Ascended Gear

Ascended Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: mompen.7952



I’ve just started lvling my Engineer, and I have a 80 necro and 80 thief as well.
I think this will turn out to be my new “main”, since I love the diversety of the class and its not as easymode as my other two classes.

Anyway, I went with “red ring of death” on both my necro and thief for zerker gear.
I now got enough laurels to purchase a new accessorie, and just want some inputs on what to choose as an engineer. Maybe something that will work as a type of “hybrid”, since I dont want to lock my self into one build.

While we at it, I also have no idea of what build I’m going to run, and would appreciate some inputs on that as well :-)

Thanks in advance!

/My ingame nick: Kennyneer (hook me up!)

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer