(edited by STRanger.5120)
After patch engineer complaints/suggestions
Little upset that elixir infused bombs got a 50% increase in healing power which in anet terms means it went from .1 healing scaling to .15 or about 30 or so more hp per bomb explosion. Even with full healing power its less healing per second than warrior passive healing singet with 0 healing power and every warrior build has adrenal heal as well and some have banner regen or shout heals.
healing bombs, backpack regen, elixir gun aoe, perma regen gives us tons of passive healing for bunker builds
You have to be quite crazy to even try to compare this (master major):
Regenerate health every second when using a kit.
Healing: 117 (0.05)with this(master minor):
Regenerate health based on adrenaline level.
Adrenaline level 1 healing: 125 (0.15)
Adrenaline level 2 healing: 240 (0.15)
Adrenaline level 3 healing: 360 (0.15)If you add a signet to this, warrior beats any passive regen of an Engi with just these two abilities, and I guess that he doesn’t even need healing power to achieve that…..
Edit: Also calling a weapon skill (elixir gun) a “passive” ability, that’s the stuff man…..
Well, first of all, Adrenal Health ticks only once every 3 seconds. So at maximum adrenaline, it’s 120/second—nearly identical to Backpack Regenerator.
Ultimately I think debates over “passive” healing are erroneous, anyway. Most of what the engineer has is active: Super Elixir, Elixir-Infused Bombs, Healing Turret. That doesn’t change the fact that our sustain is quite good compared to warriors, especially considering that we have (1) better blocks, (2) better invulnerability skills, and (3) better damage reduction while stunned.
I think cherry-picking individual traits is a mistake. You have to look at what all is offered in a single build as a warrior and an engineer.
Of course I know that AH ticks once per 3 seconds, however if you read my post again, I also mentioned warriors signet (which heals for 392hp/second and that’s without any traits or healing power, just the healing skill slot), which is passive and really effective no matter the build. And if you take in consideration warriors higher base HP and armor, the ability to trait for shout-healing (with similar investment an Engi needs to trait for bomb-healing and make the bombs effective) which is really strong, again even without healing power, you got a class that has really better sustainability and is easier to play as a bonus.
I’m not saying that Engi is weak in any way, just saying that there are classes, which are purely favorized in the terms of balance. And I would like to know why, but nobody will ever answer that unfortunately…
… enough said …
biggest problem what i have since release is the lack of stability and its the main reason why i stopped playing wvw roaming with engineer. Toss elixir B?the worst stability skill ever in gw2 high casttime, traveltime and low duration and no stunbreake.
You have to choose between, sustain, mobility, damage and condition cleanses, other classes have evertyhing at once.
swap kit is faster than other swap but u need to use the utility spot
ele use trait and most of ele trai 30 arcane all the time and at the same time got the utility skill free to use what they want (weapon, signet, ecc)
we only got tool belt skill if we use kits and if we run 30 on tool we dont get the same CD reduction
I dont like the healing line. Doesnt seem like it has interesting traits. lots of self regen, when I want more group healing.
swap kit is faster than other swap but u need to use the utility spot
ele use trait and most of ele trai 30 arcane all the time and at the same time got the utility skill free to use what they want (weapon, signet, ecc)
we only got tool belt skill if we use kits and if we run 30 on tool we dont get the same CD reduction
You’re right about the fact that a lot of Eles are running 30 arcana, however it’s not mainly for the CD reduction, it’s because the arcana tree has the most useful traits that the class offers, the second best are the water traits, the rest is somewhat underwhelming, when you take the fact that Eles have to obtain some survivability somewhere when playing WvW roaming/PvP, because low baseHp/armor/lack of inherent survival mechanics.
Engis have to use utility slot, but that’s at least rewarded with the ability to swap on demand, which is great imho, and also every utility gives Engi a toolbelt skill (which can be counted as a second utility, don’t you think?), so you don’t completely lose an utility skill by choosing a kit.
