Anyone use gyros?
Outside of the sneak gyro, I’ve not found a way to incorporate the other gyros. The toolbelts are decent, but the AI on the gyro’s just aren’t good with pathing and speed.
For open world, shredder is not bad for comboing with lightning field for vulnerability (high health mobs) or a fire field (AoE or low hp mobs). It’s not exactly astounding or anything though.
Outside of that, Sneak Gyro is the only other one I’ve found worth using anywhere.
I only use Sneak Gyro in PvE to avoid/skip mobs.
Other than that, Explosive Gyro is garbage, throw mine hilariously probably is better since it can actually crit and applies vuln, and actually has a good toolbelt. Purge Gyro has way too many problems keeping up, as does the heal gyro. Shredder gyro keeps getting knocked out of its field, function gyro will fail to do anything if the target is on anything but a perfect flat surface and bulwark gyro is useless when I have a million evades and blocks and recovery matrix regardless.
In SPvP, Sneak Gyro is the only contender. Everything else suffers from the same problems stated above, except they die much more easily because no 95% damage reduction.
So basically everything everyone has been saying since we played the BWE
10/10 awesome work everyone.
I like the new Gyros so much that i have to use 5 of them. And there is a bug that make you able to have 2 Sneak Gyros active at the same time.
What’s a gyro? P/p Cono engi 4 lyfe.
i dont use em.. they just dont work proper and i prefer to use skills i trust to not get me killed several times… -glares at bullwark- by running off.
If you’re in a big open world event or only move around to dodge aoe, the heal gyro can be pretty handy; it’s instant cast even when stunned, does a large amount of heal (assuming again you don’t move out of its range), and the toolbelt creates a water field that’s always on you, meaning your triple leap finisher on hammer will do a lot of self heal too.
I do like gyros. Without trying to put a too serious a build together, having all the defensive gyros together makes you a beast on the point in sPVP. Engi has never felt that way.
The cool thing is, three defensive gyros counteract power burst, purge counteracts condi pressure nicely. I throw in a shredder for the whirl finishers. And btw, Final Salvo is required. Do they replace kits? Probably not. But where kits have offensive flexibility and rotations, gyros have defensive flexibility.
I love it, but I still agree with the feedback of many who say they are slow, and Function Gyro needs more play to it.
As a WvW commander, I have come to enjoy bulwarkgyro. 5s AoE reflect on a 25s CD on the toolbelt skill has many vvaluable lesson uses. The temporary damage reduction with the utility has aided me in a pinch, many times thus far.
Function Gyro would be handy if I had any means of reliably targeting downed enemies or friends in a large battle. I find the difficulty in targeting the downed player that I want, as it’s biggest problem.
Came across a Scrapper yesterday using Bulwark + Sneak Gyro in Stronghold. I literally couldn’t kill him.
Several gyro toolbelt skills are pretty useful but not great. Unfortunately they’re attached to gyros, so not really worth it. Of course gadgets, which the same dev’s have driven into obscurity by annihaliting their traits, tend to have better versions of the tool-belts anyway. The only really useful and well designed gyro-toolbelt which isn’t out-performed by other utilities is healer.
They gyros themselves are made almost entirely worthless by being Ai and just plain badly designed. They’re unreliable, slow and weak, exactly what players were worried they’d be when the first pictures of the horrible, usless things were teased. Numerous threads popped up begging the devs not to make them Ai because the players knew what the outcome would be. The players were right.
I don’t know why the dev’s chose Ai despite the protestation, the pleading and the evidence provided by the last 3 years of Ai utils being a bad idea, as proven infact by the Engineer. I don’t know why, when they were giving out new utility types to every other class, they decided to give Engi more of the ones they already had. Either way, morale in the engi community is slipping to ranger levels. Unsurprisingly.
The best thing the dev’s could do at this point is scrap the scrapper and start again from scratch, of course that isn’t going to happen. Failing that the least they could do is make the minor trait’s usefull, which I wouldn’t count on and redeisgn the gyro utils to not have Ai, which is even less likely.
Shame really because the hammer is really good, just needs some tweaking and some of the selectable traits are good. Infact, if they just made it so hammer unlocked at 80 without need of the scrapper traitline, they engi would be vastly improved.
(edited by wolfyrik.2017)
Do they activate traps? Make them charge into a Dragonhunter point to blow all his traps.
I don’t know if the Dev’s were naive or just didn’t care. Either way, morale in the engi community is slipping to ranger levels. Unsurprisingly.
Having flopped about between the two classes for years now, I think I can say that no class will ever drop to the level of morale that Rangers have. :P
I use Medic Gyro because instant heal and moving waterfield and Bulwark Gyro for defence and projectile reflect.
In pvp, I am using a triple-gyro setup (healing, bulwark, stun gyro). They get destroyed easily, but thats wat they are traited to give superspeed when killed, which heals me. It might not be the best build, but I am able to tank with marauder.
I use bulwark/stealth
stealth is following me really well, idk if they fixed it again or what.
Sneak + Bulwark are great in fracs rest of gyros you can delete from game and noone even notice:-)
Tekkit’s Workshop
As a PVE player, I do enjoy the gyros, and they actually are replacing my elixirs, as they are somewhat more active than “drink/throw elixir and that’s all”.
I use the Medic Gyro, as the instant heal is useful, and I switch between Shredder and Bulwark when needed.
I have yet to encounter a fight that makes me think “I’ll need the purge gyro”, but this one doesn’t seems that bad.
Stealth is cool, but my main elite still is the mortar.
Blast Gyro is clearly a joke, though. I tried it once, and that’s all.
(edited by EroticAndHeretic.7398)
Nope. They’re a joke, the worst utilities of all the Elite specs bar none.
Love them. Love them very much.
That pic makes my inner Greek proud. On a serious note, sneak gyro is good for WvW PvP situations, and even pve sometimes, function is cool concept, but execution is bad, the rest are just useless as of now.
Quite useful actually. Scrapper’s Shocking speed -> Rapid regen -> Final salvo are synch. usually strips off resistance of mobs. I only use blast as opener then rocket charge -> electro whirl. if mob is standing, switching to bomb for blind, burn and chill. when i open with mortar kit for poison and chill (1/2), then rocket charge, the blast gyro will follow up with lightning field for daze. taking advantage of what an engineer is best at, setting up blast fields.
PS. I am yet to master activating 3 leap fields when using the rocket charge
Bulwark is much more useful in pve than in pvp given that it is essentially guaranteed last its full duration as long as its not targeted itself (as its damage absorption is also reduced by 95%). In pvp the transfer really need to happen last in the calculation, meaning after toughness, armor and protection etc. Its torture to get tickled by a stray attack only to see your gyro take a 7k crit and loose half of its hp. It vaporises instantly in a 1 vs1 and it might as well not be there at all in anything larger. Having toughness increase its EHP this way would buff it for tanky builds without further increasing the effectiveness of glass stats with defensive gimmicks.
Truth be told, as having only played open world HoT in my scrapper thus far:
The function(rez) drone avoids all those massive AoE circles and definitely seems to help.
Medic Drone is all kinds of awesome for both toolkit and the healing itself.
Bulwark is very similar, it’s projectile reflect is awesome.
Stealth Drone is good, and would be used if it was at all feasible to melee in HoT.
Combat is too mobile for the shredder to be useful, and besides, for what it’s worth, hammer 2 beats it.
Condi drone would be useful without access to a light field, or MM Necros, who rely on other people having conditions.
Hammer I haven’t used for actual damage, used it mostly as extra utilities.
I really wish the function gyro was able to rez dead people, not just downed and it most certainly needs an indicator, i honestly hate how i can’t tell if the kitten thing is off cooldown or not
…and it most certainly needs an indicator, i honestly hate how i can’t tell if the kitten thing is off cooldown or not
I’m with you. I wish so hard that they’d get rid of the ugly orange pixel and turn it back into a status effect icon (like it was in the beta) which I can actually see and which doesn’t screw with the aesthetics of my character (which are genuinely important to me).
(edited by Kalibri.5861)
sneak is nice for wvw, but thats it. Mortar’s synergy with rocket charge is too good not to use it for PvP imo. ya need a ranged weapon apart from Egun anyhow.
the rest of the gyros just can’t compete with kits. I would not run them. H TK Egun S Mortar is excellent with hammer and I can’t see any way the gyros could improve on it.
traited function gyro is love. I’m such a fan of my cyber pal, the angel on my shoulder.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
Sneak gyro is amazing in PvE as well. Think about it:
- Mobile shadow refuge
- Doesn’t attract mob aggro (unlike how it was first introduced)
- 20s CD
- instant cast
- Defensive: Lose mob aggro, Traverse enemy dense areas safely, Res multiple downed/dead allies under heavy fire
- Offensive: Get close to mobs that range (snipers) or evade on sight (shadowleapers)
It’s just great that sneak gyro doesn’t aggro mobs really. I hope that’s not a bug.
It actually does get aggro sometimes. Like from chak. But that it doesn’t 99% of the time is its redeeming quality.
I am playing also with Medic and Bulwark But they are so-so at most. For medic it’s all about toolbelt skill.
I’ve been really enjoying the Gyros, minus their issues. I’ve had a ton of fun and success using the Shredder gyro alongside the Mortar Kit. The sheer choice of fields to whirl around in is fantastic. Also, the bigger the target, the more efficient it is at stacking those conditions. It makes it far more valuable on the tougher fights that often times include larger enemies.
