Auto target grenades /w Engineer

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: philidox.7521


I want the same functionality with my grenandes underwater that I do on land. Under water my grenandes automatically go to which ever enemy i have selected but on land, i get the green targeting solution before i launch my grenandes. Anyone know how to change this?

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


How about a new trait ? :P
Now grenades does 50% damage . but it has auto an target
And if u want to do masive damage , u simply dont use that trait and manually target them* :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206


What you don’t realize is that NOBODY can do a ground targeted aoe underwater. All underwater aoe are target lock. This is because you are now working with an extra dimension making is impossible to judge the distance vs vertical vs horizontal position. The only other alternative is to make Grenade kit disabled underwater. Do you want that?

On the condition it should replace the Grenadier trait. So no more +50% damage and +300 range. After your trait, grenades do 250 damage times 2 at aoe. Worth it?

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: philidox.7521



What you don’t realize is that NOBODY can do a ground targeted aoe underwater. All underwater aoe are target lock. This is because you are now working with an extra dimension making is impossible to judge the distance vs vertical vs horizontal position. The only other alternative is to make Grenade kit disabled underwater. Do you want that?

On the condition it should replace the Grenadier trait. So no more +50% damage and +300 range. After your trait, grenades do 250 damage times 2 at aoe. Worth it?

First and foremost if you don’t have an answer to the question then don’t post. Your responses are just rude. Second, if target lock only applies to point damage and not area damage then just say that. I like the target lock on the grenandes area damage during underwater combat. Again if it isn’t a possibility just say so.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Itzy.2751



What you don’t realize is that NOBODY can do a ground targeted aoe underwater. All underwater aoe are target lock. This is because you are now working with an extra dimension making is impossible to judge the distance vs vertical vs horizontal position. The only other alternative is to make Grenade kit disabled underwater. Do you want that?

On the condition it should replace the Grenadier trait. So no more +50% damage and +300 range. After your trait, grenades do 250 damage times 2 at aoe. Worth it?

First and foremost if you don’t have an answer to the question then don’t post. Your responses are just rude. Second, if target lock only applies to point damage and not area damage then just say that. I like the target lock on the grenandes area damage during underwater combat. Again if it isn’t a possibility just say so.

First and foremost his (or her) answer wasn’t particularly rude. Second, you worded your OP confusingly. It sounded like you wanted underwater grenades to function the way they currently do on land, which as pointed out would be impossible. Since it seems what you want is in fact the opposite, then no, there isn’t a way to make them work like that.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

Anyone know how to change this?

Not possible. Even if it were, it would make grenades useless on moving targets… which is most targets.

If you want to get good with grenades, I’d recommend turning on “Fast-cast ground targeting” which is in the main page of the options menu.

That and use a gaming mouse/keyboard or macro software to spam the 1 key for you when you have the 1 key held down – that’ll save you some pain. Literally.

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: oceansofmars.6894


You have to remember that grenades, just like all other kits are there to fill a “niche” and never become a main weapon. They are amazing for wvw defense and offense assaults on keeps but horrid for moving targets.

That just seems to be the tradeoff.

If you want a build that does high single target burst I suggest trying rifle burst builds. You can put out massive damage with the discharge on toolbelt skill and auto attack.

Take toolkit, rifle turret and one other utility skill that is either survival or another ranged damage. Rifle turrets toolbelt skill recharges like every 6 seconds!

Your trade off is crap aoe damage though!

Aradia Nightshade – IoJ

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Giving grenades a tab target lock will not increase their damage because quite simply the explosive radius will still be so tiny people can step to the left to dodge them.

We need tab targeting to make this kit on par with the other kits otherwise it’s just another job instead of a game of fun.

There is no justification for keeping it a ground target ability. (accept #5)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

I did answer although you couldn’t understand it even though it is pretty much common knowledge. No profession in this game can do a area targeted aoe underwater. Why? Because on land you are working with a 2D plane; X axis and Y axis. Underwater however you are working with a 3D plane; X axis, Y axis and Z axis. While this is just 1 more plane the potential target area increases exponentially. That however is not the main problem. The main problem is that no matter what camera angle you use, without at least first selecting an anchor point it is impossible to for any program to determine the mouse position. Don’t forget your mouse itself is working on a 2D plane vis-a-vis the table.


The answer is not “No”. Is “Please take time to understand how something works before asking for vague things.” You weren’t even clear on which system you prefer. You just said you want them to be the same. You didn’t ask for help or clarification if it is possible. You wanted to know how to change it.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


I’d like the option to turn auto attack on or off with grenade #1.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: philidox.7521


Anyone know how to change this?

Not possible. Even if it were, it would make grenades useless on moving targets… which is most targets.

If you want to get good with grenades, I’d recommend turning on “Fast-cast ground targeting” which is in the main page of the options menu.

That and use a gaming mouse/keyboard or macro software to spam the 1 key for you when you have the 1 key held down – that’ll save you some pain. Literally.

thank u!

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Universal.6423


If you double-tap the 1-5 keys the grenades will launch to the spot where your target is at the time without having to click the left mouse button. Not exactly what you’re after, but I find this a good compromise between normal targeting and fast-cast ground targeting, which I don’t like because I can’t see the target: this is especially when you’re trying to estimate max distance using the green/red targeting.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: allways.9270


In the options is a choice, that will turn off AoE circle & instantly cast the grenades at the spot, where you mouse is .. second .. when you encounter thief & you know your average thief – then you can throw those Grenades into a general directions – it´s easy to predict their moves – cos .. lately there are only few skilled thiefs out there .. – thus saying “no” to you auto-target-locking-throwing request. Grenades are fine as they are right now – couldn´t be better .. well .. with wider AoE they might get more cruel.
.. throw blinding grenade & poison .. go right to his face (hopefully) place down smoke bomb .. wait for him to “miss” on ya & move a bit to the left – to show that you placed a big ol´ bomb 5 sec ago .. send him flying .. that will teach the !#?@§?. -.-
Remmember .. after 2-3 fail attempts, then will leave ya alone.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

(edited by allways.9270)

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451



What you don’t realize is that NOBODY can do a ground targeted aoe underwater. All underwater aoe are target lock. This is because you are now working with an extra dimension making is impossible to judge the distance vs vertical vs horizontal position. The only other alternative is to make Grenade kit disabled underwater. Do you want that?

On the condition it should replace the Grenadier trait. So no more +50% damage and +300 range. After your trait, grenades do 250 damage times 2 at aoe. Worth it?

First and foremost if you don’t have an answer to the question then don’t post. Your responses are just rude. Second, if target lock only applies to point damage and not area damage then just say that. I like the target lock on the grenandes area damage during underwater combat. Again if it isn’t a possibility just say so.

Just out of curiosity: could you point us to the rudeness in his post full of answers to your questions? Unbelievable …

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Badger.3279


I also would love to have an auto on grenade 1 (rest should stay GT) though would love it to be more of a Target enemy throw grenades.. grenades will then GT where player was (not seek target) that way I can give my poor number 1 key a rest.

Boni dage – Engineer
Erom Em Tabfren – Asura Engineer (yeh I made a second one)

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Phenomenal.5902


Anyone know how to change this?

Not possible. Even if it were, it would make grenades useless on moving targets… which is most targets.

If you want to get good with grenades, I’d recommend turning on “Fast-cast ground targeting” which is in the main page of the options menu.

That and use a gaming mouse/keyboard or macro software to spam the 1 key for you when you have the 1 key held down – that’ll save you some pain. Literally.

Is this allowed in the ToS? I kinda liked the grenade kit but hate having to press 1 every cast. I would hate to get banned for running a 3rd party script to make it auto. I’m running a bomb build now which is cool but it’s more like playing a melee class.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: LegoTechnic.5910


I also would love to have an auto on grenade 1 (rest should stay GT) though would love it to be more of a Target enemy throw grenades.. grenades will then GT where player was (not seek target) that way I can give my poor number 1 key a rest.

Honestly unless it had some manner of target seek it would be useless, because 9 times out of 10 if you’re aiming at a person they’re in motion and you have to lead them to hit. Even the rifle’s bullets will sometimes bend in mid-flight at the most ridiculous angles imaginable in order to hit, so a target-grenade would have to do no less.