Is this thread still on topic?
Let’s try to gather our feedback in one place again. Keep it simple, keep it short, keep it realistic.
my own:
-almost all of our cooldown reduction traits are just that, they dont give any bonuses like you see in every other class
Well, Engi is not the one with worst CD reduction traits at all
Actually it’s great that when I’m playing my Engi, these traits are reducing at least CD of 10 skills, not like on my Elementalist.
However I agree that other classes have usually another benefit linked to the CD reduction which Ele and Engi lacks….
with ele if u go 30 in arcane trait u can got a massive CD on swap elements
we need use all utility skills for swap kit
engy and ele are not in the same boat on CD
30 arcana is only viable for a d/d build and even then it’s only 9 1/2 secs between attunements and even then the cantrips having 60+ sec CDs… Yea not in the same boat as ele. The ele has been in a horrible place for a long time. That’s why I switched to engi.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
Let’s try to gather our feedback in one place again. Keep it simple, keep it short, keep it realistic.
my own:
-almost all of our cooldown reduction traits are just that, they dont give any bonuses like you see in every other class
Well, Engi is not the one with worst CD reduction traits at all
Actually it’s great that when I’m playing my Engi, these traits are reducing at least CD of 10 skills, not like on my Elementalist.
However I agree that other classes have usually another benefit linked to the CD reduction which Ele and Engi lacks….
with ele if u go 30 in arcane trait u can got a massive CD on swap elements
we need use all utility skills for swap kit
engy and ele are not in the same boat on CD30 arcana is only viable for a d/d build and even then it’s only 9 1/2 secs between attunements and even then the cantrips having 60+ sec CDs… Yea not in the same boat as ele. The ele has been in a horrible place for a long time. That’s why I switched to engi.
Just a little correction, it’s 10 sec attunement cooldown, not 9.5
But you’re totally right regarding the rest. This state of Ele also motivated me to level my engi and start playing him almost as my main character.
I still hate the fact that swapping to kits removes your equipped weapon stats completely. That is BO-GUS.
You both had no success on your elementalist and now youre trying to play engineer?
I hope you both are aware that an engineer is much much much more difficult to play than an elemantalist or anything else. You will soon realize that.
What gametypes are you both playing?
Because in WvW the ratio is 10to1 elementalist to engineers in both zerg and roaming, for a good reason.
I would recommend for you both to reroll to warrior.
You both had no success on your elementalist and now youre trying to play engineer?
I hope you both are aware that an engineer is much much much more difficult to play than an elemantalist or anything else. You will soon realize that.What gametypes are you both playing?
Because in WvW the ratio is 10to1 elementalist to engineers in both zerg and roaming, for a good reason.I would recommend for you both to reroll to warrior.
I’ve actually had great success with my ele in pve/pvp/wvw. I was just sick of having to do so much with so little. I still play and love my ele but he has his places now and my engi will be my main pvp/wvw toon from here on out.
I consider ele and engi to be the classes with the highest skill ceiling and hardest to master. I actually find engi harder to master with the sheer variety of tools at our disposal. I love the ele play style but was sick of being forced to run x traits and x utilities to be effective. Love me my engi.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
yeah I totally agree. we need many changes to trait lines and a damage boost to our MAIN weapon. I made a comparison between skill pistol 1 of engineer and thief, with same stats. thief (of course) does more damage and stacks longer bleeds. why?
here I’ve postes some changes suggestions and others have posted theirs too.
I’d like ANet read this
yeah I totally agree. we need many changes to trait lines and a damage boost to our MAIN weapon. I made a comparison between skill pistol 1 of engineer and thief, with same stats. thief (of course) does more damage and stacks longer bleeds. why?
here I’ve postes some changes suggestions and others have posted theirs too.Future-skills-and-changes-suggestion
I’d like ANet read this
Agreed, much like ranger longbow 1 to our rifle 1.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
You both had no success on your elementalist and now youre trying to play engineer?
