wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


The idea that you expect to run away from a group of 6 players simply because you’re playing an ele is a JOKE.

So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

I wanted a character that was able to roam solo in WvW. In the end, there were 2 reasons I decided to roll an Elementalist for that:

1) Was the most fun to play for me
2) Thieves were (are) beyond broken due to stealth and initiative mechanics and I excpected them to get nerfed into Oblivion so I thought I’d be better off sticking with a GW1 core class as they wouldn’t destroy such an iconic class as hard (ye, silly me,kittenck my life)

8 month later, the devs are now tellling me I’m not allowed to roam anymore. How’s that fair? I’m the last to complain about reasonable balance changes, but when they strip an entire aspect of my class, especially the one that made me create that character in the first place, then I’m up in arms.

If you let them get away, that’s your problem. Nobody’s “allowed” to do it. Sounds like more learn to play issue.

…and you said it yourself…you picked ele because you thought it wouldn’t get nerfed (even if it is overpowered), because it used to be a core class in gw1. Well, the joke’s on you now since ANet was smart enough to take the right course of action.

(edited by Kurow.6973)

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


And I’m fine! Can I run away from one guy? Probably yeah, I can drag this long enough to get to the keep. Can I catch a guy? Probably yeah, but not sure if he won’t drag this on long enough to get to his keep.

Can I run away from a couple of guys? Not really, unless I juke real good and they don’t pay attention.

Well, I guess there’s different definitions of effective roaming then. Regardless of class, when 10 enemies appear nearby, and – given enough time to react properly – I have no chance of escaping them, I’m not effectively roaming by my standards.

Side note: You’re claiming Mesmers are only decent roamers when speccing for it, while Eles seem to get everything for free. You do realise roaming D/D Eles did HEAVILY spec for exactly that? Running 3 utilities that all can be used to escape, and getting yourself locked into the only weapon set (remember, no weapon swap for Eles) that offers the needed mobility but is exclusively melee range is ‘getting everything for free’? Really? I mean, I don’t like calling people names, but… ah, whatever.

And with all that somehow a change to Ride the Lightning brought you on your knees? Must have been a pretty overpowered ability then if it was all that held your kitten together, eh?

Mist Form and Lightning Flash are suddenly useless? Want more? Take Fiery GS and whirl around ftw…


Don’t you think you are overreacting? So, WvW solo roaming is gone just like that? Yu gotta be kittenting me.

You think that being able to run away from 10 people is a “standard for effective roaming”? Dude… really… just stop?

Are you really that dumb? One of the key aspects of roaming is mobility. That’s what RTL provided. They took it away -> they killed roaming. Everything else still works like it did before (except for Mist Form obviously, lol), doesn’t matter tho because they took away one of the KEY ASPECTS. Is it really that hard to understand? Do you have a driver’s licence? Own a car? If I took the motor away from your car, would it still work? No? WHAT KIND OF NOOB CAR IS THAT, I MEAN, IT STILL HAS WHEELS, BRAKES AND FUEL, DOESN’T IT?!

And yeah, getting away from 10 people (even 50, for that matter) while not being in combat yet is one of my standards for effective roaming (Newsflash: there’s even classes that manage to pull such stuff while IN combat). But again, standards vary. A garbage player might be glad to barely get away from a single opponent on his ‘roaming’ build. I have different standards.

So basically you want to tell me that having less CD on one ability made all the difference for you in being able to run away from 10 people or not?

What you basically say is your whole build did not matter – only this weapon one ability?

I think you need to lower your “standards” a bit down to earth… you know, just to where all the other 95% of the guys in WvW are. If just that change is what turned your escaping from the “pro” quality to “garbage player” quality, then maybe you are not really that pro, but were instead carried by that ability?

Cry more.

And here I am, thinking that car example would even make an ape understand it.

