked either. It was an honest mistake and I freely admit that I was wrong.

By the way, it’s people like Chaosky and Pyriall that I was trying to avoid by not sharing this build months ago when I first discovered it (even if that was weeks after one of you trolls copy/pasted it from some site). Hence the “under protest” bit which was nothing but the truth, as not everyone who plays the game spends all their free time in the forums.

Seriously, show a little respect and consideration for people who do other things with their free time for once. Or you can troll me some more…I don’t care, I doubt I will return and even find out about it. This has been a thorough waste of time anyway, no offense to the normal people here, but there is too much complaining and not enough doing here for my taste.

Happy Hunting Eles…see you in the pit.

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead.
Do not walk before me, for I may not follow.
Don’t walk next to me either, just go the heck away…

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276



I just find it amusing that you assumed you were about the only person who made an effort to create new builds.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


I ran something like this and it rocked single target. I just can’t find anywhere in the game that is only single target.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


I must apologize to the 2 jokers here who apparently can’t read and embarrassed themselves making fun of something I already admitted was a mistake on my part. I have this other thing called a job that keeps me very busy during the week and when I get free time I like to play the game rather than hawk the forums for people to troll.

I was trying to be helpful, if you wanted to make fun of me for posting a build that you apparently already knew about, you are too late, I already realized this and admitted my mistake several posts before you came through to rag on me for it. It’s inevitable someone else would have come up with it besides myself, and not really frequenting the forums much or AT ALL prior to this patch (check my posting history…) so I’m not really shocked either. It was an honest mistake and I freely admit that I was wrong.

By the way, it’s people like Chaosky and Pyriall that I was trying to avoid by not sharing this build months ago when I first discovered it (even if that was weeks after one of you trolls copy/pasted it from some site). Hence the “under protest” bit which was nothing but the truth, as not everyone who plays the game spends all their free time in the forums.

Seriously, show a little respect and consideration for people who do other things with their free time for once. Or you can troll me some more…I don’t care, I doubt I will return and even find out about it. This has been a thorough waste of time anyway, no offense to the normal people here, but there is too much complaining and not enough doing here for my taste.

Happy Hunting Eles…see you in the pit.

The real question is, did you post this response under protest?

It has nothing to do with posting a build it has to do with your ego and how you posted the response. I mean really…under protest.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


i started the thread and i was only saying that after patch and after signet improvements this build is much more viable . Nothing more. People find this patch so destructive, i did not see this tragedy. It is obviously a personal and opinable opinion

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Great Al.2546

The Great Al.2546

I recently switched from a 20-10-30-0-10 to a 20-10-10-30-0 signet/aura build, becauase I just found the healing to be way too awful and really lacking condition removal.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


but a signet build without written in stone is not very viable in my opinion. Signet of earth gives u a good amount of toughness now … but if u don’t have written in stone u loose it when u use signet

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: nothing.7941


It’ll work well in pve, but I just think you’re giving up too much in wvw or pvp despite the buff. I do think using 1 sig in a utility slot makes some sense, especially earth for the toughness and cc (even w/o written in stone, you just have to decide situationally if you need the 20 secs of toughness or cc more). But not a full sig build imo.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Great Al.2546

The Great Al.2546

but a signet build without written in stone is not very viable in my opinion. Signet of earth gives u a good amount of toughness now … but if u don’t have written in stone u loose it when u use signet

Yeah, the passive effects of signets are great to the point that I am considering switching back. The lack of healing and condition removal still hurts in Fractals/dungeons that I am considering swapping out one signet for cleansing fire.

signet build after patch

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Here a signet build I have tested during the last couple of days, my main aim was to design something which would counter the new thief sword attack , this build is able to stack multiple conditions very rapidly and poison helps alot in keeping the pressure on the enemy, you’ll have a dodge always at disposal so that you can match the thief sword evasion while you burn/bleed him away with ease

Haven’t tested yet the build in tPvP, only tried it in private 5vs5 and 2vs2 matches where I have yet to lose a single 1vs1, in 1vs2 you won’t live for long given the low HP and average toughness.

This is just an idea but so far has worked pretty well for me, even against top list players at r40+.