I hope you both are aware that an engineer is much much much more difficult to play than an elemantalist or anything else. You will soon realize that.What gametypes are you both playing?
Because in WvW the ratio is 10to1 elementalist to engineers in both zerg and roaming, for a good reason.I would recommend for you both to reroll to warrior.
I’ve actually had great success with my ele in pve/pvp/wvw. I was just sick of having to do so much with so little. I still play and love my ele but he has his places now and my engi will be my main pvp/wvw toon from here on out.
I consider ele and engi to be the classes with the highest skill ceiling and hardest to master. I actually find engi harder to master with the sheer variety of tools at our disposal. I love the ele play style but was sick of being forced to run x traits and x utilities to be effective. Love me my engi.
ele has no skill ceiling, you rotate through your rotation and if anything goes wrong you just disengange.
Yes there is literally just one ele build, but thats all you need, it has build in stunbreaks, stability, mobility, damage, condition cleanse, healing, group support.
You will never be able to have all that in an engineer build, not even close.
Jes engineer is awesome cool i main it since BWE1 but even me, one of the biggest fanboys, have to admit that this class is atm in the most horrible state then ever in gw2 history. Heavy nerfs in almost every single patch.
I just gave you the advice, ele is stronger in WvW, a must have in zergs and extremly strong in roaming.
For elite skills i would simply suggest changing mortar and supply crate so that Mortar could be renamed Fortify or something and spawn a usable mortar and multiple turrets to go with it but the supply crate will instead drop a set of kits and bandages and such for you and your allies to use.
however as far as the actual mortar goes it should really be alot tougher than it is… it dies instantly in pretty much any aoe and you cant even use your heal or utility skills when using it as well has having a minimum range.
And they should replaced all the random stuff.
I usually run a support bunker cleric gear engi on my spvp team or my warrior. My warrior with zerker trinket healing singet adrenal heal and banner regen grants me more healing than my cleric gear engi and the warrior healing is all passive. Meaning I can focus on fighting while all the healing is done passively. On my engi I have to give up elixir 409 condi clense to get backpack generater. I have to switch to elixir gun and toss super elixir on the ground. I have to toss elixir h down and hope I get regen or protection and use elixir gun f1 skill to try to keep regen up. I also have to switch to bombs and spam #1 key for bomb healing all to still get less overall healing then what I get passively from my warrior that has 0 HEALING POWER. Its not even a comparison.
I usually run a support bunker cleric gear engi on my spvp team or my warrior. My warrior with zerker trinket healing singet adrenal heal and banner regen grants me more healing than my cleric gear engi and the warrior healing is all passive. Meaning I can focus on fighting while all the healing is done passively. On my engi I have to give up elixir 409 condi clense to get backpack generater. I have to switch to elixir gun and toss super elixir on the ground. I have to toss elixir h down and hope I get regen or protection and use elixir gun f1 skill to try to keep regen up. I also have to switch to bombs and spam #1 key for bomb healing all to still get less overall healing then what I get passively from my warrior that has 0 HEALING POWER. Its not even a comparison.
Switch to healing turret to instantly double your support healing and improve your personal healing at the same time. If you don’t have 409 or HGH (I’m guessing) healing turret is better than elixir H in every way. Don’t use bombs just for the healing; use them for the attacks and benefit from the extra healing when you can. Use elixir gun toolbelt skill as a stunbreak only; you’ll have plenty of regen already.
With zerker amulet, a warrior’s HS+AH+perma regen should equal about 650 healing per second. That’s pretty powerful, but keep in mind that they give up their #6 heal to do that. Your cleric engineer with BR+EIB+SE+perma regen should equal about 500-1000 hps, depending on how often you can use bombs and stand in super elixir. (If you don’t believe me: BR=175+, EIB=up to 350, SE=up to 175, regen=250+). That’s not counting your #6 heal, which is one of the best in the game.
