3/5 rifle skills are short range?

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


Why is it that, a “Rifle”, which brings to mind ranged attack, so oriented in melee damage?
Hip Shot: 1000 range
Net Shot: 1000 range
Blunderbuss: 400 range, max damage at 100(!!!) range
Overcharged Shot: 400 range
Jump Shot: 120 (!!!) blast radius (700 is the max range of your jump)

Don’t we already have pistol for short range engagement? I mean, yes if there is no close-range attack we’ll be sitting ducks when melee got our hindquarters, but 3 out of 5? That’s majority.

As it stands, when you bring a rifle, you either use hip shot from afar while 3 out of your 5 skills sit there being useless. You can always use kits and rifle is no longer relevant, but we have 4 traits for rifle, clearly they’re supposed to be useful somehow?

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


It is actually quite the usefull weapon! first off, it’s designed the same way as the pisol, with long range attacks and close range attacks, both 1(2)3 on pistol are for ranged!
(2. It can be used at longe range, but it will miss a lot of the attacks from long range)

Anyway, it follow the idea that Engineer’s a medium range Proffession, one that goes in and out of short range all the time, which I personal, like a lot! The Rifle is the weapon of choice for pretty much any Power build you can come up, see HGH power builds or Stastic Discharge builds as an example on that! Also it’s an amazing CC weapon, and I personal prefer that when I bunker for the fun of it in sPvP, for the immobilse and knockback!

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


“Rifle” is the weapon class but a-net uses the term as a catch all for any long barrel gun. But as Amadeus described, engineers are versatile.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Earthmonkey.4326


Think of the Engi’s rifle more like a blunderbuss.

It’s the coolest weapon in the game, for the most fun class in the game.

We’re not a “sit from afar and snipe doodz” class, we have medium armor for a reason, it’s meant to be used, get in there and do damages!

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Rifle has only 1 skill that attacks at range: auto-attack. Yet, for some reason there’s a trait to increase the rifle range. And people take it, which I don’t get. It’s not like you’re going to stand at max range & spam #1. At least with pistols, increased range actually works for a number of their skills.

The rifle is all about control. I’ve never used one because I can’t justify its stronger auto-attack vs pistols to having pretty much nothing else to deal dmg with at range. I don’t care if Anet decided engi rifles are short range, but at least be consistent.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Speccing into long range rifle for auto attack only let’s you soften up your opponent before you really engage them, in PvP. It’s fine not to choose that but the option to is nice. especially since it works for both pistol and rifle. In pve, sometime you might want to keep a rifle on hand so you don’t need hit everything around your target. I see no problem with it.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Rifle #5 is a leap finisher. A nice “combo” is #2 —> #5 —> #3 —> EG #4. It’s a very high damage combo with a power/crit build.

If there’s a field down on the enemy, you will also get 2 finishers off. It works super well with a fire field since you get fire shield + 3 stacks of might (aoe).

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


It’s because the “Rifle” isn’t a rifle at all. It’s a shotgun using rifle skin. They really need to just rename it that, give us a couple of shotgun skins in the rifle selection, and then give us a SECOND rifle set that’s actually a rifle. :-P

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I just find it confusing since all other professions have a selection of power v. condition weapons. Not so much with Engi. We get a condition weapon (pistols) and a control weapon (rifle). Our straight damage weapons are our kits. This is fine, in the sense that we have access to both, but doesn’t really give us the ability to choose a non-kit weapon that complements either style. If I go with a power spec, how helpful is rifle for damage dealing really? It’s mad helpful in PvP & WvW, but not much good in PvE or dungeons imo.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Engineer’s rifle’s auto attack is pretty strong considering it is piercing.

But the range of the blunderbuss (rifle #3) and overcharged shot (rifle #4) should be increased. Blunderbuss should do max damage at 400 range, not 100 which is less than the melee range. Overcharged shot should work from 600 range.

