Are pets on a ghost timer?

Are pets on a ghost timer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Warjin.8942


What is the reason for the ghost timer on our turrets, some say this is a way to combat bots and I understand that but this can’t be the case because pets can do the same thing, even better in some cases so that idea is bull.

I have an idea, remove the ghost timer from turrets and make it so the turrets will only attack if the player attacks or is attacked, this way it will work somewhat a like ranger’s pets on defensive mode, another idea you can do is make it that if turrets or pets kill and enemy without the player to aid they get no EXP, Glory, and can’t loot the bodies, this will stop AFK botting in it’s tracks without having to put our turrets on a ghost timer, which is a “MAJOR” pvp nerf BTW.

(edited by Warjin.8942)

Are pets on a ghost timer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeebok.1460


Maybe I don’t use turrets right, but why would you want to leave it in the same spot for more than 5 minutes?

Are pets on a ghost timer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Warjin.8942


Maybe I don’t use turrets right, but why would you want to leave it in the same spot for more than 5 minutes?

To hold down fort, and I like the choice to move or destroy my own turret not a ghost timer doing it for my at the wrong time, I have had my turrets got out in mid battle, if they are going to keep it this way then they need to remove the cool down on turret deploy.

Are pets on a ghost timer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zeebok.1460


Maybe I don’t use turrets right, but why would you want to leave it in the same spot for more than 5 minutes?

To hold down fort, and I like the choice to move or destroy my own turret not a ghost timer doing it for my at the wrong time, I have had my turrets got out in mid battle, if they are going to keep it this way then they need to remove the cool down on turret deploy.

Ah, that makes sense. For some reason I assumed WvW not sPvP.

Are pets on a ghost timer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Warjin.8942


Dang man, I did some more testing to see if I was crazy but sure thing my turrets blow up even in mid combat.

For 5 mins I shot the test robot thinking maybe the timer starts if I don’t attack anyone for 5 mins, but nope they still blow up after 5 mins in combat.

A-net if you are reading you can’t let this stay this way, this a game breaking for a turret Eng, it’s one thing to have them blow up after 5 mins of no combat but to have them blow up in combat is broken, please fix this, I lost all urge to even play the class now, and i’m not really felling any other class so I may as well stop playing.