And that’s not counting your healing turret active+overcharge+any blast finishers. Warrior is really powerful right now and has a lot of advantages, but it is simply not true that a zerker war can out-heal a cleric engineer.
I usually run a support bunker cleric gear engi on my spvp team or my warrior. My warrior with zerker trinket healing singet adrenal heal and banner regen grants me more healing than my cleric gear engi and the warrior healing is all passive. Meaning I can focus on fighting while all the healing is done passively. On my engi I have to give up elixir 409 condi clense to get backpack generater. I have to switch to elixir gun and toss super elixir on the ground. I have to toss elixir h down and hope I get regen or protection and use elixir gun f1 skill to try to keep regen up. I also have to switch to bombs and spam #1 key for bomb healing all to still get less overall healing then what I get passively from my warrior that has 0 HEALING POWER. Its not even a comparison.
Switch to healing turret to instantly double your support healing and improve your personal healing at the same time. If you don’t have 409 or HGH (I’m guessing) healing turret is better than elixir H in every way. Don’t use bombs just for the healing; use them for the attacks and benefit from the extra healing when you can. Use elixir gun toolbelt skill as a stunbreak only; you’ll have plenty of regen already.
With zerker amulet, a warrior’s HS+AH+perma regen should equal about 650 healing per second. That’s pretty powerful, but keep in mind that they give up their #6 heal to do that. Your cleric engineer with BR+EIB+SE+perma regen should equal about 500-1000 hps, depending on how often you can use bombs and stand in super elixir. (If you don’t believe me: BR=175+, EIB=up to 350, SE=up to 175, regen=250+). That’s not counting your #6 heal, which is one of the best in the game.
And that’s not counting your healing turret active+overcharge+any blast finishers. Warrior is really powerful right now and has a lot of advantages, but it is simply not true that a zerker war can out-heal a cleric engineer.
Partly true I don’t deny that my engi is pretty darn tanky and really good support. Super elixir and bombs also heal other enemies which is nice. However it thing is it takes a lot of work trait points and healing power to get the same healing as a warrior gets passively with 0 healing power. The joke in our spvp team is I say im gonna switch to my warrior for a few rounds of god mode. They really are super easy mode.
Of course I know that AH ticks once per 3 seconds, however if you read my post again, I also mentioned warriors signet (which heals for 392hp/second and that’s without any traits or healing power, just the healing skill slot), which is passive and really effective no matter the build.
As someone that plays a warrior, I think people overrate how good Healing Signet actually is. Yes, it heals for 392hp a second. That means over 15 seconds, it will return 5880 health back. But that’s actually assuming that you’re taking damage every second. Against condition classes, Healing Signet is good. Against burst classes like Mesmer and Thief, your HP plummets and you have no real way to gain it back but burn your endurance and dodge, praying that your signets and stances keep you alive in the meantime. Warrior has really poor vigor maintenance, and a lot of builds require you to use Burst skills to gain it back—emptying out your adrenaline in the process, which results in even worse sustain due to Adrenal Health’s embarrassing health renewal at level 1 adrenaline.
The Healing Turret by comparison (when picked up) gives back 5040 health and 8 seconds of regeneration every 15 seconds. Regeneration heals back 130 of your HP a second with zero healing power, so this means the Healing Turret in total gives back 6080 health. And it heals your allies. And it cures 2 conditions. And it’s a blast finisher when you detonate it. Detonating it actually diminishes its healing effectiveness per second, but sometimes you just need that extra 1.2K HP now more than you need the 5K heal later.
The situation is really quite simple. The skill ceiling of the warrior is quite low—perhaps the lowest of all classes in the game. If you can work around the weaknesses of Healing Signet, you can create a powerful build. Build engineers by comparison is relatively difficult, and it sometimes isn’t so obvious to build your traits and stat allocation to get the most effective results. In short, bad engineers get beaten by good warriors. But a good engineer will give any warrior trouble. While their stunlock builds cut through most classes like a hot knife through butter, engineers can trait for 53% damage reduction while stunned. Really, if you’re getting embarrassed by warriors, you just aren’t building properly against them.