With rifled barrels trait the new ranges should be 500 for blunderbuss and 750 for overcharged shot

If you compared engineer’s rifle with warrior’s rifle, I think it is a bit weaker. Warrior’s untraited rifle has better range (1200). Overcharged shot surely is great (one of the rare interrupting weapon skills for the engineer), but it also does self knockdown. Warrior on the other hand has rifle butt (rifle #5), which can be used to knock back multiple foes (better). Warrior’s rifle stacks vulnerability and bleed (auto attack) better and it has very high spike damage with its burst, the 1500 range kill shot. Combine this with traits like:
which makes harpoon gun and rifle attacks pierce and reduces recharge by 20%, all in just one master level trait e.g. engineer needs a grandmaster trait to make pistol bullets pierce.
(50% bleed duration)
10% damage on bleeding foes)
(+12% dmg when adrenaline is full)
These allow warrior to put up more hurt with its rifle.

Thus I think engineer’s rifle could use a bit of love. Currently most engineers seem to use main hand pistol.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


Engineer is for mid range combat. So what is wrong with Rifle skills? Nothing.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Engineer is for mid range combat. So what is wrong with Rifle skills? Nothing.

then it seems we should be griping about not being able to use heavy armor instead of rifle skills.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Numot.3965


Rifle has only 1 skill that attacks at range: auto-attack. Yet, for some reason there’s a trait to increase the rifle range. And people take it, which I don’t get. It’s not like you’re going to stand at max range & spam #1. At least with pistols, increased range actually works for a number of their skills.

The rifle is all about control. I’ve never used one because I can’t justify its stronger auto-attack vs pistols to having pretty much nothing else to deal dmg with at range. I don’t care if Anet decided engi rifles are short range, but at least be consistent.

Take that range trait and you get a 900 distance leap. That’s pretty amazing mobility right there. It also makes landing overcharge → jump shot easier if you’re not right next to them when you start.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

The rifle isn’t as long range as some other weapons but long ranged fighting isn’t really whats wrong with it.
The problem I have is that you can’t rely on the close-range abilities when you need them. Blunderbuss is very short range and unless your standing next to them, it often misses. Its one of the few abilities that can’t be reflected, something that the class has a lot of problems with.
Overcharged Shot has many problems; short range, self knockdown, and reflectable.

I don’t think either of them have to be 1000 range but 500-650 seems like the “mid-range” they meant to have. And overcharge needs to not knockdown or be reflectable.

And there is a problem with the range trait, it adds a small delay to jump shot meaning you float for a little before you actually land.

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Take that range trait and you get a 900 distance leap. That’s pretty amazing mobility right there. It also makes landing overcharge -> jump shot easier if you’re not right next to them when you start.

That trait makes jump shot animation often so super slow. Engineer just hangs up in in the mid air, making it into big viability against real human opponents. This is a bug, which has been reported countless of times, yet Anet hasn’t fixed it.

I tested this quickly with a fellow engineer. Even without the bug jump shot is not faster than running with switfness on. Thus it is not efficient if you want to quickly get from A to B.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Hybelkaninen.3087


You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.

…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


It’s part of A-nets vision of the engineer being versatile. Having half the range of high armour, high hp warrior s rifle makes us anet versatile. Cc-ing ourselves even when the shot misses or our opponent actually has access to reliable stability and is immune, makes rifle anet engy versatile. Having a gap closer that is so broken it is actually slower than not using it at all and walking, is another part of anet engy versatility. Having net shot miss any moving target at range, when warrior cripple shot hits, helps anet make engy versatile. Having warrior 20% CD skill reduction also include omg piercing! for all rifle skills is much less versatile than the engy with 20% and nothing else.

3 cheers for Anet’s vision of engineer versatility, I’m so glad we’re paying a mainhand damage tax for it.

(edited by Kalan.9705)

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.

…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.

What part of “well played” didnt you understand? Let me guess you dont run zerker stats because it melts? snickers

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I tested this quickly with a fellow engineer. Even without the bug jump shot is not faster than running with switfness on. Thus it is not efficient if you want to quickly get from A to B.

In or out of combat?

I’ve always found it useless for across-the-world mobility, but once I enter combat and mysteriously begin to do everything in slow-motion, suddenly I found it got me around a bit quicker. That said I’m not sure it should be as slow as it is, and I tend to think recovery from self-knockdown should be a bit faster as well.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


yep one of the many design flaws of the class.

They have yet to do this class justice even in PVE.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Why is it that, a “Rifle”, which brings to mind ranged attack, so oriented in melee damage?
Hip Shot: 1000 range
Net Shot: 1000 range
Blunderbuss: 400 range, max damage at 100(!!!) range
Overcharged Shot: 400 range
Jump Shot: 120 (!!!) blast radius (700 is the max range of your jump)

Don’t we already have pistol for short range engagement? I mean, yes if there is no close-range attack we’ll be sitting ducks when melee got our hindquarters, but 3 out of 5? That’s majority.

As it stands, when you bring a rifle, you either use hip shot from afar while 3 out of your 5 skills sit there being useless. You can always use kits and rifle is no longer relevant, but we have 4 traits for rifle, clearly they’re supposed to be useful somehow?

its meant to be a control weapon think about it what would we do once an oponent closed in and we had nothing to push em back an stun them combat aint all about damage alone.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.

…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.

What part of “well played” didnt you understand? Let me guess you dont run zerker stats because it melts? snickers

i love how others melt before me when i run zerker :>

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


It’s part of A-nets vision of the engineer being versatile. Having half the range of high armour, high hp warrior s rifle makes us anet versatile. Cc-ing ourselves even when the shot misses or our opponent actually has access to reliable stability and is immune, makes rifle anet engy versatile. Having a gap closer that is so broken it is actually slower than not using it at all and walking, is another part of anet engy versatility. Having net shot miss any moving target at range, when warrior cripple shot hits, helps anet make engy versatile. Having warrior 20% CD skill reduction also include omg piercing! for all rifle skills is much less versatile than the engy with 20% and nothing else.

3 cheers for Anet’s vision of engineer versatility.

But, but, you can use stun breaks to stop the rifle cc! Hey Anet, how about a stun break kit with 5 skills that break stun? :-P

I made the mistake to bring rifle to south sun cove. There’s enough cc there without me having to cc myself too.

Rifle is confusing to me. People say it’s a power weapon but it’s in the precision line. To make the rifle useful I don’t have any spare points to Explosives.

By the way, is there a power based kit that’s not melee and not grenades?

(I’m just tired of playing condition damage. (PvE)

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


It’s part of A-nets vision of the engineer being versatile. Having half the range of high armour, high hp warrior s rifle makes us anet versatile. Cc-ing ourselves even when the shot misses or our opponent actually has access to reliable stability and is immune, makes rifle anet engy versatile. Having a gap closer that is so broken it is actually slower than not using it at all and walking, is another part of anet engy versatility. Having net shot miss any moving target at range, when warrior cripple shot hits, helps anet make engy versatile. Having warrior 20% CD skill reduction also include omg piercing! for all rifle skills is much less versatile than the engy with 20% and nothing else.

3 cheers for Anet’s vision of engineer versatility.

But, but, you can use stun breaks to stop the rifle cc! Hey Anet, how about a stun break kit with 5 skills that break stun? :-P

I made the mistake to bring rifle to south sun cove. There’s enough cc there without me having to cc myself too.

Rifle is confusing to me. People say it’s a power weapon but it’s in the precision line. To make the rifle useful I don’t have any spare points to Explosives.

By the way, is there a power based kit that’s not melee and not grenades?

(I’m just tired of playing condition damage. (PvE)


3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


“That’s not melee” ^^
Even with pistols it’s better melee. I’m tired of melee.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.

…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.

What part of “well played” didnt you understand? Let me guess you dont run zerker stats because it melts? snickers

i love how others melt before me when i run zerker :>

No safety net needed? I like it!

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

3/5 rifle skills are short range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


By the way, is there a power based kit that’s not melee and not grenades?

(I’m just tired of playing condition damage. (PvE)

Bombs & Flamethrower. Everyone thinks FT is a condition kit but it’s not; stack prec and watch mad procs. Also, better utility than rifle.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)