so tried the s/d build but
If you run a 0/0/20/20/30 how you would burst is you would mid animation swap to get that fury on your spells or you would switch and quickly use your abilities. And you can run stability on the earth trait line so that you can use Ether Renewal.
0/30/0/10/30 is good for an s/d build but it has some weaknesses which you encountered but the way you play that is reading your enemy and positioning well. If you don’t do that then you will die a lot.
0/20/0/20/30 (more dps), 0/0/20/20/30 (bunker), 0/10/0/30/30 (aura share) are all great post patch.
As for stats I would balance between valk, cavalier, and zerk in terms of increasing critical damage. And then you can mix in knights and soliders in the mix to increase specific stats. I personally like knights more but with the addtion of condis from the patch extra vitality might go a long way fo you.
0/30/0/20/20 S/D or D/D or Staff.
All damage traits and if you feel too squishy choose some sustain traits in water and zephyrs boon.
I’m currently running 50% zerker/rampager and 50% rampager/cleric (trinkets) with rampager, saphire, ruby and knights orbs on them.
Superior sigil of battle and superior sigil of impact.
you can try it in heart of the mists first (minus the sigil of impact and orb upgrades).
But if you’re not good at dodging (aka observing foes what they’re about to do) you might wanna go 0/20/0/30/20 S/D or D/D or staff. (could use focus but I don’t like focus except for the skins and for condition builds)
cool thanks all for your insight. I think I am just not good enough lol to play 0/30/ s/d I just get rocked I do need some survivability like my engi has, So is a 0/10/10/20/30 viable? then I could keep zephyr and pick up the new earth trait for dps and toughness (so maybe lose a piece or two of knights for zerks). Or does this leave me in a bad spot for some reason?
Also is only reason or 30ater now for aura share or is the xI still good for condition removal on regen?
So I tried the o/30/0/10/30 build for s/d but I just was way too squishy and died horribly all the time (guess I just am not so good at dodging)
Of course you will, It is a horrible build with lack of armor and hp. Even if you make it up with the gears you will just be bunker type that will take over a minute to kill even the squishiest target. Who gave you this build? a newbie to the s/d wep set? Try 0/30/10/30/0 or 0/25/10/25/10 or 10/20/10/20/10 or 0/30/0/30/10 with a mix of zerker, knight and soldier gear. You’ll burst and still have great hp and armor to perform well whether you are solo roaming or running with the zerg.
A random nobody calling Zoose “a newb to the s/d wep set” is priceless.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
cool thanks all for your insight. I think I am just not good enough lol to play 0/30/ s/d I just get rocked I do need some survivability like my engi has, So is a 0/10/10/20/30 viable? then I could keep zephyr and pick up the new earth trait for dps and toughness (so maybe lose a piece or two of knights for zerks). Or does this leave me in a bad spot for some reason?
Also is only reason or 30ater now for aura share or is the xI still good for condition removal on regen?
Zerker trinkets is what you’d wanna get because they have more crit damage which is the only reason why you’d wanna take zerker over knights gear.
As for 0/10/10/20/30. I’d still drop the 10 of arcana into air or earth. Or drop earth too and put it all in air or water.
Baseline traits for S/D in my opinion would be:
0/0/0/20/20. Leaving 30 points to put wherever you want them.
The 0/30/0/10/30 or my own build 0/30/0/30/10 for the S/D really needs a person to be aware of his/her surroundings and dodge VERY well and know the animations of other classes to avoid them. The lack of stability when giving up Armor of Earth is very hard to get used to just like the high attunement recharge rates. Also the low amount of vigor unless you are using the Phoenix well, is also a problem.
Your best bet is to just keep at it until you learn to dodge well. I run that build when my guild runs havoc (we’re about 5-10) people. It’s been tough getting used to not having stability, but the second you get into the flow and learn the animations and get situational awareness it becomes easier.
The standard 0/10/0/30/30 build is still great in WvW.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall –
Whoever this Zoose guy is, my point still stands. This build is horrible. I am completely sure he dies really quickly in spvp and specially in wvw. Another burst build s/d ele with any of the builds i suggested will kill him in one sec if he doesn’t have the gears complete bunker.
