+200 Range for flamethrower
Uh our flamethrower has 425 range… I’m guessing you mean add another 200 range onto it?
Only comparable skill with Flame Jet is Guardians staff 1 and that is 600 with wider cone. 600 range on Flame Jet is one of then thing what FT needs to be bit better.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Using a real life comparison to justify a balance change lost me instantly and left me shaking my head. By that logic, grenade kit would have to have a shorter range then rifle and so on.
The comparison to guardians auto attack on staff though, has sold me on backing this idea.
Uh our flamethrower has 425 range… I’m guessing you mean add another 200 range onto it?
Oooh you are right, my mistake. But yeah 200 range onto it lol
Using a real life comparison to justify a balance change lost me instantly and left me shaking my head. By that logic, grenade kit would have to have a shorter range then rifle and so on.
The comparison to guardians auto attack on staff though, has sold me on backing this idea.
Hey I’m just throwing the idea out there. I know a real life isnt the same, but if it can possibly make the ft better then why not
(edited by Penguin.5197)
Only comparable skill with Flame Jet is Guardians staff 1 and that is 600 with wider cone. 600 range on Flame Jet is one of then thing what FT needs to be bit better.
It’s already ‘better’ in certain situations. Namely, situations in which things spawn quickly and die very quickly in a confined area.
It also has the potential to hit far more targets in a single cast with far less effort than repeat spamming staff 1.
I’d say it’s well worth the minor range tradeoff as is, as it’s literally the only thing Staff has going for it, aside from the larger cone – which is easily made up for by simply turning a little.
425 seems pretty solidly midrange to me. Don’t forget that Flame Blast can also hit targets at up to 840 range.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
Only comparable skill with Flame Jet is Guardians staff 1 and that is 600 with wider cone. 600 range on Flame Jet is one of then thing what FT needs to be bit better.
It’s already ‘better’ in certain situations. Namely, situations in which things spawn quickly and die very quickly in a confined area.
It also has the potential to hit far more targets in a single cast with far less effort than repeat spamming staff 1.
I’d say it’s well worth the minor range tradeoff as is, as it’s literally the only thing Staff has going for it, aside from the larger cone – which is easily made up for by simply turning a little.
425 seems pretty solidly midrange to me. Don’t forget that Flame Blast can also hit targets at up to 840 range.
Yea thats all true but also you get hit from retaliation more then you own dmg is:-)
Tekkit’s Workshop
@dancingmonley tbh, throwing grenades further than rifle shots doesn’t even make sense from a balancing perspective.
It makes about as much sense as giving FT a blast-fire field synergy and then make the fire field so short that the blast can’t hit it…oh wait.
@dancingmonley tbh, throwing grenades further than rifle shots doesn’t even make sense from a balancing perspective.
What are you talking about? All of that was stated in the context of the real life comparison the OP made to in game skills. I was suggesting that if realism was used, then ranges would be different. No one said a word about balance.
It makes about as much sense as giving FT a blast-fire field synergy and then make the fire field so short that the blast can’t hit it…oh wait.
No need for the sarcasm launched at me here. Again, you clearly do not know what we were referring to. What your saying makes about as much since as comparing a fantasy fiction video game to real life…….Oh wait.
Penguin,would you prefer 200 more range on flamethrower OR would you prefer -50% cast speed on #1 channeling skill AND make the channel hit 3 times instead of 10(so you can proc less retaliation)?
Ofc your sigils would proc less,so keep this in mind too.
Sorry for my english!
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
I would go with range, since just changing the number of times it hits can be a buff as well as a nerf. A +200 range really has no downside on the chance it is implemented by itself~
Blowtorch (pistol 4) looks exactly like that picture and has 200 more range than flame jet. There are more important improvements for flamethrower and honestly i don’t think range is one of them.