Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have started to play around with the Tool Kit for fun recently (i use it in my burst build but just for Throw Wrench and Magnet Pull)

The #1 and #2 skills are very strong but Box of Nails is lame, if it were instant with a lower cool down it would be a little OP but as is its meh…

My idea get rid of BoN and place the seldom used Throw Mine as the toolkit #2 its a blast finisher and a boon stripper and even though you lose the tool belt ability i think this will give Tool Kit some new life

Just bored at work but +1 if you like this idea and if you use Throw Mine in your build effectively post your build and how you use it because i dont see any builds utilizing this skill.

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Langeist.3675


Adding a mine to tool kit goes against the theme. I like box of nails when used right. I often use it just before i magnetic pull so they are crippled immediately. Or i use it in the middle of a group of people or when running away. The cast time is a pain so i agree their.

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Nausicaa.9563


A slot 2 skill needs a somewhat short cd, so the Throw Mine skill would need to be nerfed hard in order to get this slot. It isn’t a tool either. But I agree that toolkit #2 is at best a filler attack atm, the toolkit trait makes the cripple feel redundant.

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


I use it in my turret bunker build. I got the idea from Fairtex. It’s on a low cooldown even without Speedy Gadgets, it strips boons, knocks down opponents, does a fair amount of damage, and the tool belt ability also strips boons (1 per mine). Used in conjunction with Net Turret and Rocket Turret I am able to set up long lasting CC chains while stripping my opponents of important boons like stability, and retaliation. This has allowed me to slowly wear down opponents with my lower than average (bunker) damage.

The slot skill is also a blast finisher, and is great for interrupting enemies that are trying to stomp your teammates. You can also throw it through projectile reflect walls and bubbles that enemies typically use to protect themselves while they revive an ally. For example, you can throw it into a Guardians Shield of Absorption and then trigger it.

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


A slot 2 skill needs a somewhat short cd, so the Throw Mine skill would need to be nerfed hard in order to get this slot. It isn’t a tool either. But I agree that toolkit #2 is at best a filler attack atm, the toolkit trait makes the cripple feel redundant.

I did not consider the cool down, i would be ok with a damage nerf the knock back + blast finisher would be the point.