Whoever this Zoose guy is, my point still stands. This build is horrible. I am completely sure he dies really quickly in spvp and specially in wvw. Another burst build s/d ele with any of the builds i suggested will kill him in one sec if he doesn’t have the gears complete bunker.
LOL. It seems you are just a horrible ele player. The build is awesome. And for a berzerker burst build it still has incredible sustain. And it can kill people in a few seconds if they don’t dodge enough.
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
@DXIEdge on twitter.
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
^ what he said.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
That’s why thieves are the easiest profession to kill as a burst ele and so is this glass cannon ele. He will die wayyy before he even comes close to kill a decent player with this build. Only bad players will die towards a glass cannon ele with this horrible build.
That’s why thieves are the easiest profession to kill as a burst ele and so is this glass cannon ele. He will die wayyy before he even comes close to kill a decent player with this build. Only bad players will die towards a glass cannon ele with this horrible build.
LOL. You REALLY need to L2P and actually L2shutpwhenyoudon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout.
That’s why thieves are the easiest profession to kill as a burst ele and so is this glass cannon ele. He will die wayyy before he even comes close to kill a decent player with this build. Only bad players will die towards a glass cannon ele with this horrible build.
LOL. You REALLY need to L2P and actually L2shutpwhenyoudon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout.
lol L2p when I play way better than any of you guys debating this build is great. If not come at me in sor bg with this build and Ill show it to you how amateur this will make you look against a decent player.
LOL Internet toughguy.
Lightning, I do know you are a good player, but Zoose does know what he’s talking about in the sPvP scene. That build is gold in the sPvP scene where the Vigor/Evasive Arcana are still very effective
. Might not work so well in the WvW scene, but I do run something similar (0/30/0/30/10) and it works very kitten well as the cleanses are really needed for WvW where in sPvP the Ether Renewal might suffice depending on the composition you are facing.
He is one of the top sPvP players for a reason, he’s good at the class. That build is for sPvP and we can both agree that what might work for one game mode doesn’t necessarily work for another.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall –
That’s why thieves are the easiest profession to kill as a burst ele and so is this glass cannon ele. He will die wayyy before he even comes close to kill a decent player with this build. Only bad players will die towards a glass cannon ele with this horrible build.
LOL. You REALLY need to L2P and actually L2shutpwhenyoudon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout.
lol L2p when I play way better than any of you guys debating this build is great. If not come at me in sor bg with this build and Ill show it to you how amateur this will make you look against a decent player.
LOL Internet toughguy. posting your life and avoiding the topic.
How about you bring up a valid argument? And no, “ME AWESOME YOU BADDIES” is not a valid argument. So frak off.
That’s why thieves are the easiest profession to kill as a burst ele and so is this glass cannon ele. He will die wayyy before he even comes close to kill a decent player with this build. Only bad players will die towards a glass cannon ele with this horrible build.
LOL. You REALLY need to L2P and actually L2shutpwhenyoudon’tknowwhatyou’retalkingabout.
lol L2p when I play way better than any of you guys debating this build is great. If not come at me in sor bg with this build and Ill show it to you how amateur this will make you look against a decent player.
LOL Internet toughguy. posting your life and avoiding the topic.
How about you bring up a valid argument? And no, “ME AWESOME YOU BADDIES” is not a valid argument. So frak off.
That’s how your ignorant mind interpret my posts. Never claim myself to be awesome (at most decent) while you are baddies. I said and still stand on my point that this build is horrible. It might work on spvp like Raif stated, when one or more are not focusing target on you but in wvw even on 1v1 this is an amateur build if you don’t have mostly/entirety bunker gears.
As if build or skill matters in zerg vs zerg…
As if build or skill matters in zerg vs zerg…
Hmm I don’t zerg v zerg in T1 (gasp… suprise!) I run around with my havoc squad (13 of us) or roam with a few (read – 5 or less) and have a blast. In those numbers, skill and build matters greatly.
Not all of WvW is ZvZ.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall –
I love the ele boards, so constructive..
Personally I prefer 0/30/10/20/10 for S/D. Soldier’s and Knight’s armor with a few Cavalier and Berserker trinkets. Celestial trinkets aren’t bad either, but the zerker and cav stuff will give more damage. I swap things out depending on the situation. I just wish the stone splinters trait wasn’t currently bugged. I’ll probably just move those 10 points into water until they fix it, if they ever fix it.