I’m also liking the Medic Gyro, but like all the others it really suffers from being able to keep up. On large single targets, it does fine since the Scrapper gameplay really encourages staying up close to the target rather than bouncing between range and melee. Once you start adding multiple targets to the mix, and if those targets move a lot, then it has trouble.
Which brings me to one thing I really dislike about how they cannot follow very well. The daze on detonate is a valuable ability, but it is very, very unreliable. Dazes can often times be time sensitive tools, and landing a pretty clutch daze to interrupt a target’s skills can be very valuable. Not only that, but it’s really fun! There are just so many different factors that limit when or if this daze can be used effectively, and unfortunately not all of them are under the player’s control or can be adequately planned for. The gyro needs to be near the target, and with how little control we have over where the gyro goes, it frustrates me more than it should.
I know how fun and useful the dazes can be for the Shredder gyro since its placement and location during a battle can be directly controlled by the player. The others are not quite as fun or useful.
And then we come to the function gyro. I’ve been very outspoken about the issues with this, so I’ll be frank. It does not provide any function. Combined with action camera, it is very difficult to use as the right click target snap tends to favour enemies over allies (and it probably should). The stomp portion is not something PvE players run into, so half its uses are not relevant in that game content. Finally, it is disappointing to see the mechanic receive so much trait love when it loses its functionality the better the players around you are playing.
(edited by Lemondish.3268)
Just to think that gyros were buffed to avoid them to end like guardian SW…. :|
i keep saying, make SW imune to damage only, and gyros imune to condis, gyro getting feared, poison confusion (w/o a bluescreen or kernel panic XD).
Okay so far.
In pve gyros works okay due to the massive damage reduction. This also means that bulwark works very well, providing you with a combo to (in conjunction with medigyro) reduce damage by roughly 2/3 of its normal level in an area. The problem is that in pvp the damage done to the gyro takes no consideration whatsoever how much damage you actually took, meaning a hit that you barely register, a slight breeze or a cold instantly massacres your gyro, often not even having time enough to render the darn thing. The damage transfer have to happen last in the damage calculations! This is absolutely critical, as they gave it the armor levels of wet tissue paper, heck tissue paper that have been left at the bottom of a pond to disintegrate over the course of a century. And allowing it to draw from your toughness and protection by placing the damage transfer last allows tanky characters to get a powerful tool to further enhance their role while not changing much to glassy builds which would not be carried defensively by this.
Blast gyro is a okay heavy CC skill and the toolbelt is a aoe stunbreak with decent recharge, it just needs to reliably move towards its intended target at speed without exploding at the first thing with a healthbar on the way. Oh and it should share the stats of the player. If phantasms do, this need to as well because they are similarly designed, a fancy way of landing one attack. Also maybe a blast finisher pretty please?
Cleansing gyro i have no experience with as i find the gyro to be situational and the toolbelt lacking.
Shredder gyro have no point because whirl finishers have no point because of random targeting and that projectile finishers have little point (outside of certain multi hitting attacks like wrench and sneak attack) having a little bleed on every whirl or have the whirl finishers from this be amplified would maybe polish this…. kitten?
Sneak gyro allows you to pull off some neat stunts like more stealthed magnets, invisible blast gyros, invisible function gyros etc. And it got a very short cooldown. Neat.
Final salvo needs at least a 3 second duration for its super speed if there is going to be any point to it outside of hugging it with rapid regeneration. 2 seconds along with that your gyros are always behind you unless you detonate them on placement means that the mobility factor as of now is negligible. I mostly use it due to how boring AA is (and now not even that spectacular) and when my gyros expire i can at least get a pretty lightshow out of it.
In terms of PvP, for me, I love using Gyros, and I found a way to make them work.
With that said, there are two types of Gyros in my opinion:
Necessity Gyros and Throw-Away Gyros.
Necessity are the Gyros you need to keep alive in order to be effective. Medic Gyro (heal skill) and Purge Gyro (remove condis) and Sneak Gyro.
Part of the issue is how quickly they are able to be killed, and that is part of the challenge. But the pay-off with them alive is quite significant, especially Sneak Gyro (DAM)
Then you have Throw-Away Gyros, Blast Gyro, Bulwark, and Shredder. These are designed to be destroyed once deployed and are on short cooldowns. Blast launches people 450m! and bulwark just soaks up 50% of your damage.
Yea let them die, thats how they work. These are the Gyros I usually take.
And if the majority of your utility bar uses Gyros, Final Salvo is the bread and butter. This makes the destruction of your Gyros rewarding with CC from lightning field and Superspeed, if you have the regen from Superspeed trait, your tankiness is bumped up as well.
And lastly, a lot of the pitfalls of Gyros are made up by their Toolbelt skills, they are AWESOME, super useful in multiple scenarios and have saved my kitten and allies more than once.
Again, keep in mind the 2 types and use them accordingly, they synergize well with certain traits to maximize it’s effectiveness in combat.
Hope this helps