Amulet Suggestions

Amulet Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Etaoin.4362



I have recently been running the following build for sPvP (typically as a bunker) and am very comfortable with it:

Right now I am having trouble optimizing my amulet choice. I am not looking for build critique (unless you see a minor tweak that might give a huge improvement), nor am I trying to promote this build. I am just looking to optimize as best I can.

Thanks in advance!

Amulet Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


celestial for being a condi-bruiser / support
settlers for being a condi-bunker / support (this will make Incendiary powder obsolete, switch it with short fuse or spend more points into alchemy)
rabid for being a more offensive condi-bruiser

If you switch to rifle:
knight (bunker), sentinel (uber-bunker) and clerics (bunker / support) will work as well. replace IP with short fuse or more points into alchemy or fire-arms (hair-trigger).

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.