BUG - Kits unequip & turret ability lost after X minutes

BUG - Kits unequip & turret ability lost after X minutes

in Engineer

Posted by: Psykofunk.7921


After 6 minutes of continual equip of a kit it will automatically unequip itself. This is quite frustrating. It’s already been mentioned numerous times in this forum, if kits are the engineers equivalent to weapon choices, they need to function mechanically the same as a weapon. This includes such things as not automatically unequipping and remembering auto-attack preferences.

A similar issue happens to turrets that are deployed for longer than ~16 1/2 minutes. The ability will revert to the “build turret” mode, even though the turret will not itself despawn and remains active. This results in an interesting scenario where you will have the turret deployed and functional, cannot use it’s special ability, however the toolbelt skill is now active again and useable.

BUG - Kits unequip & turret ability lost after X minutes

in Engineer

Posted by: Majic.4801


I can’t really speak to the other issues, but I’m also seeing kits spontaneously unequip themselves, whether sitting idle, in combat, or simply running across the landscape.

I haven’t specifically timed it, but six minutes seems about right. I’m not seeing this on the list of bugs, but it’s definitely a bug.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

BUG - Kits unequip & turret ability lost after X minutes

in Engineer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


In the case of turrets, I’ve found that deploying it again actually works (the old one dies), so unless you’ve gone far away it’s not too bad – just place it and activate its power.

It’s more annoying with kits though. I’ve even had some enemies (jotuns?) hit me and make the kit turn off. On a similar note, it’s impossible to put away the medkit by pressing the medkit button again. Weird.