Anyone wish we could hide our kit backpacks?
Yeah not a lot of people like to look like a Hobo.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
hahaha panhandlers united!
but yeah I like the visual cue of the kit backpacks since I turned off my regular backpack and I can tell what skill I’m in. sometimes in PvE I just like to hide all the menus and fight. super relaxing (especially under water) and since I run kit combos, seeing the backpack let’s me know what kit I’m in.
i transmuted and still use the starter backpack on my lvl 80 exotic stuff, but johnsonade actually brings up a good point…how many times have i tried to kill someone by throwing med packs at them? or tried to shoot at them from range with a wrench? lol
if they made an option to disable all kit backpacks i wouldnt complain. but i hope if they do that its not a 100% total removal of kit backpacks
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]
what….i accidently sold my backpack and i want it back. I think its the coolest thing. You can see stuff moving when running and it makes the engis look like a fumbling alchemist or support character that doesnt look intimidating until he delivers the 100nades.
toggle would be nice :p! altho, i do love the fact that it hides your weapons making it look smoother when running instead of juggling a huge charrzooka around
I used to hate how my Quaggan backpack was so small on my Asura. Then I did AC and was transformed into a human and I saw how horrible BIG engineer kits look on bookahs.
So I’m happy to live with small kits now : P
I wish I could apply Dye to my kits.
Then they wouldn’t bother me at all.
Even looking at the pack its seems it is perfectly set up to to have a 2-3 spot color scheme, 2 bleh brown tones and the red flag thing.
But I guess if they did tht the Mesmers would want to dye their clones and Rangers their pets.
Which somes pretty good too though.