Automated Response Needs Re-Working

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: miriforst.1290


Yeah i think it sucks that i am unable to kill a guardian bunker (or any mesmer etc.) with turrets and a soldiers amulet.

So unfair.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


This complaint is a lot like a pure-bunker complaining that he does really poor damage. Here is how you get around it:

1.) stop attacking and let his auto-regen heal him up to around 30%. Then unload your conditions on him. He can’t remove that many


2.) Build a little bit of power into your build rather than relying solely on your rediculous amount of condition spam right now.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Who would have figured that someone would be asking for a nerf to something that counters their current fotm build. I think miriforst said it best (The same way there are builds power can’t kill at all there are builds condi can’t kill at all or have a very tough time doing it) but BlackBeard’s advice is good too. Just build a little power instead of going full condi.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


If we had a class that had a trait that had it take -90% direct damage at 25% HP I’d like to see people’s reaction to it.

Digressing from the OP, we could think about… :

Food that did -40% direct damage taken.

Or the maximum damage a boss could take being 10k per second so if four berserker warriors were hitting it only two of them would do damage and the other two would be whiffing with only their 42 bleed ticks.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


The increasing number of engies with automated response is a result of the meta shift, where engies just adapted to the situation. Now necros should do the same and adapt and take some more power or get countered instead of asking for nerfs. Plus as a bonus this skill helps promote hybrid builds, why would anet wanna take that away?

And btw there is a – direct damage for under 25% health its called bark skin. Combine it with high toughness and protection and you are near impossible to kill with power, just as automated response needs vitality to work best .

(edited by Penguin.5197)

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Against condition specs, it’s essentially an invulnerability button.

Yes, I’m aware that conditions that had been applied prior to the traits activation will continue to tick, and also of the tooltip change that will allow any conditions you have with more than 100% duration to also get some damage in, but that damage is barely anything that can’t be out-healed or ignored and good Engis will generally cleanse the residual conditions after the trait kicks in, knowing they won’t need cleanses at said point.

I can understand it being a different situation in WvW, due to superior stats via buffs and gear, but it’s just ridiculous in PvP. My alt is a Necro and I’ve always been pure Rabid, with staff and scepter/dagger, long before Necros were where they’re at now. I generally only played my Necro in WvW due to their lack of viability in competitive PvP, but then naturally I decided to check out what all of the commotion was about. I’ve dueled a few dozen Engis in the past week and almost all of them, understandably, have taken this trait and become immune to what seems like 95% of my damage. I’ve always required someone to come in and finish them off for me, or I’ve had to run. You can guess how much people would cry if a profession got a similar “immunity to all direct damage” trait. I don’t understand how this is even in the game, to be honest.

Anyway, decreasing the condition reduction would be enough. 100% is just too much.

How about you get rid of all the fears , tone down the massive hp pool , and stop manipulating our conditions maybe we wouldn’t use such trait hmmmmm , i’d love to spec into pure condition dmg or power or a combo of both but then guess what that leaves? a low hp pool…one of which you have a innately large one and not to mention a 2nd one..with a fear w/o needing LOS. So the fact you yelling Nerf when you’re currently running the most OP thing since zerker came out , blasphemy i tell you.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

(edited by TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586)

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I already spent 3 pages discussing my position on this trait and the changes I think would be good. I’m not going to do that again. All I’m going to say is, I don’t think the trait should be destroyed, just toned down.
If the condi reduction duration is nerfed, the health trigger should be increased. For instance; “Gain 60% condi reduction at 50% health.”

Apart from that, please anet, if you’re going to change this trait, PLEASE don’t make it useless.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


“Hey, there is a heavily specialized build that counters my heavily specialized build, nerf it.”

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Kande.1930


“Hey, there is a heavily specialized build that counters my heavily specialized build, nerf it.”

I logged in just to +1 that.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


You can guess how much people would cry if a profession got a similar “immunity to all direct damage” trait. I don’t understand how this is even in the game, to be honest.


Oceanic [LOD]

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


You can guess how much people would cry if a profession got a similar “immunity to all direct damage” trait. I don’t understand how this is even in the game, to be honest.


You missed his point, Defy pain doesn’t last forever if the warrior remains under 25%. I really don’t think this is much of a problem in tpvp. Bursting through 25% health isn’t hard. The trait works amazing in 1v1’s against condi pressure but is ok to mediocre in team fights. Engi’s are viable backpoints, so what?

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


This is a simple meta shift.

Necro’s got some serious buffs. As a result they are now running a build that bursts with conditions to high heaven. A lot of people complain about it because it deals a ton of damage and is hard to counter.
As a result, the amount of Necro’s being played, with this simple to exectute yet super effective build, went through the roof.

But, there is a build that counters it very well. Engineers withh Automated Response. And with so many Necro’s this build, which has always existed, now suddenly has a purpose. To kill the Necro that is killing everyone else.

But, what about the Engineer? Well automated response does absolutely not a thing against direct damage. So the builds that the Necro is destroy will in their turn counter the Engineer.

And there was balance. Sort of.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I agree… it’s kinda like…

Dear A-net.

Please nerf rock.
Paper is fine.

~Sincerely scissors.

I see tons of these sorts of posts in the thief forums. Some builds counter other builds but are useless vs. others. That’s balance.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


You know what counters Rifle using engies or CC built Engies? Warriors Last Stand trait , Dogged March and Bowl of Lemongrass …like the worst type of warrior to encounter if you rely on CCs of any type…direct counter but i didnt call for a nerf…that in itself speaks volumes.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Heiltdo.2891



Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


I agree… it’s kinda like…

Dear A-net.

Please nerf rock.
Paper is fine.

~Sincerely scissors.

I see tons of these sorts of posts in the thief forums. Some builds counter other builds but are useless vs. others. That’s balance.

You made my day:-D

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Traits like this are the only thing that might possibly allow necros to remain so strong. If Anet nerfs counters to conditions, they are forced to nerf conditions. The OP is basically asking for a nerf to himself.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


my full condi necro pushes 1.5K crits on autoattacks in shroudform.

If you get gear with no VIT (i.e. rabid/shamans) and 30 points in alchemy you should get around 18K life maybe with carrion jewel 18.7 or sth

the condi immune activates and condis applied prior still continue ticking so unless you bring a lot of cleanses as well its not even worth it.

The condi immune activates once you fall lower than 25% so if u get 1 big hit in its even worse.

It should start at 4.5K HP with the aforementioned 18K life. Now when i pop shroudform i get fury which sets me at above 70+% crit chance.

So even if by some miracle you only drop to exactly 4.5K hp and you INSTANTLY lose all condis i can still kill you in 4 hits pretty reliably.

With Soldiers amulett or carrion its a different story but soldier builds are gimicky debunker at best and carrion just means gimping your condi(also with carrion you wont have the toughness to back up your vit so you will just die to power attacks even from condi classes).

Also remember that you pretty much pick this trait only to not die vs condi necros / condi engis – as soon as there is a power class youre getting destroyed reaaaally bad

(edited by RaynStargaze.6510)

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


gotta say i lold as i red this, the only time i take this trait is if im fighting a necro OFC you want a nerf. tyvm for your 2c now go burn something with your new BAMF self