were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay wilson.1702

Jay wilson.1702

it is true they nerfed the class once when it was OP (bwe1) but then bioware kept on nerfing the class where it requires alot of effort to kill someone then people just quited the class for tracer missile bounty hunter.

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rezo.4815


Or in this case a heartseeker thief.
Relevant : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh5zjK7ITpQ

For the night is dark and full of nightcappers.
[IRON] – Desolation
The Iron Triangle

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jay wilson.1702

Jay wilson.1702

I lol everytime i see that video

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spoon.3826


How can you even really determine if a class is OP in one BWE? It seems kinda funny considering how their stance is ‘letting the meta develop’

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Colton.9460


Or in this case a heartseeker thief.
Relevant : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh5zjK7ITpQ

Hilarious, and true

The funny thing is with my D/D ele some ppl in my guild think I should still be nerfed. Kitten forbid I dodge and use my cantrips to stay alive and do damage…….so OP.

(plz for the love of kitten dont remove cantrips Anet, I know you want to. And I know I said that D/D does damage plz dont remove daggers from our item list…..I can see you salivating, but plz no lol)

“I’m watching you violate my game mode”

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: elchulo.3148


Yeah don’t mention “damage” in our threads or it will be taken away.

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Selo.1250


More like gunnery commando. Most worthless class that keeps getting nerfed and kicked from groups becouse their so crap. And aparently they got nerfed again in the latest patch :P

I always get laughed at from my guildies for picking the classes that gets roflstomped by the devs….to the point where they forbid me to roll the classes their going to play becouse then they will get nerfed..

were being treated as biowares swtor operator class

in Elementalist

Posted by: Baro.3549


Not sure if you guys have realized yet, but one of the Ele builds is 1 of 3 profs/ builds that have drawn devs attention for being imbalanced or op if you want…