[staff] Explain Why...

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


We can’t have faster velocity -or- cast time on auto attacks. Any and all explanations are welcome. The reason could be something obvious that I am missing.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: GoatCheese.2704


You shouldn’t be auto attacking very much with staff. You should be constantly swapping attunements and using the various skills when they come off cooldown.

Hestia Aduro

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


I feel we should have the option to auto attack for a few seconds without taking a massive damage loss so we have enough breathing room to make the tactical decisions necessary to use our skills to their full potential. If we’re just cycling through attunements constantly and blowing cooldowns left and right to maintain respectable damage/pressure, then we can’t pick and choose what spells we use at any given time to match the situation. Especially for a weapon like staff which relies very heavily on timing crowd controls with our AoEs to force enemies to eat the otherwise very avoidable damage.

Making our auto attacks more reliable would go a very long way to making staff more effective in every aspect of the game.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I feel we should have the option to auto attack for a few seconds without taking a massive damage loss so we have enough breathing room to make the tactical decisions necessary to use our skills to their full potential. If we’re just cycling through attunements constantly and blowing cooldowns left and right to maintain respectable damage/pressure, then we can’t pick and choose what spells we use at any given time to match the situation. Especially for a weapon like staff which relies very heavily on timing crowd controls with our AoEs to force enemies to eat the otherwise very avoidable damage.

Making our auto attacks more reliable would go a very long way to making staff more effective in every aspect of the game.

YES! This is true for ele across the board. By having such weak autos, spamming is necessary. This makes the attunement system more of a hindrance than an advantage, as attunement cooldowns get in the way of you getting to the next skill to spam. If I could reliably auto-attack and stay in the proper attunement, I would have the versatility to respond to the proper situation and be a real jack of all trades. As it is, we actually have very little versatility, only variety in skills that have to be used.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


being a staff elem is about doing an elaborate song and dance that isn’t nearly effective in any way whatsoever
the ringmasters of this game dropped the ball on elementalist.. if i had to make an educated guess based on the events of the past year, i’d say they couldn’t care less to pick it up again anytime soon

I wish you weren’t so right.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


The #1 biggest issue for ele’s as a whole is being chained to arcana to reduce attune cool down.

The #1 biggest issue for staff ele’s specifically behind that is being chained to 20 arcana for blasting staff.

Until those two things are resolved, anything else Anet throws at the class will be kind of pointless imo.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: EchenSketch.9142


Anet should really consider turning the Ele Staff into something like the Ranger shortbow, where skills 2-5 are used as utilites, and the main source of dps is from the autoattack. Staff already has loads of great utilites, improving the dps from the autoattack would, imo, perfect it. Now onto daggers, foci, and scepter >.>

Falkriiii – Elementalist

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solkard.5136


Because Anet logic is that we have twice as many skills as another profession, ergo they should only be half as effective to be balanced.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


there is no good reason -.- which makes this thread topic kinda stupid.

being a staff elem is about doing an elaborate song and dance that isn’t nearly effective in any way whatsoever
the ringmasters of this game dropped the ball on elementalist.. if i had to make an educated guess based on the events of the past year, i’d say they couldn’t care less to pick it up again anytime soon

yup they sure did drop the ball, while the “attunement” system seems like a good idea at first look, it takes away our “special” which is a Major bonus for all other classes and not only does it remove a “powerful special ability”(which in most cases is the most powerfull ability each class have) it also adds a major handicap on the ele forcing them to stay with 1 range distance, 1 dmg type(due to how dmg vs range change) and forced to constantly used extra apm to be able to switch consistantly and even worse it splits the abilities out in more abilities most of the abilities are just “half” of an ability from other classes == taking double the time to do the same impact of other classes.

the attunement system is a Giant handicap for the ele’s.
having a majorly powerfull “special” like the necro’s
and abilities which had double effects “cc+reasonable dmg”, “utility+extra effect/dmg” etc.
and the ability to switch between Two different ranges/dmg types in combat.
AND have faets which isnt attunement but instead weapon set orientated allowing the ele to actually MAX/min out their weapon set potential instead of always having “weak” part of the weapon set due to the attunement system.
would be EXTREMELY much better then the attunement system we got now

all in all the ele system is just majorly nerfed from the very start by its design -.-

(edited by Erebus.7568)

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


there is no good reason -.- which makes this thread topic kinda stupid.

I can’t figure out why you would post such innovative ideas in my stupid thread.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


there is no good reason -.- which makes this thread topic kinda stupid.

I can’t figure out why you would post such innovative ideas in my stupid thread.

becouse the question you ask is so incredibly obvious thakittens CLEAR that you didnt post it to get actual answers but simply drag attention to it.
while i am completely for buffing/changing the staff of ele (becouse of its pethetic state compared to any other weapon for any class), i dont see the point in simply dragging attention to the staff without any suggestion or any idea or any claim etc. everyone is aware thakittens very up so saying “hey staff up, why not buff it?” isnt gonna be of any help at all, since its something every one (with any experience) is well awared of and forsee a buff of some sort… idea’s of how this could be done and why/effects, could be helpfull though

