70-80 Leveling PvE ...
70 to 80 is easy darlin, use FT + bomb + EG or Mine and do a few dungeons until 80. Then get the actual equip.
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70 to 80 is easy darlin, use FT + bomb + EG or Mine and do a few dungeons until 80. Then get the actual equip.
^This. You can use those dungeon tokens to get your armor so you can kill two birds with one stone.
If you dont want to level in pve just do some pvp because it will give you tomes of knowledge. Its actually faster than doing the last 10 levels in pve. It also gives you exotic weapons and maybee a exotic armor piece.
Yet i suck at PvP even tried SO many builds
Yet i suck at PvP even tried SO many builds
You don’t need to be good, in fact it can be better! you get matched against worse opponants making it easier, and a few good players on your team can carry you to victory, if that fails, well, you still get progress to your rewards. It’s literally a no lose situation, you always get something.
That said, for PVE, just do wahtever you have fun doing, once you get 80 is when you want to fine tune your build as you have more powerful choices in traits and gear you won’t replace quickly.