And if you take in consideration warriors higher base HP and armor, the ability to trait for shout-healing (with similar investment an Engi needs to trait for bomb-healing and make the bombs effective) which is really strong, again even without healing power, you got a class that has really better sustainability and is easier to play as a bonus.
I’m not saying that Engi is weak in any way, just saying that there are classes, which are purely favorized in the terms of balance. And I would like to know why, but nobody will ever answer that unfortunately…
Vigorous Shouts heals for 1.5K. It’s really quite terrible sustain, which is why almost no one uses it.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
Partly true I don’t deny that my engi is pretty darn tanky and really good support. Super elixir and bombs also heal other enemies which is nice. However it thing is it takes a lot of work trait points and healing power to get the same healing as a warrior gets passively with 0 healing power. The joke in our spvp team is I say im gonna switch to my warrior for a few rounds of god mode. They really are super easy mode.
I agree. Nothing makes me feel worse than seeing a warrior just stand in poison nades, fire bomb, smoke bomb, everything, but it doesn’t matter because…warrior.
However, we need to be more accurate. Warrior can put out crazy good healing for a zerker build, great cc options for a high dps build, etc. But a zerker warrior can’t outheal a cleric engineer no matter what—not even close. I feel the devs would be more likely to respond to forum feedback if we were right about stuff more often.
My complain is :
Why the HELL did they move Incendiary Powder to master tier… Its not like the Engi was OP… With all the anti condi in mcm it nearly was the only way to have a decent “burst”
So what ? only now play engi as boring support class… or with the totaly useless turret.. no thanks.
Now choosing a adpet trait in Explosives is more like : ok this one is not the worse, lets take it as default.
I’am sorry, but your update is bad.
next time, just unallow engi from doing any damage, at least it would be clear.
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
(edited by E Tan.7385)
You both had no success on your elementalist and now youre trying to play engineer?
I hope you both are aware that an engineer is much much much more difficult to play than an elemantalist or anything else. You will soon realize that.What gametypes are you both playing?
Because in WvW the ratio is 10to1 elementalist to engineers in both zerg and roaming, for a good reason.I would recommend for you both to reroll to warrior.
I’ve actually had great success with my ele in pve/pvp/wvw. I was just sick of having to do so much with so little. I still play and love my ele but he has his places now and my engi will be my main pvp/wvw toon from here on out.
I consider ele and engi to be the classes with the highest skill ceiling and hardest to master. I actually find engi harder to master with the sheer variety of tools at our disposal. I love the ele play style but was sick of being forced to run x traits and x utilities to be effective. Love me my engi.
ele has no skill ceiling, you rotate through your rotation and if anything goes wrong you just disengange.
Yes there is literally just one ele build, but thats all you need, it has build in stunbreaks, stability, mobility, damage, condition cleanse, healing, group support.
You will never be able to have all that in an engineer build, not even close.Jes engineer is awesome cool i main it since BWE1 but even me, one of the biggest fanboys, have to admit that this class is atm in the most horrible state then ever in gw2 history. Heavy nerfs in almost every single patch.
I just gave you the advice, ele is stronger in WvW, a must have in zergs and extremly strong in roaming.
LOL, ele definitely doesn’t have only 1 viable build, sorry. And to play an ele effectively and not just mash buttons like an idiot, yes it’s a high skill ceiling. Maybe you’re the one who needs to put down the engi and pick up the ele if you think they’re so leet.
I don’t know why you think engis got heavy nerfs in almost every patch… But that’s your opinion. I think engis are in a good place. We just need more traits for gadgets and turrets need an overhaul.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
My complain is :
Why the HELL did they move Incendiary Powder to master tier… Its not like the Engi was OP… With all the anti condi in mcm it nearly was the only way to have a decent “burst”
So what ? only now play engi as boring support class… or with the totaly useless turret.. no thanks.Now choosing a adpet trait in Explosives is more like : ok this one is not the worse, lets take it as default.
