Alternative PvE Builds

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Fade.1743


Besides the 2~3 kit builds, what are some alternative builds for PvE engineers? The last time I tried to play engineer inside of a Fractal, the group was so uncoordinated that the boss was moving around too much for the majority of my grenades to land. I don’t come up with this issue in dungeons (or at least the few I do) since the majority of players know how to stack.

On top of that, there really are no builds that I can recommend to my friends who want to get into engineer more as they play it very casually, but would like to do dungeons.

Are there any builds that we can all come up with for lower end PvE for now to start getting people interested in Engineer?

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


Post a few pics of flamethrower 11111 dps getting up to 10-20k+ and newer players might assume flamethrower autoattack is a high dps weapon.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Keep in mind that all decent engi builds come with high APM-requirements, but nothing a gaming-wouse couldn’t fix instantly for you.

Here are a couple of niche builds (exotic) that work for various situations.
A simple nade-spammer that keeps vuln on 25 stacks and comes with a wall of reflection. Decent compensation for a lacking guardian. If a guardian is in the group, wait until his wall of reflection has timed out before you try with toss elixir U. Keep in mind that you should keep blunderbus and jumpshot on cd as well.
A simple bombkit build with bunker down and automated bomb dispenser. Awesome blind uptime, defiance/boon rip and might stacking. While bunker down is useless against static (or properly stacked) bosses, subject alpha in CoE will trigger all mines quite regularly when spawning his grubs, so this build features one of the highest dps you can get against him on engi. throw mine should be used when the boss has no defiance and be thrown outside of the stack to push the boss into the wall, so you can continue using BoB without fearing of breaking the stack.
A PvE-viable s/d variant that should solve your issue with mobile bosses. The dmg increases if there are multiple targets for s/d to bounce from, else it delivers above average, but reliable dps.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Fade.1743


Post a few pics of flamethrower 11111 dps getting up to 10-20k+ and newer players might assume flamethrower autoattack is a high dps weapon.

Hah! Until retal in HotW and CoE ends up killing them!

Keep in mind that all decent engi builds come with high APM-requirements, but nothing a gaming-wouse couldn’t fix instantly for you.

Here are a couple of niche builds (exotic) that work for various situations.
A simple nade-spammer that keeps vuln on 25 stacks and comes with a wall of reflection. Decent compensation for a lacking guardian. If a guardian is in the group, wait until his wall of reflection has timed out before you try with toss elixir U. Keep in mind that you should keep blunderbus and jumpshot on cd as well.
A simple bombkit build with bunker down and automated bomb dispenser. Awesome blind uptime, defiance/boon rip and might stacking. While bunker down is useless against static (or properly stacked) bosses, subject alpha in CoE will trigger all mines quite regularly when spawning his grubs, so this build features one of the highest dps you can get against him on engi. throw mine should be used when the boss has no defiance and be thrown outside of the stack to push the boss into the wall, so you can continue using BoB without fearing of breaking the stack.
A PvE-viable s/d variant that should solve your issue with mobile bosses. The dmg increases if there are multiple targets for s/d to bounce from, else it delivers above average, but reliable dps.

Awesome! Thanks for the builds! I didn’t know if SD builds were still viable in PvE. I use a modified version (change traits around to get Power Shoes) for finishing map completion on my Engie. Much appreciated

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

This is one of the aspects I HATE about the GW2 community.

It’s so all or nothing.

No one really factors in limitations or ease of play. It’s sad and pathetic.

SD with Rifle Turret is a nice option. Grenades are always nice, but if you find you’re not able to get consistent hits you can just range with Rifle till you can land your nades, immob helps a lot, or if you are willing to Melee Bombs are not bad either. Flamethrower is generally a bad idea if you can avoid it.

EG is pretty huge with Acid bomb, but if you can’t hit it… well there are other things. Throw Mine is not bad, Utility goggles can be nice for vuln, but I wouldn’t say good. A couple Elixirs have some very nice utility purposes. Tool Kit is great defensively but that’s the “kit” stuff.

If I were to build for not having 2 kits though again S/D is solid, Rifle Turret + either Personal Battering Ram for more S/D triggers or Throw Mine for the blast/such and the minefield which is nice.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Fade.1743


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

The issue is that “meta” is for speed-running dungeons which focuses on high burst damage and killing mobs as quickly as possible. In reality, it’s a very niche set-up where you can control the bosses movements and have players stack on a boss. The 3 kit meta HAS to have these in order to work. Hell, even Nades alone need this to work.

The problem is that this isn’t a feasible assumption in Fractals (of any level) and some dungeon PUGs. The other issue is that most other professions have alternative builds that can yield more practical DPS in the hands of a casual to midcore player not in an organized group. Engineer only has the 3 kit build that is on meta-battle.

The third issue is that the build is a unique playstyle. Normally, I play an Elementalist, so I’m used to a similar playstyle. However, I’d like to play something else as an Engineer. Not only that, but I don’t find multi-kits to be fun. I find the builds to be very tedious to learn the rotation itself, on top of relying on the rest of my group to keep the boss in one place as much as possible so I can get the maximum effectiveness out of the build.

There should be alternative builds that are still viable AND shared by the community. Otherwise the barrier to entry for engineers is going to be artificially inflated. That’s bad because as Anet is a metric heavy company Engineers will have less data. Sure, you might not get more people playing the meta, but having multiple builds to build up to the meta build in terms of difficulty will be infinitely more helpful than having a PLAY ONLY THIS ONE SPECIFIC BUILD attitude.

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not a niche setup lol. Meta means the best choice in the current situation. Meta builds are by definition the best choices to be made given the current variables and knowledge.

I can’t honestly think of many builds that work with without a nearly stationary boss either. And even if the boss in question was permanently moving you can still achieve a pretty good rotation.

How is it relevant that the class is easy or hard to play? What makes you think anet actually cares about that? If they did they would just buff one of the many autoattacks and let engis camp it for max dps.

tl;dr Same thing as my first post. You want a good build you play a meta build. You want to play a non-meta build then why are you even asking for a simple answer?

No problem I give you advice. Go bomb kit, set first skill on autoattack and afk away. Best “alternative” thing you can do.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Fade.1743


I’m saying the speedrunning dungeons is a niche thing. The entire meta revolves around them, but ignores the fact that not everyone is trying to break records. Why does it matter to the average player if your CoF1 run can either take 5 mins or 15 mins?

On top of that, higher level fractal content really can’t be sped up or cheesed as the mechanics of the fight warrant a different style of play entirely.

The relevancy of difficulty is in regards to the BUILD of the professions. And if you actually read what Anet says about the Mesmer, they do care about the difficulty of the professions in relation to one another.

The issue with the 2~3 kit meta build has two factors to it: 1) its high APM and skill requirement which leads to 2) it’s the only build that’s linked where other classes have different builds that are considered viable at end-game.

This creates artificially difficulty for someone wanting to pick up the class. But unlike the Mesmer that the devs have stated that they design the profession to be more difficult to play, this is created by the community who only links one build. Not only that, but again…some players might not like the playstyle.

There is always 1 optimal build but always a variety of viable builds. The point of this thread was to fix the issue the community created with the all or nothing build that engineers use. I knew the SD build was good enough to finish up world completion, but I didn’t think it was still considered viable for dungeons. And now i know. I like to play non-optimal, but viable builds as I can’t always rely on a steady connection or computer throughout a fight.

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


It’s not a niche setup lol. Meta means the best choice in the current situation. Meta builds are by definition the best choices to be made given the current variables and knowledge.

I can’t honestly think of many builds that work with without a nearly stationary boss either. And even if the boss in question was permanently moving you can still achieve a pretty good rotation.

How is it relevant that the class is easy or hard to play? What makes you think anet actually cares about that? If they did they would just buff one of the many autoattacks and let engis camp it for max dps.

tl;dr Same thing as my first post. You want a good build you play a meta build. You want to play a non-meta build then why are you even asking for a simple answer?

No problem I give you advice. Go bomb kit, set first skill on autoattack and afk away. Best “alternative” thing you can do.

So you’re saying if you can’t handle 3 kit rotation and make it work you should just afk with bombs and ignore playing? Great advice…

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The average player does care if the dungeons are 3 times as long, assuming your idea of average player includes running dungeons.

The mesmer difficulty thing is a joke. It’s not like the class is braindead now and needs fixing. Also they gonna buff phantasms apparently. Do you consider letting npcs do the work for you a highly difficult build?

I see you consider doing map completion a gauge of build efficiency. Well I believe a 0/0/0/0/0 rifle engi with no items except said rifle is good enough to do map.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

Because there are passable non-meta builds, and there are also complete garbage builds.

I run a SD rifle build now, in pretty much all things. with slight varients for spvp, dungeon pve, and solo pve.
Its far far more satisfying to play then grenades.

