2 things about bombs

2 things about bombs

in Engineer

Posted by: MYDJAXT.3670


My first thing is that I think the bomb auto attack should cause bleeding on hit everytime. 2 out of the 3 bomb skills that deal any dmg are base around condition dmg. I know you can trait for the 6% bleed on explosions, but really…..6%? Maybe like 60% if not always IMO. Apologies if this has already been talked about.

And the second thing is that the toolbar needs to update the radius on which our bombs explode when we trait in to “Forceful Explosives.”
But to help the measuring I think the trait increase the radius of each bomb by 60.
Measured with my fingers and im taking a guess but 60 looks right. Also apologize if this has been pointed out in an earlier thread.

2 things about bombs

in Engineer

Posted by: Yared.7920


I don’t feel that way, skill one deal massive dmg in power base build adding bleed would make it imbalace. Fire bomb is great combo field, you can grant aoe might, fire armor for yourself and burning is always strong even with 0 condition dmg it deals 350+ damage per tick. Skill 3 gives 5 stack of confusion, witch again with 0 condition dmg deals 500+ damage. This two should suffice in condition dmg build.

Said trait is clearly made for granade’s when you dish out 3 of them per second, but ill will agree that 6% is too low, but no more than 15-20%, not every class have to be able to max out bleeding stacks.