I’ve been trying all sorts of build. I love all of them, but I only have 140 PvP matches played and only about maybe 35 Engineet games played.
I love the Engineer class because it feels like the most diverse class with the most builds out of them all.
I’m trying to find the build that’s “right” for me. My very first game was Cele Rifle but the guy who explained it to me explained I had to do this one certain combo in a very certain way to do the most burst and considering I had never played the class before all the swapping kits and what not was a bit hard for me.
It was at this point I moved on to Turret engineer to learn on. It’s a super fun build! However it gets boring if nobody comes to your spot and if your allies need help or another point needs help it’s hard to move and assist!
I then began looking at all kinds of builds, some of them I’m decent at and some of them not so much.
I’ve tried Power HGH, Condi HGH, Zerker S/D, The Flame Turret Elixir Gun build, P/P and P/S condi, Double Kit Condi, Bomb Builds, pretty much all the builds.
Some like the Decap Build and Condi builds are very tanky but it takes so long to kill anyone usually the can disengage and run away or they survive so long a friend comes and then it’s 2v1 and I die.
Or say Zerker S/D or Power HGH I feel very vulnerable and while I can dish out crazy damage I can’t really take any and I don’t seem to be very good at kiting either so then I just die a lot even though sometimes I can just go crazy and nuke people.
Is there a middle build where you do pretty good damage that can 1v1 or even 2v1 quickly but also are sort of tanky? Not full defense bunker and not full glass canon and not semi defense slow offense but just sort of balanced or maybe 60% offense 40% defense but power based so it’s big hits and they die pretty quick?
What would be a decent beginner build that isn’t Turret so I can actually help team at a point or roam in SPVP (not WPVP) and take points or like fight at Trebuchete or defend an orb carrier?