Alright, hear me out, it is generally a bunker, but it doesn’t use dire.
full soldier’s. everywhere. I have exquisite carrion upgrades in the trinkets, dolyak runes in the armor. Sigil of corruption, and battle – yes corruption.
Condition damage crystals, either mango pie, condi cleanse on heal, might on heal, or one of the condi duration foods (+/-)
earth: rock solid, written in stone, armor of earth
water: soothing wave
arcane: vigor on crit, elemental attunement
Signet of Restoration, signet of water, lightning flash, signet of air, whatever elite you want.
You can really throw out the signets on the bar aside from the heal, and do whatever with them. I keep water slotted for the passive condi cleanse albeit unreliable adds up overtime, and who doesn’t like chilling people on demand? i keep air for the 25% speed and stunbreak, and lightning flash is just too useful to give up regardless.
With written in stone, you can use the heal, as well as have great sustain from armor/water/the passive. You also always maintain that juicy +25% without rune investment (boon/swift duration, traveler’s/speed).
Once I found EA I couldn’t play without it, I have tried. The finisher, the heal, it’s just too much in one package.
I aim for the condition damage sigil (this will all be in the air once rebalance comes in) because once I have it stacked, and I have the food and such up, condition damage is respectable, as is my power. i have no crit, and no crit damage, but I don’t even care. I am keeping burns very consistently, bleeds fairly consistently, and can normally land my bigger skills, and can stack might and maintain without trying 9-12.
I have only been playing with it for like a day, but it seems effective unless just overwhelmed by multiple bursters (as is our weakness anyway), always frontline ready with the setup anyway, but solo roaming is amusing.
I also occasionally switch out signet of water (and/or air – yes I use the GM trait for earth for one signet sometimes, sue me) for cleansing fire/mist form/armor of earth/ice bow/a random arcane/signet of earth depending on what I am seeing in the distance sometimes.
Something to do when bored.