That being said, being able to location spam the #1 grenades is one of their huge benefits. You can absolutely harry wall defenders by carpetting a length of a wall until they show up, or completely demoralize hallway opponents by launching a continuous barrage of explosions from inside a zerg. Positional targetting on a spammable attack is awkward and sometimes annoying, but it can be amazingly useful and fun in keeping or pushing groups of players back. Don’t change it or take it away without giving an equivalent attack.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: LegoTechnic.5910


Is this allowed in the ToS? I kinda liked the grenade kit but hate having to press 1 every cast. I would hate to get banned for running a 3rd party script to make it auto. I’m running a bomb build now which is cool but it’s more like playing a melee class.

What he suggested is perfectly legitimate. It is not a mod to your game software or even its UI but a functionality of your keyboard, and there are no bans against keyboard macros.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Liquid.9672


Targeted grenades would kill them in PvP (WvW particularly), unless they were also updated to heat seeking grenades. Without the ability to lead grenades at a target they would miss every time if that target was moving.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

Fast cast ground targeting has its drawbacks, but only if you can’t realize how to properly mitigate them (if you do they’re still drawbacks, but much much less painful ones).

I always center my mouse cursor when kiting and use the camera to aim the nades. I’ve recently also learned how to run away, aim the camera backwards and throw nades while running at full speed.

GW2 devs should still add an option for a ‘plain’ mouse cursor or some other way to make the cursor more visible. This would help out a lot with FCGT usability.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I always center my mouse cursor when kiting and use the camera to aim the nades. I’ve recently also learned how to run away, aim the camera backwards and throw nades while running at full speed.

Such an awesome feeling. Who says grenades are boring?

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

Anyone know how to change this?

Not possible. Even if it were, it would make grenades useless on moving targets… which is most targets.

If you want to get good with grenades, I’d recommend turning on “Fast-cast ground targeting” which is in the main page of the options menu.

That and use a gaming mouse/keyboard or macro software to spam the 1 key for you when you have the 1 key held down – that’ll save you some pain. Literally.

Is this allowed in the ToS? I kinda liked the grenade kit but hate having to press 1 every cast. I would hate to get banned for running a 3rd party script to make it auto. I’m running a bomb build now which is cool but it’s more like playing a melee class.

I use macro software to mash the 1 button for me, and I’ve made several posts stating that, and have even opened support tickets stating it, the response to which was provided as a forum post from the Anet Support Liason. Details on that found in the link provided above.

So… if anyone’s gonna get banned for it, it’ll be me, simply because of how vocal I am about advocating it. …and no, I have not been banned for it. If I ever do, I’ll ask a guildie to post here on my behalf warning you all that it is infact a bannable offense.

Anywho, Anet will, understandably, not review any third party programs, which means that it is impossible to give you a “You are 100% safe using macro software to auto spam the 1 key” …but if you’re not giving yourself an in game advantage by using said software, you don’t really have anything to worry about.

It can be argued that the reduced pain to the finger that is responsible for the “1” key would give you an advantage over a player who’s having to go all jackhammer on the button in order to use the kit, but I don’t think RL pain is part of Anet’s equation, and ultimately the macro user and non-user are going to be chucking grenades at the same rate, so it’s an even playing field as far as I’m concerned. …except that the non-user may need some tylenol afterward.

Use common sense. If you’re going to do something like macro an entire rotation, then you’re probably getting into ban territory; but spamming the 1 key? You’re probably fine.

And again, if anyone’s gonna get a ban for it, it’ll be me, and if that happens I’ll report back here to warn you all, as I don’t want anyone getting banned for following my instructions.

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Hexy.7468


I’d like an auto recast rather than auto targeting so I didn’t have to keep spamming 1.

I guess the downside with the 3rd party tools is that you’ll still be trying to spam 1 when you want to use the others?

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: StevoSupremo.4037


Sttoooppppp with this friggin topic. Every day there is a new one. There a plenty of people that DON’T want this, grenades work fine as they are and if anything just need a little speed boost as they are in the air (if for nothing else than the sake of physics). Otherwise, they are fine based on how much damage they do. Practice using them and you will improve, or try something else.

Auto target grenades /w Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

I’d like an auto recast rather than auto targeting so I didn’t have to keep spamming 1.

I guess the downside with the 3rd party tools is that you’ll still be trying to spam 1 when you want to use the others?

I have mine set to only spam when the button is held down. As soon as I release, the spam stops. Plays very fluidly.

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast