Anyone tired of the Turret Engineer "hate" ?

Anyone tired of the Turret Engineer "hate" ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Look, I’ve played various builds with Engies and just recently decided to try out the “repugnant and taboo” Turret-centric build.

I specialized in Rifle and Turrets… (not the “meta” build with the Alchemy Traits, BTW. )

My Engie has a high Power rating, high Armor and Vitality. His Turrets are armored, do extra damage, have max range, auto-repair and blow the hell up when destroyed by enemies. It’s ridiculously fun to play.

I also play this build in PvP and have to say, it’s pretty kitten ed effective for holding points. A little tactical forethought means you can be mobile as well and not necessarily “stuck” to one location. (Pro-tip: when leaving an area, pick up your turrets instead of detonating them, this reduces your cool-down significantly.)

I tried the Grenade/Bomb builds but all the flipping/rolling about became rather silly to me. Besides, everyone seems to be playing their Engies that particular way.

Sorry if this post offends some people, but I’m not gonna apologize for playing an Engineer in this way.

To me, an Engineer is about:

  • Being a bulwark via inventions and tactical sensibility.
  • Grabbing a defensible plot of land and holding onto it tenaciously.
  • Offering a relatively safe haven or respite to fellow adventurers.
  • Being a general PITA to the enemy by being more than just a speed bump.

What kind of gear do you use?

Anyone tired of the Turret Engineer "hate" ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shinoobi.1259


Play what’s fun for you. Whether it’s beta HGH pistol, zerker rifle, turrets, grenades, toolkit only— just play. The competitive PvP in this game is gone, so no one’s looking out for you. Just enjoy yourself and try to get the other people around you to do the same.

So Butter So Fly – Mesmer
Bossy B – Elementalist
Pocket Rot- Necro

Anyone tired of the Turret Engineer "hate" ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuldebar.1897


What kind of gear do you use?

PVT all the way.
