Asura Mad Confusion Engineer

Asura Mad Confusion Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Gizmoitus.7241


Hey guys just wanted to post my Engineer build. Now this is an Asura only build due to the racial traits used.;TsAAzCpoIyUkoILROikENY4UxsCA

Gear: Full Rabid
Weapon Set: Pistol/Shield

My rotation in WvW when everything goes the way i like ha!
1.) Magnet
2.) Pry Bar
3.) Pain Inverter
4.) Confusing Speech
5.) Static Shot
Then i just continue to apply bleeds with the pistol. I always use Rare Veggie pizza for the +40% Condition Duration. Total i have +60% Condition duration. I use Sigil of Earth to apply extra bleeds. I play fairly offensively with my first 5 abilities then go straight into defensive. Confusion coupled with Gear Shield makes for a quick kill on a player not watching his conditions. Well i know its not a great guide but its my first if anyone has any criticism or tips i would really appreciate it! Thanks!

- Gizmoitus -
I haz clown gun!

(edited by Gizmoitus.7241)

Asura Mad Confusion Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

I’d use the superior sigil of energy instead of stamina, especially in WvW. It’ll allow you to go through longer fights with more dodges. I’d also stack sigil of corruption, then switch it out to add the extra 250 cond damage.

Another idea is to swap out pain inverter for the bomb kit. Have you thought about that? It’ll give you a good CC with the big ’ol bomb. Also coupled with the toolkit pull the concussion bomb has more stacks of confusion with a shorter cooldown.

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

Asura Mad Confusion Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Gizmoitus.7241


The reason for Sigil of Stamina is because of Quip not willing to turn the item orange due to swapping the sigil out until they fix that. Yeah i will have to try out bomb kit! My only worry with Big’ol Bomb though is, I don’t want them knocked back i want them spamming abilities on me with their confusion stacks!

- Gizmoitus -
I haz clown gun!