Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Marstead.6430


With the new change to Rocket Boots, the Blast Finisher can trigger when you land for the dodge roll. The way the distances work out, you can use Elixir Gun’s 4 Skill (Acid Bomb) to trigger one blast finisher, and then instantly Rocket Boots back to your original location, triggering a second blast finisher. The two skills have similar cooldowns so this combo can be activated every time.

This is very useful in PvE and PvP because it’s usually difficult to get the advantage of the Acid Bomb as most enemies will pursue you out of the Acid Bomb’s damaging area. In addition, sometimes moving far from the Bomb site makes it harder to take advantage of the Blast Finisher; this gets you right back into the fray and gives you two blast finishers to boot.

This works especially well on a Bomber Engie as you can drop Big Ol’ Bomb, Fire Bomb, Acid Bomb, Rocket Boots for 9x Might.

Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: VitalSuit.1980


That won’t work.
The blast finisher STARTS where you stand and ends where you land (lol rhyme). If I were to use rocket boots and land inside of a combo field it wouldn’t do anything because the initial thrust if the blast finisher.

Welp nevermind, I tested it and it worked.
Good to know.

(edited by VitalSuit.1980)

Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


That’s nice, but you know you can cancel the leap on acid bomb by using weapon swap, right?

Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Karode.9206


I just figured out that this worked about a week ago, really fun & effective combo on my Engi. I usually try to go Napalm at my feet> Acid Bomb> Elixir F > Rocket Boots> Flame Blast > Jump Shot > Blunderbuss. Can scoop up 9 Stacks of Might and a Fire Aura, plus a good bit of damage if I do it right.

Acid Bomb + Rocket Boots 2x Blast Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


I was just playing with this last night, it works quite well. Detonate + Shield4 + AB + Rocket Boots is pretty kool if you have enough time to pull it off. Napalm is nice for its duration.


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