Are engineers fun at later levels?

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ascendency.5348


So ive just come off my necromancer due to them being bad, and decided to go engineer

Im only level 10 at the moment, but they just don’t seem to be fun really – will they improve at later levels? I know nows not the time to judge a class with it being such a low level, but i just wanna know what engineers like at later levels

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I think so, but not every class is for everyone.

I can’t stand playing as a mesmer for example…

Might be a good idea to try tinkering around in the heart of the mists, though from my experience, that is a bit overwhelming as sometimes, going through level 1-30 and unlocking slots gives you a better idea of what skills do and how they play out.

So, I’d say try the kits, try the pistol/rifle and see what you like. If you don’t, then don’t be afraid to just move on. Nothing worse than pretending to have fun for the sake of it.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sir Blazin.9365

Sir Blazin.9365

You really have to know what you want to do and how you will go about doing it to be an effective engineer. Engis are a sort of jack-of-all-trades class. That being said, a few things you might decide you want to do will simply be ineffective no matter how you go about doing it (e.g. flamethrower or toolkit) because they are broken or underpowered.

If you thought necro was “bad” you will probably think engis are “bad.” I personally suggest a Warrior. I have a level 20 warrior that is hitting as hard as my level 80 engi, and I feel “good.”

Kaineng Beast [NoQQ]

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I enjoy engineer a lot. I find it to be fun, and it has a few play styles that I like.

But I also know that some of the current effective spec’s can be either dull or skill intensive to the player, and the more niche spec’s I enjoy will drive people mad.

It really depends on the play style that you like.

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Spitwyld.1963


The more skills you unlock, the more fun you’ll end up having. It’s a class that allows a player’s creativity to set the pace of combat. Going to the heart of the mists like Lyuben suggested to see what sort of abilities you get is a good idea. There are practice targets there you can try out different builds on.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Are engineers fun at later levels?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rick.1378


They stink badly up until about the 30s, then they are hard but very good in the right circumstances. It wasn’t until my late 40s and into my 50s that I really began to feel powerful and fell in love with the engineer. I can zerg pretty much anything now, where up to my 30s I struggled with anything but melee mobs which could be kited. It’s still touch and go at times, ranged mobs take a bit of strategy, if I get crippled it could mean a bad fight, etc., but I think all classes have those kinds of issues.

It’s never going to be a warrior type class that just spams one ability and can watch youtube at the same time as playing, but my warrior is collecting dust at level 60 because I got a bit bored of him due to that.