time to share the OP dps ele build
1v1 me and u will lose with that squishy build.
hm no replys on whats wrong withit, that is okay I don’t want it to be nerfed
What is there to nerf? The only real trick to your set up is the churning earth tp which has been around for quite a while. I do have to agree with Mathiuzz in that you are still relatively squishy. Also, your combo order could use some work as you are not taking advantage of the state of your opponent in some cases.
Various other classes for figuring out how to kill em (thief, warrior, mesmer, etc…)
War is much more fun when you’re winning! – General Martok
it is not squishy i regen all my hp back and i have 17k hp with 3.1 k dps with arc lightning per hit(stage 3) crit is the best form of dps and diablo 3 proved that.
crit will never be best form of dps ,not for ele
hm no replys on whats wrong withit, that is okay I don’t want it to be nerfed
I can tell you what’s wrong with it, it was made by someone who can’t even string an intelligible sentence together, let alone design a real build. Have fun bursting warriors, rangers, guardians, and even engineers only to have them hit their heal and one-shot you.
Being able to regen is nothing special, does not make you tanky, and does not make this build viable, in case you haven’t noticed, every class in the game has a heal equipped at all times, not to mention the many classes that can slot off-heals or proc regen.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
This is a pretty standard glass cannon build honestly.. and squishy as hell once targeted.
Well ok, it can be used as burst but let me say it like this
Even if you had 40k health and permanent regen… You would still be squishy.
The lack of toughness is enormous and causes people to do massive dmg against you.. (1200 toughness (preferably a bit more ofc is kinda the minimal if you intend to get hit more then once (unless you like glass cannon ofc. Nothing wrong with that))
So, yes it may work awesome for you, yes you may be an great killer with it… But still, its a glass cannon
(edited by Warmage Timeraider.5861)
Well I actually tried it and played 10ish rounds with it.
It isn´t very different from the other glass cannon builds tbh. I ran something like that with three cantrips and focus for extra survival because you really need it.
You are squishy as hell You take so much damage you have to go survival mode pretty soon. And if two guys focus on you you´re toast. Even getting away is a chore ´cos you take so much dmg from even autoattack.
Back to my old build
Well ok, it can be used as burst but let me say it like this
Even if you had 40k health and permanent regen… You would still be squishy.
The lack of toughness is enormous and causes people to do massive dmg against you.. (1200 toughness (preferably a bit more ofcis kinda the minimal if you intend to get hit more then once (unless you like glass cannon ofc. Nothing wrong with that))
So, yes it may work awesome for you, yes you may be an great killer with it… But still, its a glass cannon
I run a baseline toughness build and have very few problems staying alive most of the time. This is as a D/D Ele.
Simply stating that you need 1200 toughness is false. It depends a lot on your build/utilities/rune setup. It also depends a lot on what is actually killing you. Sure, I’ve been caught by thieves without stunbreaks up, and not been able to strip conditions faster than someone can apply them, but having 300 extra toughness probably wouldn’t have made that much difference in all but a few situations where it was very very close.
The difference between baseline toughness of 900ish, and 1200 toughness, is about 12% more survivability (maybe even less – I can’t be bothered working the exact math out right now). Is it helpful? Sure, nobody would turn down 12%(ish) more survivability if it was free, but the question people have to answer is whether it’s worth sacrificing damage/utility oriented traits/runes to get it.
Either way, the core of my point is that ‘you need 1200 toughness’ is wrong. You don’t need it. What you need is some means of avoiding death every time someone looks at you with an angry frown. If some people choose toughness, that’s cool, but others might choose utility skills or specific traits or specific runes/sigils that offset that lack.
Never said you need it at every spec, if you have an spec based with dodges, avoiding etc. … Sure you dont need it.. But that guys build looks like he will be targetted and can expect a beating
OP dps ele, meet my backstab thief.
Never said you need it at every spec, if you have an spec based with dodges, avoiding etc. … Sure you dont need it.. But that guys build looks like he will be targetted and can expect a beating
Apologies; the implication was ‘you don’t have 1200 toughness? everyone has 1200 toughness! You’re doing it wrong!’. Misinterpretation on my end perhaps.