I’ll vary it a little: If I took away the wheels from your car but left the motor in, would it work? No? If I gave you back the motor and the wheels, but took the fuel out, would it still work? No? Something’s ringing yet? Of course the other parts of the build do matter. There’s stability, damage reduction, invulnerability, condition removal. All stuff you need to reliably escape tricky situations. All that stuff doesn’t matter tho without mobility (or stealth, but last time I checked Eles didn’t have access to that). RTL was the thing that provided the mobility. Just like wheels on your car get that whole thing rolling. And yes, twice the CD + a 20% range reduction (for some reason people always seem to forget about that one) make all the difference.

And no, I don’t need to lower my standards. When I am better than 95% of the other guys in WvW, then I can afford to have higher standards than 95% of the other guys. Makes sense to me.

If you are better than 95% of the other guys in WvW then what’s your problem exactly? You are a good player, surely you can try harder, right?

You rule as it is then, grats

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


And I’m fine! Can I run away from one guy? Probably yeah, I can drag this long enough to get to the keep. Can I catch a guy? Probably yeah, but not sure if he won’t drag this on long enough to get to his keep.

Can I run away from a couple of guys? Not really, unless I juke real good and they don’t pay attention.

Well, I guess there’s different definitions of effective roaming then. Regardless of class, when 10 enemies appear nearby, and – given enough time to react properly – I have no chance of escaping them, I’m not effectively roaming by my standards.

Side note: You’re claiming Mesmers are only decent roamers when speccing for it, while Eles seem to get everything for free. You do realise roaming D/D Eles did HEAVILY spec for exactly that? Running 3 utilities that all can be used to escape, and getting yourself locked into the only weapon set (remember, no weapon swap for Eles) that offers the needed mobility but is exclusively melee range is ‘getting everything for free’? Really? I mean, I don’t like calling people names, but… ah, whatever.

And with all that somehow a change to Ride the Lightning brought you on your knees? Must have been a pretty overpowered ability then if it was all that held your kitten together, eh?

Mist Form and Lightning Flash are suddenly useless? Want more? Take Fiery GS and whirl around ftw…


Don’t you think you are overreacting? So, WvW solo roaming is gone just like that? Yu gotta be kittenting me.

You think that being able to run away from 10 people is a “standard for effective roaming”? Dude… really… just stop?

Are you really that dumb? One of the key aspects of roaming is mobility. That’s what RTL provided. They took it away -> they killed roaming. Everything else still works like it did before (except for Mist Form obviously, lol), doesn’t matter tho because they took away one of the KEY ASPECTS. Is it really that hard to understand? Do you have a driver’s licence? Own a car? If I took the motor away from your car, would it still work? No? WHAT KIND OF NOOB CAR IS THAT, I MEAN, IT STILL HAS WHEELS, BRAKES AND FUEL, DOESN’T IT?!

And yeah, getting away from 10 people (even 50, for that matter) while not being in combat yet is one of my standards for effective roaming (Newsflash: there’s even classes that manage to pull such stuff while IN combat). But again, standards vary. A garbage player might be glad to barely get away from a single opponent on his ‘roaming’ build. I have different standards.

So basically you want to tell me that having less CD on one ability made all the difference for you in being able to run away from 10 people or not?

What you basically say is your whole build did not matter – only this weapon one ability?

I think you need to lower your “standards” a bit down to earth… you know, just to where all the other 95% of the guys in WvW are. If just that change is what turned your escaping from the “pro” quality to “garbage player” quality, then maybe you are not really that pro, but were instead carried by that ability?

Cry more.

And here I am, thinking that car example would even make an ape understand it.

I’ll vary it a little: If I took away the wheels from your car but left the motor in, would it work? No? If I gave you back the motor and the wheels, but took the fuel out, would it still work? No? Something’s ringing yet? Of course the other parts of the build do matter. There’s stability, damage reduction, invulnerability, condition removal. All stuff you need to reliably escape tricky situations. All that stuff doesn’t matter tho without mobility (or stealth, but last time I checked Eles didn’t have access to that). RTL was the thing that provided the mobility. Just like wheels on your car get that whole thing rolling. And yes, twice the CD + a 20% range reduction (for some reason people always seem to forget about that one) make all the difference.