The build is better in sPVP. You dont get caught out and focused by 6+ people. The build survives better when odds are your getting DPS’d by no more than 4.
Besides that it is easier to get away or for them to get caught out and dwindle the DPS farther (by going into your team and having someone overextend and get bursted) on smaller maps.
Quit having a kitten measuring contest and realise we’re talking 2 seperate areas.
Lightning, the build is not kitten, shut up and listen to what we’re saying.
Those of you saying WvW is ZvZ, stop and realise its not ALWAYS like that.
Ok? Good
@DXIEdge on twitter.
really? K first you guys should get clarification as to were the OP is using the build.
When you have a organized team with people filling specific roles then you can get away with glass. Cause you know you can say “Hey Dude I have a thief on me” or “Can someone drop healz” in voice chat.
If your up in hot join you better type that out before the match starts.
In WvW its different kind of you can go glass sure if you want to be instagib and always have to pick your fights then sure it can work. If you are rolling with a group over voice comms or they know you are squishy and can die to burst in a sec then you it can work.
Not all builds that work in sPvP work in WvW and vice versa. (See P/D condi theif and no hot join crap doesn’t count thats a free for all deathmatch most times.) Anyways Zoose build can work if you adjust some gear lower damage some to get some survivability.
Remember you don’t get a 100 power 10 crit damage in sPvP. So there should be no problem shaving 100 power 10 crit damage from your build for survivability. Through gear combos you can get higher crit damage than you can in sPvP so there is another place to look for survivability.
(edited by oZii.2864)
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
Cool so yea I think for myself I will be sticking d/d as I just like the play style but I do feel I want more dmg and less full tank. I think partly the reason I lose the fight I do is cause they went on too long and I slipped up. So if I can end it sooner like my engi and not be glass that is what I’m after. So the 0/20/0/20/30 what is the 2nd trait in air? And with the loss of 10 in water but picking up valks what kinda hp can be expected?
Also is there a general opinion of sigil of restoration vs ether renewall (maybe I just need to work on my renewall timing better)
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
Cool so yea I think for myself I will be sticking d/d as I just like the play style but I do feel I want more dmg and less full tank. I think partly the reason I lose the fight I do is cause they went on too long and I slipped up. So if I can end it sooner like my engi and not be glass that is what I’m after. So the 0/20/0/20/30 what is the 2nd trait in air? And with the loss of 10 in water but picking up valks what kinda hp can be expected?
Also is there a general opinion of sigil of restoration vs ether renewall (maybe I just need to work on my renewall timing better)
Ok. So lets start here.
You want a D/D build? If you want there are 2 main builds. 30 water and 20 water.
Recently, the nerf to Bountiful Power promps me to go to a 20 Air build.
Run Zephyr’s Boon and Bolt to the Heart. Most damage/mobility in all game modes.
For water, run w/e works. Honestly there are many traits in the first 20 that can work.
In arcana run the standard 5, 6, Evasive traits.
Amulet you have a couple choices. Soldiers with Berserkers or Valk’s with Berserkers. Both add Power, Toughness. Only issue is health vs. healing. Your choice really. Both are fine.
Runes/Sigils is all personal preference. Same with utilities. Use what you know.
As for heals, I personally have been convinced to go to Glyph. Ether Renewal can be interrupted and is only useful in stability based bunker builds. Signet has been nerfed too many times that the casting amount =/= glyph + regen/protection anymore, and the big heal that you used to get from dodge rolling in water no longer applies making it even less appealing. Glyph also gives you access to perma swiftness (Auras, switching to air, heal = swiftness never leaves im pretty sure)
In DPS builds, run Signet or Glyph. Bunker builds run Renewal.
Any more questions post em here
@DXIEdge on twitter.
I was running a 10-0-20-20-20 Staff build for WvW before the patch. Nice AoE, but very weak if caught in the open field. Cantrip build gave me enough escape ability to allow me to avoid contacts I knew I couldn’t win, or attempt engagements I thought I might have a chance at and get away if things went wrong. I found it a good balance in exchange for providing a support role to a group or zerg.