But yeah, it’s a fairly standard, reasonably glass cannon build, and additionally, the chances of managing to pull off the miracle combo in one uninterrupted chain are fairly slim, and open you to a whole world of pain if you do it wrong.
It’s not a terrible build, but it’s not exactly a groundbreaking discovery.
OP dps ele, meet my backstab thief.
Unfortunately this is true. With 5K steal, steal stealth’s, then 10K backstab, you’ve got very little time to even heal. This is what destroyed my ele power crit build all the time. Its fine if you see the thief coming and smash your aoes but if he goes by unnoticed then you are buggard.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Dead elementalists do poor damage…
@Mathiuzz crit will never be best form of dps ,not for ele
Say what?
This has nothing to do with any other game, it has to do with math.
The BASE crit damage is 150%, so if your tooltip says 0% crit damage, you have 150%.
And you can get to 80% and not go full glass which is +230% crit damage.
Some games have high crit chance, some dont but this one has a silly high crit chance.
With a 50%+ all the time crit chance, that can boost +12% with the sigil, and +20% more with furry…
What kind of data parse or build do you have in your head that will out dps a 50-65% crit chance at +230% damage?
I’m not aware that you can get those #s and not have power on the items to match you there is no way that anything but a crit chance build is going to be top DPS.
Please god tell me you dont think a Condition build is better??
Go do math.
Understand 15 stacks of bleed = 1 condition, and is EASY to remove.
Understand Bleed caps at 25 Stacks, on Vets, Champs whatever it doesnt mater if they are your bleeds or someone else’s, it caps at 25 so you will be lucky to have 3-4 of your bleeds going on any boss in a Dynamic Event.
Understand Burns dont stack.
Look at the condition damage you do with full condition gear and without, even a strong set of condition gear you bump from like 55-80, which is…pointless.
you lost me at sigil of might. Elems have low attack speed so that might buff won’t proc that much even if all your hits crit. I’d say it’s better to go with fire or air
@Jay (OP):
I’ve played with similar builds in the past and I haven’t really had the success you’ve been experiencing. This may well (very likely) be down to a lack of skill/experience on my part is terms of positioning/timing.
Would be great if you could post a video of the build in action, will help loads.
Finally, many thanks for contributing your experiences with the build, my Ele play is way behind my Necro at the moment and I’m trying to learn from you more experienced players (so many skills and combo options! my Ele would love a skill cooldown addon lol).
I think most people have already said what needs to be said about the effectiveness of this build. It’s not an extremely bad one, but it’s a glass cannon build. And it’s definitely nothing new.
Either way, wanted to comment on this particular section:
gear 5 runes of the scholar 1 rune of divently, weapons rune that give vuronablity on crit and rune that gives you might on crit.
First of all the runes on gear. Why would you drop that last 1 rune from scholar if you go that far. Your build relies on hitting them hard, before they can hit you, so that 10% extra damage while 90%+ HP seems almost perfect for the kind of build you’re running.
Second, your weapon sigils (they are sigils not runes) are way off. You can not have 2 crit sigils because they don’t stack.
In fact none of the proc sigils stack with each other, so you can’t even combine an “on weapon swap” with a “on crit”
Now in this case because both cooldowns are only 1 second it isn’t huge. But it still means you miss out on quite a bit of potential procs due to this.
It’s amazing what people on this forum can come up with.
well thats pretty squishy and is really only good if you can burst some sub80/new 80 down to a downed state right away. No sustainability in that what so ever. After you shoot off your initial you are left with no defense and will just be chewed up.
guys, you have to really play around with this bulid each class has a combo
ranger earth churning earth tele knockback try armour if you can then air 4 5 3 2 then fire 2 4 3 5 if you xan then quick swap to water for frost armour(rangers main weakness) slowing then down for nice chill
or if you feel like kiting alot start in water frost armour spam 2 until he wastes dodge then fire dragon tooth pheonix 4 5 then earth tele and earth quake then air 123 then 4 5
WAIT you guys said you hate my sigils what ones would you change I am thinking abut changing might and rune of the scholar X5 tune of divently X1 will never change, I am corncened about my weapon sigils the vunblity on crit is a must since air 25 gives you vunablity on crit. sorry for spelling in a rush.