And no, I don’t need to lower my standards. When I am better than 95% of the other guys in WvW, then I can afford to have higher standards than 95% of the other guys. Makes sense to me.

If you are better than 95% of the other guys in WvW then what’s your problem exactly? You are a good player, surely you can try harder, right?

You rule as it is then, grats

I also like how the “pros” are crying about an OBVIOUS bug fix with the range…as if the 1550 range was ever intended.

These sub-forums are full of pitifully BAD players. There’s just no better way to put it.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


The idea that you expect to run away from a group of 6 players simply because you’re playing an ele is a JOKE.

So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

I wanted a character that was able to roam solo in WvW. In the end, there were 2 reasons I decided to roll an Elementalist for that:

1) Was the most fun to play for me
2) Thieves were (are) beyond broken due to stealth and initiative mechanics and I excpected them to get nerfed into Oblivion so I thought I’d be better off sticking with a GW1 core class as they wouldn’t destroy such an iconic class as hard (ye, silly me,kittenck my life)

8 month later, the devs are now tellling me I’m not allowed to roam anymore. How’s that fair? I’m the last to complain about reasonable balance changes, but when they strip an entire aspect of my class, especially the one that made me create that character in the first place, then I’m up in arms.

If you let them get away, that’s your problem. Nobody’s “allowed” to do it. Sounds like more learn to play issue.

…and you said it yourself…you picked ele because you thought it wouldn’t get nerfed (even if it was overpowered), because it used to be a core class in gw1. Well, the joke’s on you now since ANet was smart enough to take the right course of action.

To get things started, I rolled my Ele when the general opinion was they are useless and suck kitten So much for the overpowered part.

Are you really implying Eles had an easier time escaping than e.g. Thieves? Because Thieves only escape when you allow them to, while Eles have like, what, an inherent ability to escape any situation at will regardless of what the opponent(s) is/are doing? Hands down, that is a massive learn 2 play issue.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaidax.7835



No dear, I am not a troll, because before the RtL change, Eles would just lol at me in WvW and not because they killed me or something, but because I had snowball’s chance in hell to catch them with 20 sec CD RtL.

Learn to play and equip a focus…..
Seems good mesmer have not that issue.

Also tell me how easily you can catch a thief……or a tanky ranger or a warrior that wants to escape..

Ele was already the third or ourth profession for speed…now is one of the slowest without anything in Exchange…

And that was not because you couldn t kill an ele but because a selfish pvp balance team don t think of pve/WWW consequences….

if you read pvp forums you’d know that…its not MY opinion.
And that tells a lot of self entitled pros in this thread

I learn2play and equip Pistol and GS, so that I can cripple or stun your sorry Ele kitten from 1200 range to have a chance to catch you to begin with. With Focus I would never catch Ele to begin with.

I can’t catch a good Thief, true, but then if I actually do catch them – they die in 3 hits. So makes sense for me for them being so slippery – they are like a piece of paper in the middle of a kitten Firestorm. Bunker Eles on the other hand are pretty tough, catching them is half the problem, you need to actually kill them too before they kite you all over to their keep. So it does not make sense them having insane mobility to begin with.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


The idea that you expect to run away from a group of 6 players simply because you’re playing an ele is a JOKE.

So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

I wanted a character that was able to roam solo in WvW. In the end, there were 2 reasons I decided to roll an Elementalist for that:

1) Was the most fun to play for me
2) Thieves were (are) beyond broken due to stealth and initiative mechanics and I excpected them to get nerfed into Oblivion so I thought I’d be better off sticking with a GW1 core class as they wouldn’t destroy such an iconic class as hard (ye, silly me,kittenck my life)

8 month later, the devs are now tellling me I’m not allowed to roam anymore. How’s that fair? I’m the last to complain about reasonable balance changes, but when they strip an entire aspect of my class, especially the one that made me create that character in the first place, then I’m up in arms.