The patch killed the escape part of the build, which was a shame because the minor buffs to Staff skill flow made weapon skill use more enjoyable.
I’ve since switched to a 0-30-0-30-10 S/D build and I’m enjoying it a lot, even if I’m not very good at it yet. I can actually kill opponents 1v1, (or occasionally 1v2) now, I have better survivability and I can escape when need be. I can even switch to staff for wall/gate sieges with out too much loss vs. my previous staff build, while running S/D the rest of the time or even once the walls have been cleared of siege/foes.
I’m still learning all the skills and rotations. It can be a little frustrating going from a build where you could just act and react with out having to actually think about which buttons to press, to having to remember which skills are where, giving conscious thought to every button press. However, being inexperienced at this build is still yielding much better results and much more fun that the build that lost it’s luster due to nerfage.
S/D builds viable in the current meta can and do work, but people coming from different builds/weapon sets just need to remember that it will take a little time to become adept. It’s worth the effort, even if your fingers feel drunk and your mind a bit sluggish as you learn to adapt.
I am worried that S/D will be next on the nerf list and I also hate that ANet can not seem to broaden build choice with these patches, almost inevitably killing at least as many builds as they make viable. That part is getting very old, so I hope moving forward they will stop stepping unnecessarily on viable, (or even barely viable) builds and will work on adding variety, rather than just moving the goal post around the field.
First off Zoose is probably one of the best Ele’s NA, if not in the game….
2nd, the build is a tPVP build, where you play like a thief. It’s a completely different style to the conventional Ele builds and if you play like an Ele you die. Your heals aren’t half your health pool anymore and you run around with 70% crit and 62% crit damage in sPVP. The cost? No toughness, and positioning becomes number 1 priority.
It all depends on how you play. Ele’s have so many builds right now you can pick a play style and go with it. 0/20/0/20/30 with valks and divinity is still very good, 0/10/0/30/30 aura share isn’t AS good anymore, but still good. 0/0/20/20/30 and 0/0/10/30/30 bunker builds are still very good, and the new 0/30/0/10/30 builds are as good. It all depends on what your good with, what you prefer in builds and how you wanna play. It’s fantastic.
Personally I would practice positioning and acting like a thief with the build. Because that’s what you are.
Cool so yea I think for myself I will be sticking d/d as I just like the play style but I do feel I want more dmg and less full tank. I think partly the reason I lose the fight I do is cause they went on too long and I slipped up. So if I can end it sooner like my engi and not be glass that is what I’m after. So the 0/20/0/20/30 what is the 2nd trait in air? And with the loss of 10 in water but picking up valks what kinda hp can be expected?
Also is there a general opinion of sigil of restoration vs ether renewall (maybe I just need to work on my renewall timing better)
Ok. So lets start here.
You want a D/D build? If you want there are 2 main builds. 30 water and 20 water.
Recently, the nerf to Bountiful Power promps me to go to a 20 Air build.
Run Zephyr’s Boon and Bolt to the Heart. Most damage/mobility in all game modes.
For water, run w/e works. Honestly there are many traits in the first 20 that can work.
In arcana run the standard 5, 6, Evasive traits.
Amulet you have a couple choices. Soldiers with Berserkers or Valk’s with Berserkers. Both add Power, Toughness. Only issue is health vs. healing. Your choice really. Both are fine.
Runes/Sigils is all personal preference. Same with utilities. Use what you know.
As for heals, I personally have been convinced to go to Glyph. Ether Renewal can be interrupted and is only useful in stability based bunker builds. Signet has been nerfed too many times that the casting amount =/= glyph + regen/protection anymore, and the big heal that you used to get from dodge rolling in water no longer applies making it even less appealing. Glyph also gives you access to perma swiftness
(Auras, switching to air, heal = swiftness never leaves im pretty sure)
In DPS builds, run Signet or Glyph. Bunker builds run Renewal.
Any more questions post em here
cool I will give that glyph a shot see how I like it.
as far as armor I am full knghts, is this still the best compromise armor to be using? and my weap are knights as well but thinking to go zerks. I am just hesitant to give up the toughness (thiefs just own me so hard it is annoying)
thinking I will take a break from my engi and switch to 20 air and switch some trinkets and see how it feels then go from there.