A necessary rework on Static Discharge

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Kaizoku.1298


If SD were to be similar to ele lightning strike, there won’t be anymore missing the target because you used a toolbelt skill that doesn’t aim at your target. Plus engis could really use that non-projectile extra damage.
It could visually look like AED toolbelt skill but with longer range.
This way engineers wouldn’t have to pick specific skill set every time they want to trait SD. I really hope Anet considers this..

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: coro.3176


Yeah. That’d be nice, but if they haven’t fixed it in 5 years, I doubt they’ll start now.

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: warherox.7943


I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.

Now there is no more differences between grand master traits and traits becouse we have no more the old system in which you could you use 2 ,4 or 6 points in a trait to invest . After years i find old trait system much better but it is a personal taste. Now you have take all the line so if it is in first place or in last nothing change . There is no different investiment in taking first or third

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: warherox.7943


I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.

Now there is no more differences between grand master traits and traits becouse we have no more the old system in which you could you use 2 ,4 or 6 points in a trait to invest . After years i find old trait system much better but it is a personal taste. Now you have take all the line so if it is in first place or in last nothing change . There is no different investiment in taking first or third

Yeah there isn’t much of a difference now. I would have hoped for something more with the buff, kitten doesn’t do much damage as it is. They could go with the Sleight of Hand route and make SD a GM trait while adding additional toolbelt recharge reduction.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


I’d be happy if they just made SD remove a boon on hit. Seems fair enough to me, seeing as they removed our other boon removal trait (acidic elixirs) with the core specializations update.

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


I’m not sure about this, because it wouldn’t allow counterplay. I’d honestly like it to be a grandmaster trait so the damage could be higher or have added functionality. It is a build defining trait and the current GMs are kinda meh. This way, engis could take Power Wrench and SD.

like the old days!

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


the bad thing about sd is it kittens with your skill queue. the damage is ok but it needs to be targeted according to the selected target instead of pointed by your camera when used with the myriad of targeted and player based aoes.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Kaizoku.1298


They shouldn’t be projectiles at all..
I get that my suggestion could make it strong, being instant hit and non-projectile and all but they could change it like Lightning Arc, they will get hit instantly but they would be able to dodge or block before they take lots of damage.

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Kaizoku.1298


When I think about it, we don’t have a choice when we choose SD, we simply have to pick the same old skill set. If SD worked with every toolbelt skill it would open up lots of new build and I won’t say no to a HGH+SD build.

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Twigifire.8379


If they were to swap power wrench with any last tier or mid tier trait, so that it could be taken in conjunction with power wrench, it’d be instantly playable imo.

A necessary rework on Static Discharge

in Engineer

Posted by: Kaizoku.1298


If they were to swap power wrench with any last tier or mid tier trait, so that it could be taken in conjunction with power wrench, it’d be instantly playable imo.

Playable ? maybe yes, it will still force us to pick kitten skill set…