If you let them get away, that’s your problem. Nobody’s “allowed” to do it. Sounds like more learn to play issue.

…and you said it yourself…you picked ele because you thought it wouldn’t get nerfed (even if it was overpowered), because it used to be a core class in gw1. Well, the joke’s on you now since ANet was smart enough to take the right course of action.

To get things started, I rolled my Ele when the general opinion was they are useless and suck kitten So much for the overpowered part.

Are you really implying Eles had an easier time escaping than e.g. Thieves? Because Thieves only escape when you allow them to, while Eles have like, what, an inherent ability to escape any situation at will regardless of what the opponent(s) is/are doing? Hands down, that is a massive learn 2 play issue.

I have both an 80 ele, and a thief (amongst other classes). I can disengage on both. You, wanting a god mode class makes you look TERRIBLE. You should perhaps go play a single player RPG if that is what you seek.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


The idea that you expect to run away from a group of 6 players simply because you’re playing an ele is a JOKE.

So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

I wanted a character that was able to roam solo in WvW. In the end, there were 2 reasons I decided to roll an Elementalist for that:

1) Was the most fun to play for me
2) Thieves were (are) beyond broken due to stealth and initiative mechanics and I excpected them to get nerfed into Oblivion so I thought I’d be better off sticking with a GW1 core class as they wouldn’t destroy such an iconic class as hard (ye, silly me,kittenck my life)

8 month later, the devs are now tellling me I’m not allowed to roam anymore. How’s that fair? I’m the last to complain about reasonable balance changes, but when they strip an entire aspect of my class, especially the one that made me create that character in the first place, then I’m up in arms.

If you let them get away, that’s your problem. Nobody’s “allowed” to do it. Sounds like more learn to play issue.

…and you said it yourself…you picked ele because you thought it wouldn’t get nerfed (even if it was overpowered), because it used to be a core class in gw1. Well, the joke’s on you now since ANet was smart enough to take the right course of action.

To get things started, I rolled my Ele when the general opinion was they are useless and suck kitten So much for the overpowered part.

Are you really implying Eles had an easier time escaping than e.g. Thieves? Because Thieves only escape when you allow them to, while Eles have like, what, an inherent ability to escape any situation at will regardless of what the opponent(s) is/are doing? Hands down, that is a massive learn 2 play issue.

I have both an 80 ele, and a thief (amongst other classes). I can disengage on both. You, wanting a god mode class makes you look TERRIBLE. You should perhaps go play a single player RPG if that is what you seek.

GOD MODE= thief for www and war for PvE.

You now canhappily disengage EVERY elementalist with your thief…..because you have tons of natural counters to rtl…..for example stealth makes it miss even if you stealth for 0,5 seconds…

Also i would like to show you how you cannot outrun anything, unfortunately your statement is baseless and cannot be proven….
But any decet player knows you can’t run in current state…see message above of another like you saying everything is fine here and then posting in his class forum how now eles are free kill for him…

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


No i don t need to i can log a thief and press 1111 or use any of tjose 3 OP builds that even thief players predict nerfs of…

I could not care less of www because differently from you i know how it works and why D/D was useless in www……

Roaming eles were not tank were mostly GC or balanced because a tank is worthless in WWW unless you want to troll bad players (you can t kill a moa).
So they were hard enough.

Also as said bad players can t understand the difference between www and PvP…..and you are clearly one of them

Now go on complaying in your forum for your 1 second revealed debuff……
The l2 kitten ue is of classes that doesn t teach you basics due to OP mechanics (stealth) so you see everything OP.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


I have no idea what are you talking about…

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go farm some Eles on my Mesmer.

Peace, man!


wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

Slot Lightning Flash. Trait Cantrip Mastery. Trait One with Air.

Your roaming is fine, just don’t get to roam for free any longer.

One with air? haha.

Is necro a good roaming profession when it slots signet of the locust?

Or are you suggesting that the 900 range lightning flash on a 36s cooldown is what sets it over the top? 36s traited at that, 45s base.

Funny stuff.

