Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Hello guys.

Last evening,i was outside a camp in the Orr zone,with my engineer ofc.
I placed my turrets near guards NPC,and while i was grinding with the help of guards,i got to go 2 min far from my PC.

My turrets where still down…..when i come back,i found 2 mobs with drops on the ground.
I looted,then i wrote into the guild chat: “ahah guys,engineer is really the best,you can also go afk and turrets will grind for you”.
A mate in guild chat,answered me: “warning,there are many ban case for this,you cannot leave your turrets down near guards,farm,and go far from your PC”.

This is easy to understand….it’s a turrets abuse.Isn’t it??

Is not my problem,because i don’t do it anyway,it happend only once , just for less than 120 seconds,and without intenction,…but…my question now is another one.

The thing i do really often is: i go to a camp,place my turrets NEAR TO THE GUARDS,and i hit with my rifle the same target of my turrets.
As you can deduce,guards hit every mob come near them.
I’m active,not afk,but…is this a bannable thing?

I mean,am i abusing of guards as help to kill mobs placing my turets near em??(i repeat,when this happen,i’m not afk,i’m actively hitting the mob,just using a bit of guards help).

I don’t want to get a “super-surprise-ban” because i’m doing something i don’t know it’s an abuse…

Anyone can answer this pls?

Sorry for my english,regards!

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tschesae.4812


That hardly seems bannable, but then so does buying a good item from a vendor for little karma. Id suggest you go ahead and play how you like. Anet cant expect you to follow some unwritten law especially considering they are more than capable of just changing the rules with patches.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Akaikos.9613


My friend received a pm from gm after use turrets afk near a event with low minute cooldown. He got 5 lvls doing this. Luckly for him, he was close to pc.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rick.1378


That’s BS if Anet makes bans people for that, pure and utter BS. It’s a mechanic that Anet built into the game. I’m not debating if it’s right or not, I’m simply debating that if Anet doesn’t want people to do it they will program it so you can’t AFK like that.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Akaikos.9613


Well first you receive a warning from them, if you still doing this after, it is with your account in risk

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Wait…i repeat,afk thing is bannable,and i agree.

But,if i place turrets near guards and i’m actively hitting mobs with the guards help?Is this an abuse of guards+ turrets?(I’m active!!i hit mobs!!).
I don’t even want to receive a warning from the Anet ,i would like to know if i can or not do this,cause if is not allowed,i will not wait for an Anet warning to stop.

About the afk thing..i agree is a bannable thing…what do you pretend if you go afk and farm like this…also….you can’t farm going afk,because the loot dissapear,so this have no sense.
As someone told,you can level like this…because even if you don’t loot,you take exp..then i’m sorry,but in this case i’d say welcome to the ban,because this is pure abuse.

1-I still don’t know if they will ever make turrets assist our same target and not randomly hitting things around.This is a big problem when mobs or player like thief mesmer and other engineers go hide during a pvp.
The enemy in hide,make turrets aggro other mobs..this is ofc a problem for the WvW pvp.

2-In any case,may be Anet will never fix this,simply because is not a bug to fix,but a feature (and ofc an Anet confirmation should help).
Turrets are made with a different goal compared to ranger pets or necromancer summons.
Turrets are not moveble,and they control a zone.Everything enter turret zone will be attacked.And i mean turret zone,not egninner zone,this are 2 different things.
In WvW this have his strategic advantage:i can leave my turrets on a bridge to assist ally,while i go back into a fort and use my mortar,or use a siege weapons to defend the bridge from a longer range.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


Not sure but is it that hard to level that you need help from the guard on a consistent manner where you are worried about being banned?

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


I’m already lvl 80.
I don’t need the help of guards for level.
I farm for gold.
I need the help of guards because me + 3 different turrets aggro many mobs,from different directions,aggro them near guards,then i kill faster with the help of guards.

In this way,i kill the triple of the mobs all in the same time,with the help of guards + turrets.This is why i ask if it’s an abuse….i kill 3 time faster,and the triple ammount of mobs :S .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: RoughJaco.3148


if you are there, and you’re not using a bot or some other out of client device to automate things, you’re not bannable, you’re just farming by the guards, which is perfectly legit (if they didn’t want you to they’d just make it so that a guard kill wasn’t lootable).

What isn’t allowed is you being AFK while something in game or not piles up resources for you, because that’s imbalancing in their view of things, but that’s why they will first contact you and ask if you’re there, if you reply and show you’re not AFK, you’ll be perfectly fine, even if the mob was tagged by your turret without a single shot from your rifle (because maybe you were hitting another mob and didn’t get to that one).

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Using the guards is fine. When you are away from your keyboard while reaping gains in the game, it is by definition, botting. There are a great many quest, missions, and events that have NPCs participate. That is clearly an intended aspect.

Abusing mechanics to gain reward while not actually playing though, that is obviously not intended.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Daemer.1605


“That hardly seems bannable, but then so does buying a good item from a vendor for little karma.”

They banned a few thousand people that bought a few million items. All of those people purchase 300+ of those items. It’s not like they were stocking up on a lifetime of swords so that they could eat them when they went hungry or something.

So long as you aren’t AFK farming, I’m sure it won’t be a problem.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Oh ty .
No AFK is not my case,it just happend once for few seconds as i told.

Guards help during my activity was a doubt for me…just because with my system i can kill really fast man mobs all in once,and immediatly aggro another group of mobs.
This allow me to earn golds faster than other players,mainly because i can use guards+ turrest(area turrets,like thumper and flame tower) + eventually a flamethrower or granade kit (for AoE,that meke it faster,and i’m sure i hit all mobs to have more chance for loot).

Use external tools is not my case…useless buy a game,to make a virtual robot play and enjoy it it for me…i’m not that sick .

I farm gold to buy the eternal armour i want from the tading post…i need to reach 20 gold ,and hope price wont rise in the while i farm.
Then i can finally stop farm.

Ty all for the answers,especially Coglin and RoughJaco were of help.
Sorry for my english again.


I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

Using the guards is fine. When you are away from your keyboard while reaping gains in the game, it is by definition, botting.

No, not really. Not in this case.

Botting (hence its name) is when you use a program to control your character to farm for you. It’s never been a case of “when you are away from your keyboard.” Someone can use a bot program and be at their computer.

I can see this being questionable, because if I leave one of my turrets somewhere while I step away, I don’t want to be given a warning. This should have been something that was looked at.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I have never seen an MMO who wouldn’t punish someone for AFK XP once reported. That is my point.

The fact remains, that if it becomes an issue,they will find away to stop it. I would be willing to bet that what ever way they would be forced to use, would punish all of us.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


If you are active and playing, regardless of who is helping in the fight, then no you are not going to be banned – that’s just stupid if you did.

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: FROGJON.3094


kitten that, grind that kitten

Am I abusing a feature?Am i bannable?

in Engineer

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

According to the descriptions provided, no, this is not punishable.
Thanks for posting. I will close the thread now.