staff or dagger/warhorn for fractals?
Just so your thread is not empty I will just give my opinion :P
I use staff all the time. The damage is great and it has a ton of both defensive and offensive skills which are also aoe which is great.
The overloads are a big bonus as well and combined with staff can cause some major pain :o
Staff. Fresh air is great, but most fractals are byob (bring your own boons), and fire staff is just too good at stacking personal might
Use both, there are situation where One is better than the other. Depends on wich fractals you do.
Great thanks all iam gonna use staff!
One more thing, what is the purpose of persisting flames(last trait in fire). Do we have to somehow blast our lava front mid combat, or it adds more dmg to lava front?
Persisting flames makes your fire fields “persist” longer giving them the opportunity to tick more often, hence increasing your damage. Also you put down a fountain when you go down so it’s helpful against fractal avengers and if you just trip you will have effectively double damage for 6s.
As for the fury: That is mostly important if you prestack your group, bechause fury on any beserker-build makes them guaranteed crit.
Great thanks all iam gonna use staff!
One more thing, what is the purpose of persisting flames(last trait in fire). Do we have to somehow blast our lava front mid combat, or it adds more dmg to lava front?
Longer fire field means more damage from lava font, and if you can blast it’s always nice. And, if you ever don’t have a perfect group you can prestack might/fury with a quick weapon swap, or just go D/W or D/F and do it that way. Then the lavafont on down has rallied me many times.
if the party is low on offensive boons, I take arcane wave and blast my fire fields for the AoE fury. and some extra might
but yes, the primary purpose is to make your main damage spell, lava font, do 50% more damage by lasting 50% longer.
Also keep in mind when blasting: the blast finisher triggers the oldest field, so if there are other fields down, wait until the old ones disappear before using arcane wave.
sometimes d/f even needed.xD
Also keep in mind when blasting: the blast finisher triggers the oldest field, so if there are other fields down, wait until the old ones disappear before using arcane wave.
Quick off topic question. Did they ever fix this to work consistently? It is the rule that’s supposed to be true but for example Guardian’s Staff symbol was notorious for just ignoring this rule and you get to blast a light field regardless.
Also keep in mind when blasting: the blast finisher triggers the oldest field, so if there are other fields down, wait until the old ones disappear before using arcane wave.
Quick off topic question. Did they ever fix this to work consistently? It is the rule that’s supposed to be true but for example Guardian’s Staff symbol was notorious for just ignoring this rule and you get to blast a light field regardless.
The best way to test this would be to test is yourself: Place fire – place light – see what boon you get. I’ve witnessed inconsistent behaviour like that as well, and tend to believe that some skills have a “higher blast priority” but I’ve never gotten around to disprove myself.
[attachment: “Why not both?”]
Honestly, this is what I do. I have all weapons with me all the time, and depending on the encounter will swap to a better set.
For example, I usually run dagger/warhorn, but at the Weapons Testing encounter in Molten Facility I switch to staff for the healing and Air 3 knockback. Or Molten Boss, switch to focus at the twins because Air 4 destroys the firebolts, and Earth 5 invuln. I also swap to staff or scepter for the Thaumanova Anomaly because dagger can’t attack while the center panels are gone (usually scepter because it has more blasts).
Scepter seems to be good these days for certain thing as well.
I find staff works for every level. Water/Fire/Tempest. Full zerk. Build
I’m not meta with this, but I use it because it’s what I have. I actually use strength runes because overload fire is used every cd or to kill trash. Exchange frostbow for anything else useful, such as cleansing fire. Exchange elite for either fgs or rebound. It’s fast and fun. That site does not let you put in max AR. S/F would work better with my runes, but those weapons don’t have AR in them for me. I find staff extremely useful as heals, cc (breakbar included), and rdps are all top notch.