Wow you people are spoiled… I roam with my Mesmer with 32 seconds CD traited Blink which also ports 900 range, Mass Invisibility and around 40% Swiftness uptime and I am a happy kitten with that.

And here comes some Ele and says that it is horrible… lol… Just shows how good they had it before…

Get down to earth people!

As another mesmer who tries to keep up with eles, necros with signets, rangers, and thieves, I agree. ;-) I still roam, I still attack camps, and I’m still effective.

I would kill for a 25% passive speed boost, but that’s just not good enough, it seems. You need to have 100% swiftness AND a get out of jail free card on a 20 second cooldown or else you’re COMPLETELY USELESS OMG THE MOST GARBAGEBAG PROFESSION ANET HATES US.

Mesmer has easy access to stealth and blinks. That is a pretty big “get out of jail free” card. They’re also on low cooldowns (~30s w/ just the minor trait). This compensates for the mesmer being slightly slower, although you can still maintain 100% uptime on mesmer so you don’t need a 25% ms signet.

Sure we have IF we bring no utilities to WvW and run with Focus.

But the point I’m trying to get across is very simple – a lot of professions and specs (like my case) roam just fine and do that with not that much escape tools or mobility.

I roam – I have 1 32 sec cd Blink, 1 90 seconds cd 5 seconds duration invisibility and 6 seconds of swiftness on 15 seconds cd (heal).

And I’m fine! Can I run away from one guy? Probably yeah, I can drag this long enough to get to the keep. Can I catch a guy? Probably yeah, but not sure if he won’t drag this on long enough to get to his keep.

Can I run away from a couple of guys? Not really, unless I juke real good and they don’t pay attention.

Do I wear heavy armor and have warrior’s healh? Nope, light armor and about 2-3k more HP than Ele. Do I have invulnerabilities? Yeah, but one roots me and another needs illusions up to function and then is 3 seconds tops for me on 60 sec cd.

I think I do fine roaming and I have less mobility than Eles.


You tell me – “you can gear, trait and equip certain utilities to get more escape options!” I agree… But then I ponder, if you, Elementalist, want more escape options, then is it unfair to ask YOU to gear/trait/equip for that?

That’s why we have hard time relating to your “plight”, you are basically telling us to spec and gear for escape options, while you are somehow entitled to get that for free because you are Eles?

You lost me there, can’t sympathize with you, guys.

2-3k more hps than eles, heh.

I’m so sick of people misquoting hps and not understanding what each class has, so I’ll just put this out here for everyone to actually see in black and white:

You can easily go test this yourself, but it’s in the wiki and I can tell you it’s quite true.

These are the professions base hps at level 80.

Guardians, thieves, ele: 10,805
Mesmer, Ranger, Engy: 15,082
Warrior, Necro: 18,372

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gaidax.7835


You got me… 4k…

I’m a tank now

(edited by Gaidax.7835)

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Roaming is about being able to hit an undefended area and then to escape when a zerg comes for you. So yes, effective roaming requires that you be able to escape a large group of people without dying.

The classes that can roam effectively all have skills that let them do that. Thieves and mesmers can stealth + juke then TP back to base. Warriors and rangers can outrun through pure speed. Eles used to outrun the same way warriors & rangers do, but now they can’t.

Can you still roam? Yes, just not as effectively — especially not in a T1 server where the zerg is more organized, its response time is faster, and its players keep high swiftness uptime on the group. Are you still better off than necro, engy, or guardian? Yes. But here’s the big thing: those classes were never presented as roamers. People didn’t choose those classes because they wanted to roam. The ele was presented as an extremely mobile roamer, and many people decided to play ele for that reason. Crippling the ele’s mobility hurts because it removes the very thing that caused many people to invest hours in their character.

Finally, the people here who keep saying “but I roam with my mesmer, and I don’t have RtL” don’t seem to understand that mesmer, along with thief, have been and still are by far the easiest classes to roam with. And you don’t have to spec out of your way to do it. I know because I play both classes extensively both in tpvp and wvw.