I used to be heavy into mathing out optimal stats, rotations, etc. I have not done so since coming back. this build is based on play, not theorycrafting. so it might be improved on, and its optimal dps is unknown to me. I can’t give you a figure, other then, “its good enough”.

crit from firearms, and ferocity, but little power/cond duration from explosives. (HOT should buff this build nicely.)
DPS rotation is mostly, use skills as they CD. throw wrench, surprise shot at the same time, drop rifle turret after surprise shot, engage autofire. jumpshot. launch ram, Blunderbuss, swap toolkit, prybary, . personal battering ram. blow your rifle turret before the 7s surprise shot CD is up. (lets you get autofire dps, and reset before surprise shot is back up. smack/whack/thwak until blunderbuss is up. (10s cd)
Can blow up healing turrets for damage too.
Full end 10% is more then bomb on dodge. so don’t try to use that to increase damage.

Solo. swap out modified ammo for hair trigger.
2 in alch for invig speed instead of accel packed an option too.
Lots of good/possible options in tools. Prybar is strong damage and part of core, so the 10% damage, and 20% recharge is strong. Also, whack/smack/thwak is higher coeff then hipshot, with both having their 10% rifle, and 10% wrench. whack/smack also giving vul stacks.

SD deals double damage with surprise shot for some reason when auto attack is engaged.
you have 3 targeted toolbelt skills so SD will aim properly with them.
Ram has good damage attached to it. Rifle also does damage itself, and double damage SD on surprise shot, with short CD. Toolkit has prybar, higher dps AUTO, and throw wrench with decent damage if lined up properly.
Utility goggles are not horrible. 10stacks of vul, and targeted SD. Bigger cd then ram. stun break+fury on large cd on the gadget itself. again, ram adding more damage. Gadgeteer is better with goggles though.
Minefield/throw mine. short CD. not targeted SD. but fires 2 SD. one on cast, one on activate iirc. Mine itself is strong damage. throw mine also blast combo, short CD and strong damage.
Rocket boots also deals direct targeted damage on toolbelt with short cd. With blast combo, direct damage, and CC clear on gadget.

(edited by Casia.4281)

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

The issue is that “meta” is for speed-running dungeons which focuses on high burst damage and killing mobs as quickly as possible. In reality, it’s a very niche set-up where you can control the bosses movements and have players stack on a boss. The 3 kit meta HAS to have these in order to work. Hell, even Nades alone need this to work.

The problem is that this isn’t a feasible assumption in Fractals (of any level) and some dungeon PUGs. The other issue is that most other professions have alternative builds that can yield more practical DPS in the hands of a casual to midcore player not in an organized group. Engineer only has the 3 kit build that is on meta-battle.

The third issue is that the build is a unique playstyle. Normally, I play an Elementalist, so I’m used to a similar playstyle. However, I’d like to play something else as an Engineer. Not only that, but I don’t find multi-kits to be fun. I find the builds to be very tedious to learn the rotation itself, on top of relying on the rest of my group to keep the boss in one place as much as possible so I can get the maximum effectiveness out of the build.

There should be alternative builds that are still viable AND shared by the community. Otherwise the barrier to entry for engineers is going to be artificially inflated. That’s bad because as Anet is a metric heavy company Engineers will have less data. Sure, you might not get more people playing the meta, but having multiple builds to build up to the meta build in terms of difficulty will be infinitely more helpful than having a PLAY ONLY THIS ONE SPECIFIC BUILD attitude.

with rifle, nades, and toolkit you can put out enough soft cc to always hit your nades in an uncoordinated group. id recommend also taking rocket boots for an extra mobility skill and a gap closer. you can easily singlehandedly control where the boss is at any time if he aggroes on you, and if he doesnt, you can soft cc him enough to let your party kite him and lead him predictably. under these circumstances, if you cant hit nades, you need to practice using them more — work on leading your target mostly, and if that isnt your problem, practice spamming 1 while strafing and leading, because thats actually kinda harder to micromanage and takes a lot of practice.

either that or use bombs and melee, but especially in higher fractals melee can be hard. it really does come down to nades or bombs or both in dungeons. getting what you want out of dungeons requires many many repetitions which will make your build tend toward whatever does the most damage as you get more used to playing. sd builds have ok burst but lowish sustained damage. turrets are worthless. condi is even more kit dependent than power.

if you need to carry casuals through high level fractals, l2p healing guard and tell them to go dps. seriously. itll be fine as long as the guard knows how to play.

JQ: Rikkity
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