the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay wilson.1702

Jay wilson.1702

THIS IS NOT MY BULID i tryed it in spvp and i could do any 1v1 i had so much power

oh btw he uses soldier ammy and rune of the earth(bulid site down) but here is his thread enjoy.

(edited by Jay wilson.1702)

the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


Interesting build with one bad thing – no stun breaker. Btw, standart healing bunker build can handle 2-3 people.

the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay wilson.1702

Jay wilson.1702

but it gives you alot of dmg and with this i can handle alot of people for earth you put when your hp reachs 50% it gives armour of earth your stun breaker and i 1v1ed alot of gs warriors then can only get me down to 50% hp then there immblied

the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cempa.3645


17k HP? You really sure about this since the video is just of him doing lots of 1v1!

the best ele bulid great dps great defense with bulid link

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay wilson.1702

Jay wilson.1702

urg typo don’t get armour of earth get the one that for each aura you get 5 secs of protectiong with rune of the earth it makes it 20% longer so basiclayy you have 17k hp with 30 earth with soldiers ammy and almost never ending protection with good dmg