You can roam with a typical shatter or phantasm mes build w/ focus (which is an incredibly powerful weapon b/c of the strong CC and projectile blocking; pistol is just easier to use). You aren’t as fast as the other roamers but you have decoy and blink, both of which are very strong skills both in combat and for escaping. In fact, a shatter or phantasm mesmer with these two skills tends to be one of the strongest 1v1 builds in the game, especially if you factor in WvW lag. Centaur/air runes help a lot (they’ll give you 100% swiftness uptime) but are not necessary because you can just stealth + waypoint out. On top of that, you can engage from range, which makes it even easier to escape if you need to.

And ofc a thief can roam with just about whatever utilities he wants, so long as he keeps a D/P or Shortbow in one of his weapon slots. I can stack ~8s of stealth without shadow refuge whenever I want with BP+4xHS, and I can keep up the stealth indefinitely since I’ll regen my init before the 8s runs out. Or I can just outpace someone w/ shadowshot. And of course, D/P is one of the best dueling weapon sets and shortbow is great all around.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

They still can, but you have to build for it a little. Thief escapes from large groups are accomplished in large part by equipping Shadow Refuge and hoping no one pulls you out of it or downs you whilst you stand in the giant target on the ground. Even then, you kinda need 15 points in Shadow Arts to make it a sure thing, and I actually use Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder, and Signet of Shadows on my Thief all just to roam.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


Answer is yes, thiefs are only roamers now. Before patch 2 thiefs killed full bunker elem in 5 seconds from range right after Ride the Lightning used. Imagine it now. Also Ride the Lightning completly countered by immobilize so even before patch it needed epic scale personal skill to escape. And it was also epic feeling owning all these noobs who cried “Mesmer Portal is OP! They buguse it to kill us!”
Looks like it’s time to switch to thief to continute ownage. RIP ele, u was joy.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

You got me… 4k…

I’m a tank now

Downplay it all you want, having 4200 less hps matters.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: rolos.7491


You got me… 4k…

I’m a tank now

Downplay it all you want, having 4200 less hps matters.

42% more hp more than matters.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vargaz.1957


There’s lots of solo roaminging in low tiers. and alot of up arrows :P

to add to LordByron, anything can get away if it wants to. if you dont got the speed you have the ability to leave something to snare the chasers ie. bombs, traps, 5 ability for staff eles etc. etc.

the screwed up thing is ppl complain not coz they cant beat an ele but because they cant finish off an ele. Purely for satisfaction not for balance.

I gonna bet next nerf is remove mist form from dying state so they cant run into keep and we can finish them.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Perma swiftness (which is combination of weapon, utility and traits), full deathshroud and Plague form couldnt get me ~ 1200 yrds to closest tower against 3 enemies, ele can do it every 40 secs with one press of a button… Eles are better in wvwvw roaming than any other class beside thief, so if you think your doing bad then just roll any other class.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


GOD MODE= thief for www and war for PvE.

I stopped reading right there, and you lost all credibility immediately right at that statement.

No i don t need to i can log a thief and press 1111 or use any of tjose 3 OP builds that even thief players predict nerfs of….

I’m so glad I have black belt, else my forehead and face would really be hurting right now.

Answer is yes, thiefs are only roamers now. Before patch 2 thiefs killed full bunker elem in 5 seconds from range right after Ride the Lightning used. Imagine it now. Also Ride the Lightning completly countered by immobilize so even before patch it needed epic scale personal skill to escape. And it was also epic feeling owning all these noobs who cried “Mesmer Portal is OP! They buguse it to kill us!”
Looks like it’s time to switch to thief to continute ownage. RIP ele, u was joy.

I killed numerous thieves yesterday on my ele…your argument is invalid. At this point, I’d go as far as to claim this sub-forum to be the most pitiful, and most filled with bad players.