It has been said already but- you have half the dps of my thief and I can kill you in 3-5 seconds.
Good thief stuns or dazes you in the middle of earth 4 aka earthquake and does nasty things to you. Then you obviously mist form and after thats finished one heart seeker takes you out. Thats the bad thing about glass cannons.
mist form change to air 3 2 4 5 blinded and takened havey dmg then water armour of frost 3 5 press healing buttion(aura of restorarion) while swithing to fire for 3 4 2 then earth if i can get that knockback(he is dead by then if he can 2 shot me) trust me guys I killed plenty of thieves nothing new just you guys crying have you even tried my tips with my build???
Jay, people might take you a little more seriously if you didn’t type like a 9-year old pepped up on Skittles. Your posts make my head hurt.
That aside, it’s not a revolutionary build, and there are no default win combo’s when you’re playing against other, intelligent, players.
seen your post history all you do is cry about ele instead of playing it also of all the eles i faced they all took this bulid over theirs because it is more powerfully. High offence medium survablity, OR super high offence but before you burst your downed. I played tourneys with this bulid and now i am reolling to ranger or thief for my katniss everdeen chhar.
Elementalist and OP are incompatible things. Elementalist doesn’t have OP build and there is nothing to nerf. Zero tougness means glass cannon or close to it. Casting 2 earth in S/D when you attacked by thief made me laugh. When you finish cast, you lose half HP.
And btw, this build can’t do 3/4 damage of pure damage build. Because you lose 300 power, 15% damage and might stacking from fire traits and 20% damage to stunned enemies from air trait. But survivability is better, of course.
wy are you all hating on a bulid people congrats me in tourneys i can 1v1 any bulid and kill them unless you guys are saying this bulid sucks so anet if anet buffs ele this bulid will be very very strong?
First off, it’s a “build” and second, I think the way you presented it – with such an arrogant attitude – has instantly put people off. That makes them look for faults in the “build”, so they can shove it back in your face.
Also, the way you can’t seem to type out a single decent sentence is a little frustrating to people trying to read your arguments.
wy are you all hating on a bulid people congrats me in tourneys i can 1v1 any bulid and kill them unless you guys are saying this bulid sucks so anet if anet buffs ele this bulid will be very very strong?
I don’t say build is bad. Just let’s call a spade a spade. It’s not OP build, because elementalist doesn’t have OP builds, and it does much less, then 3/4 of pure damage build. Plus it’s almost glass cannon spec (zero toughness, berserker amulet, you talk about sPvP). Thats all.
Buff doesn’t mean straight increase of numbers. For example remake of conjured weapons doesn’t add nothing to this build, but is strong buff for class.
Yea the build is OK. But it isn´t OP or anything that special you are trying to make it. I think we all know the combos and chains with S/D, if it would be so easy to “mist form change to air 3 2 4 5 blinded and takened havey dmg then water armour of frost 3 5 press healing buttion(aura of restorarion) while swithing to fire for 3 4 2 then earth if i can get that knockback” we would all dominate with ele.
Ofc you could be some miracle kid with cat-like reflexes who can win anyone with any build or prof. But the thing is your mist form is going to be in CD all the time, so that will save your behind one time. So the amount of dmg you take is up the roof without toughness. When you take 7k heartseekers it´s time to pull the toughnesspants on.
Ofc in a perfect setup you can win anyone with that build or with any build actually. But so can your enemy
People are still feeding this troll? It’s been days, let him die.
Notice the name of the first poster :p
1v1 me and u will lose with that squishy build.
same. my elementalist would ruin yours 9 times out of 10. when you ride the lightning to me, my updraft will launch first. after said updraft, fire element will take out a third of your HP (because of your glass cannon build) with ease. your churning earth is ridiculously easy to dodge, even with lighting flash. just count to 5 seconds and press V. OR i could simply hit you for 4.9 seconds and if you don’t die, i’ll simply deploy my arcane shield right before your churning earth goes off. you won’t deal much damage to me at all, and you’d just be even more of a free kill.
