Alchemy Trait Line

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


This trait line is too stacked. They should move a couple of the traits to the inventions line. I would love to see Protection Injection and Backpack Regenerator go to the inventions line. This would help out with build diversity and maybe not every engie build would involve going 6 deep into alchemy. Your thoughts?

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Sarcasm, right? I don’t know of a single build that goes 6 deep in alchemy.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Sins.4782


I wouldn’t mind seeing Protection Injection trade places with Stabilized Armor. We’d probably see a lot of 6/0/2/4/2 over 6/0/0/4/4, so there’d be a bit more diversity to the cele meta build. It’d also mean turret engineers couldn’t take both prot injection and metal plated. Both trait lines could do with some rebalancing though, seeing how a couple of the adept traits are better than any of the grandmasters.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: ArrDee.2573


…So you want to encourage more build diversity by making everyone switch from Alchemy to Inventions! Interesting proposal!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA! <-It’s back!

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


HGH uses 6 in Alchemy, all day every day.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

HGH uses 6 in Alchemy, all day every day.

Ok, but why would anyone use HGH?

Not saying you CAN’T go 6 in alchemy, just saying that the OPs claim “every engie build would involve going 6 deep into alchemy” is ridiculous and no meta build in any game type to my knowledge goes 6 deep in that line.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


HGH is great for newer folks. Put my GF on it and she runs dungeons and fractals now with some survivability as an engineer. She now likes Engi more than her alturistic guard, and she’s somewhat useful at helping to stack might and provide boons with thrown potions. It’s a good in the middle build for people like her.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Traits are stacked.
This is “balanced?” compromised by elixirs themselves having annoyingly long cast times. SD on throw elixirs not hitting anything. And the +vit gained as a stat.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Electro.4173


The only thing I want moved from Alchemy is Experimental Turrets. I mean, it kind of makes sense for a buff-based trait to be in the buff line, but at the same time the alchemy line is almost useless for a turret build. You can’t run elixirs and turrets without spreading your utilities too thin, nor do you really get enough buffs from Experimental Turrets alone to make the Boon Duration on the traitline particularly useful. But ET is a nice trait. It’d be nice to be able to use it without going 6 deep into an unfitting traitline.

Either that or at least move it to a Master trait or something so you don’t need to invest so heavily, but it might be too good then.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Leothen.7421


Hey guys, happy to see so many people interested in this topic. Also glad the first reply to this topic caught the sarcasm right off the bat:

Sarcasm, right? I don’t know of a single build that goes 6 deep in alchemy.

albeit a little confusing in hindsight, i will elaborate a bit so maybe more people can at least understand where im coming from.

Basically, Backpack Regenerator is quite literally the backbone for almost every build in the current meta for the engie (pvp) except for turrets – im not even gonna touch turrets here. I feel that this retracts from build diversity because the Alchemy Line is so stuffed with useful traits for other builds that could also benefit from BR but cant b/c it is essential.

Also, i feel BR would benefit more from moving to the inventions line b/c it would give +200 toughness and +200 healing power which would mean your health would go further because of the added toughness, and your BR would regenerate more b/c of the healing power. Not a crazy amount more but +10hp/sec is about 600 health/minute which with the added toughness goes further then it is right now.

The trade off from the current 60044 meta would be -200 vitality and -20% boon duration if you still wanted to go power wrench which i think most people would then go 60422 and drop power wrench so you would only have -100 vitality and -10% boon. I would prefer the minor trait trade off though, you lose elixir B on a 90 sec cd (not much) but also the transmute condi every 15 secs which is nice. however, you gain regen on a 10 sec cd below 25% health with additional 250 healing with added healing power and also a nice automated medical response for your healing skill on a 90 sec cd, which with the added healing power also improves and extra condi clear here too which, imo makes you last a bit longer in fights for the real price of losing -4sec on gear shield.

TLDR; So the trade off is meh, i dont feel it will completely break the current meta and would probably still be the chosen build for most. But this is where I feel the build diversity gains will make many more engies happy with at least 3-4 builds that would be created/improved.

Elixir infused bomb / HGH build – 20660 – something I would love to see improved with BR, prot inj + some elixir cds, duration increases or cleaning formula. elixir B, bomb kit, elixir s – i would even try using elixir X w this.

Egun / HGH build – 04460 – another build that id like to try, BR w prot inj, elixir cds, dur increases or cleaning formulas. elixir C, egun, elixir B or S, i would definately love to throw elixir X in this build to go from water field egun to tornado, or just flip the script in the middle of a fight from condi to rampaging brute.

my personal favorite that would be improved FT builds – now you get BR with deadly mixture without having to go 6 into Alchemy, added toughness would help out a zerk FT build. could go 04442 or 40460 if you wanted HGH or 40424 if you ran FT with TK you’d have BR, prot inj, speedy kits, invig speed.

I think the most important thing this would open up is using invigorating speed with prot inj. Engies are really tied to using either invig speed or energy sigil and because of only having 1 weapon, this leaves only 1 other sigil which sucks. so i usually run invig speed so i can get the 2 sigils ( so much to ask for as an engie) but with builds lacking toughness, prot inj is necessary for survivability and the inventions line is tied to toughness which is by far the worst line imo.

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Warcry.1596


6 2 0 6 0

HGH/Grenadier. I love it. Sure not meta, but fun. Too bad Toss Elixir B is bugged and won’t work with HGH though

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


6 2 0 6 0

HGH/Grenadier. I love it. Sure not meta, but fun. Too bad Toss Elixir B is bugged and won’t work with HGH though

Is the build you are referring with rifle or pistol shield ? which amulet ? i found one with pistol shield and celestial but for me with pistol shield rabid works better

Alchemy Trait Line

in Engineer

Posted by: Warcry.1596


Rifle, Berserker, Runes of Strength

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”