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


i highly doubt typing up ideas to improve the class is going to affect the game much.. you could probably type a 20 page award winning report and the people running this game wouldn’t give it the time of day.. you’d have much better luck starting a topic stating how suck the particular class is and how it’s hindering time spent on the game and dulling the incentive to use the gem store.. i’d like to think that’s not the case, but as i previously mentioned, just look at the past years track record

i ish keyboard drooler, i can haz buff, nerf something elz
yep, you get anough players typing that up and you’ll finally be in for some astounding patch notes

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


i highly doubt typing up ideas to improve the class is going to affect the game much.. you could probably type a 20 page award winning report and the people running this game wouldn’t give it the time of day.. you’d have much better luck starting a topic stating how suck the particular class is and how it’s hindering time spent on the game and dulling the incentive to use the gem store.. i’d like to think that’s not the case, but as i previously mentioned, just look at the past years track record

i ish keyboard drooler, i can haz buff, nerf something elz
yep, you get anough players typing that up and you’ll finally be in for some astounding patch notes

it would be the most constructive course of action and if ANYTHING is having any effect on the games course, that would diffinately be in the top of the list

if it doesnt help well mindless complaining without anything else then “it sux, buuh” wont do anything either and is just a hassel.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

I agree that staff autoattacks need to be buffed. However, IMO, each attunement AA needs to be buffed in regards to its attunement forte, so to say:

Fire: Make the splash larger, otherwise leave it as it is.
Water: Make the splash larger as well, increase the healing done to allies
Lightning: Remove the bounce, increase projectile speed, increase damage done
Earth: Add 2 stacks of bleed, otherwise keep as it is

Something like this.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mizhas.8536


The #1 biggest issue for ele’s as a whole is being chained to arcana to reduce attune cool down.

The #1 biggest issue for staff ele’s specifically behind that is being chained to 20 arcana for blasting staff.

Until those two things are resolved, anything else Anet throws at the class will be kind of pointless imo.


Theese are clearly 2 of the biggest problems staff ele have. In fact i can’t belive why in the first place we have to spec for a trait to our AoEs to be decent.

Then fire traitline is pure crap. The only interesting trait is in the grandmaster traitline where noone will definitely go for it.

We eles have amazing traits but so badly distributed that don’t allow us to play them.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jarek.2430


The #1 biggest issue for ele’s as a whole is being chained to arcana to reduce attune cool down.

Fresh air provides a 2nd avenue for Ele’s except Staff.

The #1 biggest issue for staff ele’s specifically behind that is being chained to 20 arcana for blasting staff.

I need Arcana to reduce the attune cool down for staff not for the blasting staff trait. Staff is all about team play. Nowadays in a coordinated Zerg revival is key. Glyph of Renewal and arcane resurrection are needed.

the biggest issues for staff elementalist is attunement recharge, un-nerf ride the lightning, and lightning surge needs to be instant cast with xxxxx damage (>‘-’)> kirby

Staff doesn’t have ride the lightning – that is offhand dagger. I agree Lightning surge needs a faster cast time.

Staff needs another combo finisher blast or two; add it to flameburst and/or Gust.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Baladir.2736


You shouldn’t be auto attacking very much with staff. You should be constantly swapping attunements and using the various skills when they come off cooldown.

Well, that’s not always possible, especially if we take 20 points out of the Arcane trait line (leave 10), go Fresh Air (30 in air), and invest in the Fire traits to get some respectable damage. What I find is that I end up in Air so often, the other attunements are often all on cooldown. So, I have to auto attack. It doesn’t really matter what weapon. There has to be a payback from freeing ourselves of spending 30 in Arcane. I am a heck of alot more vulnerable. So, give me some real dps in return.

[staff] Explain Why...

in Elementalist

Posted by: xbaunx.6438


becouse the question you ask is so incredibly obvious thakittens CLEAR that you didnt post it to get actual answers but simply drag attention to it.
while i am completely for buffing/changing the staff of ele (becouse of its pethetic state compared to any other weapon for any class), i dont see the point in simply dragging attention to the staff without any suggestion or any idea or any claim etc. everyone is aware thakittens very up so saying “hey staff up, why not buff it?” isnt gonna be of any help at all, since its something every one (with any experience) is well awared of and forsee a buff of some sort… idea’s of how this could be done and why/effects, could be helpfull though

For someone who disagrees so vehemently with the nature of my thread, you sure are doing a good job of proving its merits.

We can agree that a game developer’s number one goal is to create profit. The most likely course to follow in order to achieve profit is to maintain a happy player base. So how should players broadcast their feelings to a developer?

Why not suggestions?
If you think our developers are refraining from making changes because they lack ideas/suggestions, you need assistance beyond the scope of this post. ArenaNet receives such a wide variety of suggestions that most of them probably go unnoticed.

Why is Q_Q more effective than criticism?
It stands out. While constructive criticism is always different and relies on the critic, Q_Q tends to be the same thing over and over, and over again. Q_Q allows an entire player base to speak about a specific problem, rather than multitudes of players posting suggestions in the form of text walls that get skipped over with an emphatic TL;DR.

Through this reasoning, creating Q_Q posts with clever titles that draw attention is in fact the most effective way to become visible.

Which brings me back to you. You’re so tired of reading Q_Q posts that you took the initiative to call my thread stupid. It may be a stupid Q_Q post, but it compelled you to take action, which is something that random text-wall-suggestion-box threads do not accomplish as easily.