1v1 me and u will lose with that squishy build.
same. my elementalist would ruin yours 9 times out of 10. when you ride the lightning to me, my updraft will launch first. after said updraft, fire element will take out a third of your HP (because of your glass cannon build) with ease. your churning earth is ridiculously easy to dodge, even with lighting flash. just count to 5 seconds and press V. OR i could simply hit you for 4.9 seconds and if you don’t die, i’ll simply deploy my arcane shield right before your churning earth goes off. you won’t deal much damage to me at all, and you’d just be even more of a free kill.
Nah. I believe the better player would win. Altough, you would have a slight advantage due to the fact that you know exactly what his spec looks like.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
pukknub, i’d have the advantage simply because my build is far more resilient than his. sure, he can deal more damage, but much of that, as scepter/dagger, is avoidable.
I experimented earlier: a 30/30/X/X/X ele in berzerker gear doesn’t dish out THAT much damage. for a d/d 0/0/30/20/20 build such as mine, i can, in fact, deal about 70% of the damage he’s dealing oftentimes AND survive encounters that would kill him twice over. if we shot at each other with autoattacks until someone dies… well, i can probably take almost twice the amount of damage with my added toughness and vitality, while he can’t deal twice the amount of damage as i can.
it also helps that arcane shield works so well against an elementalist’s heavy damage dealers as it blocks 3 attacks no matter how much damage they deal… which benefits me more than it benefits him, as i deal less damage and don’t have to rely on burst.
@pukknub you know i am a more skilled ele then that i have 2 stun breakers. i go air press 3 2 1 then dodge your rtl or wait to see if it bugs(they still never fixed it) then i will rtl you will updraft since your blinded it will miss mine will hit i will switch to fore use fire bird ring of fire then swap to earth for another knockback put some bleed then press 2 while swaping to ether water or air again to destroy you.
OR you just get a backstab thief and watch me run away
keep in mind i have 25 water also i killed plenty of this super tough earth eles i just keep wearing down there hp or slowly kill them (130% to give vunablity on crit)
@pukknub you know i am a more skilled ele then that i have 2 stun breakers. i go air press 3 2 1 then dodge your rtl or wait to see if it bugs(they still never fixed it) then i will rtl you will updraft since your blinded it will miss mine will hit i will switch to fore use fire bird ring of fire then swap to earth for another knockback put some bleed then press 2 while swaping to ether water or air again to destroy you.
OR you just get a backstab thief and watch me run away
we have a term in starcraft 2 called “theorycrafting,” where things may be viable on paper but in practice, truly aren’t. we’re both “theorycrafting” right now, and neither of us could prove it unless we went toe-to-toe with our builds in a 1v1 fight… and even then, there will be a skill disparity in which the higher skilled player will win.
RTL glitches 70% of the time if your opponent even so much as moves… whoever initiates a fight between two elementalists will get the short end of the stick. most likely, it will miss, and ele no. 1 will updraft ele no.2 while ele no. 2 is basically stunned by his own RTL.
and there’s the thing about arcane shields and final shielding. in an elementalist vs. elementalist fight, arcane shield will benefit more the person who did not spec full glass cannon due to the inherent design of the build: it blocks 3 shots no matter how much damage the shots deal.
also, scepter is far too dodgeable a weapon… in my experience, it only works on noobs who walk backward slowly and waste their dodges. for example, as soon as i see your fire 2 dropping down on me, it’s easily predictable to expect the slow-moving phoenix to follow soon… in which case, a dodge in any direction renders me unharmed. same, again, with the churning earth + teleport combo. count to 5 seconds and press V. you escape unscathed… OR you could RTL or dagger earth 3 to your opponent and updraft/ earthquake them.
also, an elementalist doesn’t benefit drastically from berserker’s armor. even with one of the tankiest builds possible (0/0/30/20/20) fire grab crits for 3-4k damage after i apply signet of fire on an opponent. that means my opponent just took 7-8k damage. in your case, that’s half your HP. dagger fire 3 gives me another 2k damage, fire 2 and water 2 will double as arcane shield breakers and will both do 1.6-2k damage apiece.
bottom point: sure, you can deal damage, but far too much of it is far too easily avoidable and counterable.
Bulid… ok I’m in tears laughing.. OP wins!
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