You’re a disgrace to all eles, but you’ll be glad to know that you’re not alone. Just look at this thread.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


Yeah I’m confused, d/d eles have A LOT more than just RTL to escape without even considering other utility slots, such as:
-Frozen burst (get away by slowing your enemies down heavily!)
-Frost Aura (reduce incoming damage AND heavily slow down anyone who still can hit you!)
-Shock Aura (thief catching up to you? Stun his kitten!)
-Updraft (thief still keeping up? blow him him away and stack on more swiftness thieves have little access to!)
-Ring of Earth (thief STILL catching up to you? give him one last cripple!)
-Magnetic Grasp (use it to immobilize that darn infinite initiative thief OR leap to a passive mob!)

On my engi I use EVERYTHING I want to escape. I can’t escape zergs, sure, but I could definitely get away from 3~ chaining cripple fields, gear shield, and swiftness without fast, long distance movement.

Yeah that’s all awesome and stuff, if you don’t take into account that all the skills mentioned require you to be at melee range, save one, which PUTS you into melee range. Or that all classes have condition cleansing abilities to get rid of Chilled/Immobilize. Or that at least half the classes out there now have a combination of better armor, more health and much greater mobility.

Yes if you get rid of all the facts, and bury your head in the sand, while screaming “ELE IS OP” at the top of your lungs, then yes Ele is fine. But if you’re sane, rational and reasonable, you’d acknowledge that the Ele is in real trouble balance wise, that wrecking mobility on a class that relies upon it, while giving no other defensive options seems almost like intentional trolling on the part of ANet.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


So why are Thieves allowed to do it? Why are Warriors allowed to do it? Why are Rangers allowed to do it? Why were Elementalists allowed to do it and now aren’t?

They still can, but you have to build for it a little. Thief escapes from large groups are accomplished in large part by equipping Shadow Refuge and hoping no one pulls you out of it or downs you whilst you stand in the giant target on the ground. Even then, you kinda need 15 points in Shadow Arts to make it a sure thing, and I actually use Hide in Shadows, Blinding Powder, and Signet of Shadows on my Thief all just to roam.

You don’t need shadow refuge to roam, or any of the other utilities. D/P alone can stack up 8+ seconds of stealth.

Shadow refuge is for helping the rest of your team roam with you.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


GOD MODE= thief for www and war for PvE.

I stopped reading right there, and you lost all credibility immediately right at that statement.

go back to your board:
Read devs interview about WWW thieves and PvE warriors…

Be glad they don t give a duck about PvE and WWW balancing.

To other stop arguing with thieves players….try the class and you understand why most of them cannot grasp basic concepts of the game….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Overall its done. Roaming with this build is all but over Solo. With a small team you are fine but as of right now ele simply doesn’t have the mobility to solo roam “safely”. I am not going to QQ and write a huge post how the game is ruined for me I roam warrior more often now anyway and I do enjoy it more than ele pre patch. DD ele is pretty much done as a good roaming spec. Escape is almost gone chase is fully gone.

I know people will come here and tell us we are complaining too much but it is not like we are lying. It is not about adjustment it just isn’t there anymore.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kirbyprime.2645


So with the vacuum left by Ele’s loss of roaming in WvW I’ve noticed the sharp increase in warrior based havoc squads. Warriors which have lower healing then us but much higher damage when speced to mobility is much better at taking out lone roamers due to their ability to knock down and immobilize. Their speed quite easily matches eles pre-patch and can run away from zergs easily enough.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vayshya.5147


I killed numerous thieves yesterday on my ele…your argument is invalid.

Dont’t strain your brain.
Just continue demanding nerfing mesmer portals.

wvw Solo roaming is gone :-(

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


GOD MODE= thief for www and war for PvE.

I stopped reading right there, and you lost all credibility immediately right at that statement.

go back to your board:
Read devs interview about WWW thieves and PvE warriors…

Be glad they don t give a duck about PvE and WWW balancing.

To other stop arguing with thieves players….try the class and you understand why most of them cannot grasp basic concepts of the game….

My board? You seem to think I only play one class. Are you being serious right now…judging someone based on assumptions? Typical!