I’am sorry, but your update is bad.
next time, just unallow engi from doing any damage, at least it would be clear.
nothing you said made any sense whatsoever. engis are still good. though if you’re gonna complain about anything from the latest patch complain about the vigor nerf. incendiary powder nerf is peanuts.
Elementalist is very easily the worst class in sPvP right now.
Elementalist is very easily the worst class in sPvP right now.
Exactly, ele has no place at all in pvp and that’s sad. Ppl who say otherwise just have no clue. They’re probably the same ppl saying wars are OP… Lol.
The only nerf we engis got this last patch is he perma vigor. That’s it.
Incendiary powder for moved because it’s a strong trait. If you’re running a condi build you can still pick it so what’s the big deal? Only thing it effected or changed is if ppl went 10 into explosives to pick it. Now they can allocated 10 points elsewhere and try something new.
Turrets and more traits that help out gadgets!!! C’mon anet let’s get a response here! The cd speedy gadgets is nice. But how about something with boons or more control since gadgets are entirely for control.
Turrets… I don’t even know where to begin… Only good thing about them is the blast finisher on blowing then up and the short TB cd on rifle turret for SD builds. Every other TB cd is way too long. They still get destroyed in a matter of seconds even when traited for armor and self repairs. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the turrets being ground targeted is meh. Deployable turrets would be nice if they have a n aoe stun or daze on impact….
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
Incendiary powder was also the only decent universal adept trait of that tree though.
And saying that people that spent 10 points there could just spend points elsewhere is implicitely accepting that fact: there is nothing else worthwhile in that slot.
But well, it was something that was pointed out in the patch thread, and still got ignored.
Edited (i had written “power” instead of “points”).
(edited by Manuhell.2759)
Afer playing with engi for 2 weeks, i have 3 main suggestions:
1. For god sake remove already this horrible hobosacks.
2. Make grenade 1st as on target skill. My fingers suffering, and main power coming still not from this skill, so why punish players?
3. Give already turrets or high damage, so they could do at least something for their 3 second lives, or give them much more health and make turret regen trait useful. Like let them heal 15% every 2 seconds, or like 7% every second. Just make turrets sustainable at least for 5-10 seconds of fight, so they could at least use their overheat abilities few times, not only on activation.
Incendiary powder was also the only decent universal adept trait of that tree though.
And saying that people that spent 10 points there could just spend power elsewhere is implicitely accepting that fact: there is nothing else worthwhile in that slot.But well, it was something that was pointed out in the patch thread, and still got ignored.
i understand, but if your just running 10 into explosives for the power and the added bonus of extra burning.. just run 10 into inventions…Get extra toughness.. extra healing power.. low health response system(5).. and take energized armor(V) for the same boost in power with just some different “buffs”. That also opens up the option to take VI, I or IV or if youre running turrets III.
But thats assuming you didnt have any points in inventions to begin with. If youre not running a condi build, then the burning only does a little over 1k dmg at its full tick. So its not worth it over other trait lines or choices if your not running a condi spec. IF youre running a condi spec then youre more than likely using atleast bombs or nades so you should have atleast 20 into explosives to begin with and its a moot point then.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.
(edited by Treborlavok.3504)
Am I the only one that—dare I say it—actually likes the hobo sacks?
Am I the only one that—dare I say it—actually likes the hobo sacks?
I think they shouldve made the kits more unique to which kit youre using. like the flamethrower/EG. But tweaked a little more to not be so.. bag like.
-> nades should be strapped up with bandoliers and a belt with a bunch of grandes across them.
-> bombs should give us a tnt box strapped to our backs with some type of side satchel.
Asura Ele- Sir Im afraid youre short. Why is it always short jokes. No, youre short on the bill.